Monday, 6 February 2012

More Inmate Benefits

Did you know that there is a Federal EI program that allows Inmates to receive DOUBLE the benefits over regular applicants. That's DOUBLE. Your IN jail because you've victimized society. So, victim's and their families are being taxed so their ABUSER's can receive DOUBLE the EI benefits. This means criminals are to get paid by US to do their chosen, illegal, activity. The Lyberals and NDP say don't revoke these benefits 'cuz this action will prevent them from assimilating into society. There already are many other Gov't programs for these people to access, we don't need to INSULT the many VICTIM's of the crimes by paying the criminals to do their deeds.
This is just MORE Lyberal past policy that looked at looking after the criminals and not caring about the victim's of crime. Trudeau (yech!) instituted this skewed focus in 1971, when the then Justice Minister told Canadians that the Gov'ts focus would be on the criminal, not the victim. - Yeah, thanks for comin' out.
Don't do the crime, if your not prepared to do the time AND punishment.


  1. One of the greatest challenges prisoners face on being released from prison – and since we don’t give life-sentences for everything in Canada most prisoners are going to be released at some point – is the prospect of finding work and re-entering society in a positive way. We can debate the specifics, but being an ex-con can’t look good on a resume, so giving someone who’s coming out of prison some extra time to find a job, while they’re on parole and seeing a parole officer regularly, seems pretty reasonable to me. And it’s not for the sake of the prisoner that this is done, but for the sake of victims.

    The best way to reduce crime in Canada is to have fewer criminals, so the more we can do to turn criminals into productive members of society the better. Making life hard for criminals does nothing for their past victims, but helping them get on with life in a productive way will do a great deal for their future victims.

    But, you may ask, if we give special benefits to prisoners and ex-cons, won’t people just commit crimes so they can be arrested, and go to a cushy prison, and get all this neat stuff? No, probably not.

    John, you talk like someone who’s never had anyone they care about in prison. You really should connect to Mustard Seed church and one of their prison ministries and get to know a few prisoners. It’s an eye-opening experience. "Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For ... I was in prison and you came to visit me.' (Matt 25:34-36)

    1. Dan - There are programs in Prisons that prisoners can access. Perhaps there needs to be more. Why wait 'till they are out? Very often early parole is extended and this action is very unfair to all victim's of crime. I don't believe that victim's or their families are consulted about the form that the release may take. I'm sure they're just told how and when it'll take place. Back in 1971, Trudeau's gov't said the focus would now be on the offender and not the victim. That's why I say that victim's have no say in what form the release will entail.
      I agree the best way to reduce crime is to have fewer criminals. Turning them into productive members is good. But, there are too many of these types of prison programs that have good intentions but really aren't showing the desired results. Prisoners continue to reoffend, creating a vicious circle of dependency.
      To suggest that I should become involved in The Mustard Seed (which I have done in the past) or get to know a few prisoners, is, well, I don't believe is the right path for me to take. Canada has now, finally, taken some real steps in reducing crime and supporting victim's by putting them first, NOT the crimminal.
      I understand the verses, but these versus do not advocate abandoning God's principle when dealing with those who "cross the line". The offenders of any crime need to be judged for their crime in a fair manner, but, not at the expense of society.
