Monday, 21 May 2012
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Does the Koran Promote Peace and Cooperation?
Although many try to explain away much of the militant teaching
of the Koran, a straightforward interpretation of the following sampling
of verses plainly demonstrates Islam's views toward non-Muslims,
including authorizing jihad - holy wars - against them.
A Koran bearing an ornate cover.
Source: Wikimedia
All are quoted from the Dawood translation of the Koran.
• "Fight against them until idolatry [worship of any god other than Allah] is no more and [Allah's] religion [Islam] reigns supreme" (Sura 2:193).
• "Let those who would exchange the life of this world for the hereafter, fight for the cause of [Allah]; whoever fights for the cause of [Allah], whether he dies or triumphs, on him we shall bestow a rich recompense . . . The true believers fight for the cause of [Allah], but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan" (Sura 4:74-76).
• "Those that make war against Allah and His apostle [Muhammad] and spread disorder in the land shall be slain or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land. They shall be held up to shame in this world and sternly punished in the hereafter" (Sura 5:33).
• "Believers, take neither Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship becomes one of their number. [Allah] does not guide the wrongdoers" (Sura 5:51).
• "[Allah] revealed His will to the angels, saying: 'I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers!' That was because they defied [Allah] and His apostle [Muhammad]. He that defies [Allah] and His apostle shall be sternly punished by [Allah]" (Sura 8:12-13).
• "[Allah] will separate the wicked from the just. He will heap all the wicked [i.e. non-Muslims] one upon another and cast them into Hell. These will surely be the losers" (Sura 8:37).
• "Let not the unbelievers [non-Muslims] think that they will ever get away. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of [Allah] and your enemy, and others besides them who are unknown to you but known to [Allah]" (Sura 8:59-60).
• "Prophet, rouse the faithful to arms. If there are twenty steadfast men among you, they shall vanquish two hundred; and if there are a hundred, they shall rout a thousand unbelievers, for they are devoid of understanding" (Sura 8:65).
• "A prophet may not take captives until he has fought and triumphed in the land" (Sura 8:67).
• "Make war on them. [Allah] will chastise them at your hands and humble them" (Sura 9:14).
• "Believers, why is it that when you are told: 'March in the cause of [Allah],' you linger slothfully in the land? Are you content with this life in preference to the life to come? Few indeed are the blessings of this life, compared with those of the life to come. If you do not go to war, He will punish you sternly, and will replace you by other men . . . March on and fight for the cause of [Allah], with your wealth and with your persons" (Sura 9:38-41).
• "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate" (Sura 9:73).
• "They [faithful Muslims] will fight for the cause of [Allah], they will slay and be slain" (Sura 9:111).
• "Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that [Allah] is with the righteous" (Sura 9:123).
• "When We resolve to raze a city, We first give warning to those of its people who live in comfort. If they persist in sin, judgment is irrevocably passed, and We destroy it utterly" (Sura 17:16).
• "We have destroyed many a sinful nation and replaced them by other men. And when they felt Our might they took to their heels and fled. They were told: 'Do not run away. Return to your comforts and to your dwellings. You shall be questioned all.' 'Woe betide us, we have done wrong' was their reply. And this they kept repeating until We mowed them down and put out their light" (Sura 21:11-15).
• "When you meet the unbelievers on the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Then grant them their freedom or take a ransom from them, until war shall lay down her burdens" (Sura 47:4).
• "Mohammed is [Allah's] apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" (Sura 48:29).
• "It is He [Allah] who has sent forth His apostle [Muhammad] with guidance and the True Faith [Islam], so that he may exalt it above all religions, much as the idolaters [those who worship gods other than Allah] may dislike it" (Sura 61:9).
The U.N., NDP, Lieberal's, Greenpeace, David Suzuki, Aboriginals (officially), Human Rights Tribunals, Universities (most of them), big Unions, the E.U. (most member nations), all Communistic regimes, the good 'ol US of A including his highness Barak Obama and MANY more organisations and individuals support Islam with ALL it's warts (including its extremist terrorists). The CIA has just arrested a group sponsored by Iran, that was looking at various locations in New York City to bomb. THIS is a religion of peace? Sure it is.
Friday, 11 May 2012
Mulcair Knows Nothing About Economic Issues - What A Ridiculous Conclusion He Makes
In his Saturday appearance on the CBC radio program The House, NDP leader Thomas Mulcair rolled out shopworn arguments about how the oilsands are inflicting unreasonable costs on other parts of the country. Although he piously maintained he is not opposed to oilsands development and is not trying to inflame regional conflict, he then went on to do both.
Like King Canute, Mulcair is demanding that the tides of global economic change be rolled back. Canute, however, was trying to demonstrate to his countrymen the limits of human power, whereas Mulcair is trying to restore the Canadian economy of the past.
To be fair, the value of the Canadian dollar has been driven upwards by resource prosperity in the West, and this has further complicated life for a manufacturing sector already struggling with low productivity, soft U.S. markets and increasing global competition.
It may also be true that up to 500,000 good-paying manufacturing jobs have been lost in recent years, although Mulcair fails to mention the good-paying jobs that have been created in the West. However, will his proposed cure leave Canada better off?
In the past we used tariffs to protect Canadian manufacturers from competition, but in the era of NAFTA and global free trade initiatives, tariff protection is no longer available. Thus Mulcair turns instead to the possible salvation of a low Canadian dollar.
Here he refers to the Canadian dollar being kept “artificially high” by the oilsands. But why are highly paid jobs in the resource sector and eager foreign investment any more “artificial” than manufacturing jobs protected by a low exchange rate? Why is a high dollar artificial but a low dollar natural?
Given that the value of the Canadian dollar now floats, the only way to weaken the dollar is to choke off investment, production and employment in the parts of the economy responsible for the high Canadian dollar.
In other words, curtail economic growth in the West and drive down the value of the Canadian dollar to the point where manufacturing jobs in other parts of the country will be protected from global competition.
This proposed regional redistribution of economic opportunity is draped in the flag of environmental stewardship. But, when Mulcair asserts that “polluters must pay,” his indignation is directed only toward the oilsands — not to the consumers of petroleum products, not to Montreal or Toronto commuters. His own constituents are conveniently let off the hook.
Mulcair tops his recipe for economic mayhem by referring to the “Dutch disease” whereby the manufacturing sector in the Netherlands was hurt in the early 1970s by currency inflation brought about by an over-reliance on natural gas revenues. However, this appeal to international validation ignores the fact that the Netherlands is doing just fine today, and additionally, is a country spared the regional divisions that shape the Canadian economy.
The economic prescription advanced by Mulcair is both simple and potentially disastrous: curtail economic growth in the West and assume that a lower Canadian dollar will result, which will protect the manufacturing sector from global competition and soft American demand. It is impossible to imagine a more ill-advised policy prescription for the West and for Canada.
Roger Gibbins is the president and CEO of the Canada West Foundation.
Like King Canute, Mulcair is demanding that the tides of global economic change be rolled back. Canute, however, was trying to demonstrate to his countrymen the limits of human power, whereas Mulcair is trying to restore the Canadian economy of the past.
To be fair, the value of the Canadian dollar has been driven upwards by resource prosperity in the West, and this has further complicated life for a manufacturing sector already struggling with low productivity, soft U.S. markets and increasing global competition.
It may also be true that up to 500,000 good-paying manufacturing jobs have been lost in recent years, although Mulcair fails to mention the good-paying jobs that have been created in the West. However, will his proposed cure leave Canada better off?
In the past we used tariffs to protect Canadian manufacturers from competition, but in the era of NAFTA and global free trade initiatives, tariff protection is no longer available. Thus Mulcair turns instead to the possible salvation of a low Canadian dollar.
Here he refers to the Canadian dollar being kept “artificially high” by the oilsands. But why are highly paid jobs in the resource sector and eager foreign investment any more “artificial” than manufacturing jobs protected by a low exchange rate? Why is a high dollar artificial but a low dollar natural?
Given that the value of the Canadian dollar now floats, the only way to weaken the dollar is to choke off investment, production and employment in the parts of the economy responsible for the high Canadian dollar.
In other words, curtail economic growth in the West and drive down the value of the Canadian dollar to the point where manufacturing jobs in other parts of the country will be protected from global competition.
This proposed regional redistribution of economic opportunity is draped in the flag of environmental stewardship. But, when Mulcair asserts that “polluters must pay,” his indignation is directed only toward the oilsands — not to the consumers of petroleum products, not to Montreal or Toronto commuters. His own constituents are conveniently let off the hook.
Mulcair tops his recipe for economic mayhem by referring to the “Dutch disease” whereby the manufacturing sector in the Netherlands was hurt in the early 1970s by currency inflation brought about by an over-reliance on natural gas revenues. However, this appeal to international validation ignores the fact that the Netherlands is doing just fine today, and additionally, is a country spared the regional divisions that shape the Canadian economy.
The economic prescription advanced by Mulcair is both simple and potentially disastrous: curtail economic growth in the West and assume that a lower Canadian dollar will result, which will protect the manufacturing sector from global competition and soft American demand. It is impossible to imagine a more ill-advised policy prescription for the West and for Canada.
Roger Gibbins is the president and CEO of the Canada West Foundation.
© Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Welcome Back Gift For Omar.
Sun news network puts together a welcome back gift for convicted terrorist Omar Khadr. This is a good one!
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
The European Union Financial Crisis
The European Union has been going through a major test of its viability
with the Greek debt crisis. At stake is the viability of the entire EU
project as it presently exists. Without a full economic union it has
become clear that there is no true "union," and without a unified fiscal
policy controlled by a central authority the present debt problems of
the member states will inevitably continue.
Germany is by far the strongest economy within Europe. Its fiscal stability has been the guarantee behind the financial firewall that is keeping the fragile EU together. No other EU member state can begin to take on this role—and that is the unspoken problem and fear. No one desires to see the present German economic dominance to advance to another stage of control.
The crisis in Europe is still simmering. Greece has received a series of bailouts, not without pain. Spain, Italy and Austria have received credit downgrades. Democratically elected leaders have been replaced in some countries. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is being accused of leading Germany and Europe down the wrong path. What can be done?
Germany is the leading manager of this crisis, and in truth is the one country that is responsible for the current situation. Germany pushed hard for the single currency but, like all other EU members, did not want to give up sovereignty to another authority. The result was a single currency, the euro, without effective political union.
What some predicted more than 10 years ago has now come to pass—a massive debt crisis with no effective way to manage and remove it. One observer describes it as "a machine from hell." Many see a need for political union, but at the same time it's the most feared of solutions.
The Financial Times of London puts it this way: "The current crisis shows that Greeks, Germans and Italians do have one important thing in common—a deep aversion to ceding control of their national budgets. The result is that the euro is in a dangerous and unstable position. The actions that are being urged on Germany are unreasonable. But Germany's own solution—structural reform now, political union later—is unworkable" (Gideon Rachman, "Germany Faces a Machine From Hell," Feb. 14, 2012).
The fear of a strong Germany controlling the future of Greece or any insolvent European country immediately evokes words like "Auschwitz" or "Nazism." Behind the scenes, leaders are very worried about the outcome. The crisis simmers, waiting for a bold solution from somewhere.
As things stand, Germany is seemingly the only nation that can steer Europe back into calm and stable waters. Watch for some further crisis to appear and create the right conditions for a group of core nations to cede political and operational control to a power that can right the ship. It will come, and when it does it will reshape Europe and possibly the world scene.
An excerpt from Good News Magazine, May - June edition
Essentially, when the EU was formed, countries that already showed a propensity to spend more than they brought in (sounds familiar, something like what would happen to Canada if the NDP ever got into power as they know NOTHING, or are REALISTIC about real world economics. Sorry, I got carried away.) Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece and other countries had, at the time, were paying 14% on their loans. So, when they were given the opportunity to become part of the European Union, their interest rate dropped to 4%. Countries jumped at this, BUT, continued their undisciplined spending ways.
Now, the citizens are upset with austerity, which really is what is THE solution to the problem. Greece and France have voted in Socialist governments with the promise of a better, more prosperous way of life. The problem is, the day after the euphoria of electing a new gov't the financial problems still exist and reality sets in (again). These new gov'ts can't do for their citizen's as promised and the treadmill continues, except now, they have a larger debt to pay due to the costs from the election.
The public are looking for a boost in their respective economies and they foolishly think that by changing the gov't, that will, overnight, create enough optimism that new business'es will open and prosperity will come a knockin' for all. Ignorance of this dire economic situation, is bliss for all. It is very obvious that the economy of many of these affected, will have to get worse before they "get a grip" and reverse their misguided practise of grabbing the bull by the tail and instituting some real austerity measures. Unfortunately, the public will be severely and very negatively affected. Canada is not protected as our exports to Europe will experience a drop in demand, causing a rise in unemployment, especially in provinces that can least afford it.
Germany is by far the strongest economy within Europe. Its fiscal stability has been the guarantee behind the financial firewall that is keeping the fragile EU together. No other EU member state can begin to take on this role—and that is the unspoken problem and fear. No one desires to see the present German economic dominance to advance to another stage of control.
The crisis in Europe is still simmering. Greece has received a series of bailouts, not without pain. Spain, Italy and Austria have received credit downgrades. Democratically elected leaders have been replaced in some countries. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is being accused of leading Germany and Europe down the wrong path. What can be done?
Germany is the leading manager of this crisis, and in truth is the one country that is responsible for the current situation. Germany pushed hard for the single currency but, like all other EU members, did not want to give up sovereignty to another authority. The result was a single currency, the euro, without effective political union.
What some predicted more than 10 years ago has now come to pass—a massive debt crisis with no effective way to manage and remove it. One observer describes it as "a machine from hell." Many see a need for political union, but at the same time it's the most feared of solutions.
The Financial Times of London puts it this way: "The current crisis shows that Greeks, Germans and Italians do have one important thing in common—a deep aversion to ceding control of their national budgets. The result is that the euro is in a dangerous and unstable position. The actions that are being urged on Germany are unreasonable. But Germany's own solution—structural reform now, political union later—is unworkable" (Gideon Rachman, "Germany Faces a Machine From Hell," Feb. 14, 2012).
The fear of a strong Germany controlling the future of Greece or any insolvent European country immediately evokes words like "Auschwitz" or "Nazism." Behind the scenes, leaders are very worried about the outcome. The crisis simmers, waiting for a bold solution from somewhere.
As things stand, Germany is seemingly the only nation that can steer Europe back into calm and stable waters. Watch for some further crisis to appear and create the right conditions for a group of core nations to cede political and operational control to a power that can right the ship. It will come, and when it does it will reshape Europe and possibly the world scene.
An excerpt from Good News Magazine, May - June edition
Essentially, when the EU was formed, countries that already showed a propensity to spend more than they brought in (sounds familiar, something like what would happen to Canada if the NDP ever got into power as they know NOTHING, or are REALISTIC about real world economics. Sorry, I got carried away.) Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece and other countries had, at the time, were paying 14% on their loans. So, when they were given the opportunity to become part of the European Union, their interest rate dropped to 4%. Countries jumped at this, BUT, continued their undisciplined spending ways.
Now, the citizens are upset with austerity, which really is what is THE solution to the problem. Greece and France have voted in Socialist governments with the promise of a better, more prosperous way of life. The problem is, the day after the euphoria of electing a new gov't the financial problems still exist and reality sets in (again). These new gov'ts can't do for their citizen's as promised and the treadmill continues, except now, they have a larger debt to pay due to the costs from the election.
The public are looking for a boost in their respective economies and they foolishly think that by changing the gov't, that will, overnight, create enough optimism that new business'es will open and prosperity will come a knockin' for all. Ignorance of this dire economic situation, is bliss for all. It is very obvious that the economy of many of these affected, will have to get worse before they "get a grip" and reverse their misguided practise of grabbing the bull by the tail and instituting some real austerity measures. Unfortunately, the public will be severely and very negatively affected. Canada is not protected as our exports to Europe will experience a drop in demand, causing a rise in unemployment, especially in provinces that can least afford it.
Monday, 7 May 2012
Justin Trudeau, Mr. Teacher, Tells All How Student's Should Be Taught - NOT!
Teacher Trudeau – Can You Teach Me?
Here’s a fun fact for you: Justin Trudeau spent a little while teaching at a Vancouver high school before entering politics. He also has a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of British Columbia.
So he’s been on the frontlines of education before. He can honestly say he has experience in the field.
That may seem a little odd, based on his thoughts on how today’s teachers should approach the practice of education.
You’ve read about educators who forget to be educators, instead choosing to be armchair child psychologists, or mouthpieces of big labour, or – my personal favourite – “co-parents.”
But to Monsieur Trudeau, it’s a great new development when teachers don’t think about how to get the kids to do well in school.
Last week, Trudeau gave a lecture at Queen’s University to 31 student leaders from the Upper Canada District School Board. According to the press release, the purpose of the speech was to “talk about the importance of reminding students of their personal power and impact.”
He used the word “empower” a lot during his address. According to him, that’s supposed to be priority number one for today’s teachers.
What happened to priority number one being the act of teaching the material to the students? Apparently it’s not “diverse” enough.
Here’s the quote:
Trudeau said the hierarchical model of success that existed for so long in western society – the idea that academic success means success as an adult – must be altered.
“The kinds of success we’re looking at now are going to be as diverse as the students themselves are,” he said. “As a teacher, you must demonstrate that these students have power.”
What does THAT mean? That you don’t have to do well in school because you’re already “powerful?” That anyone’s idea of success is valid if they say so? Folks, this is what we talk about when we’re talking about an entitled generation.
I have no doubt that plenty of Canadian kids were raised to believe in hard work, individual effort, the value of a good education and a good career, and live those beliefs to this day.
But there are also plenty of Canadian kids who never learned to take responsibility for themselves and expect everyone else – school staff, parents, employers, the government – to do it for them.
Trudeau isn’t talking about “empowering” kids. He’s talking about coddling them. Can’t read or do math at a college level by the time you finish high school? Hey, no problem! You’re so special that it doesn’t matter!
And so-called “student leaders” are the ones hearing this. How many of them will buy it? How many of them will repeat it to their fellow students?
I wish there were more voices of responsibility reaching out to our kids. Instead we get a prime minister’s son and left-wing media darling who has always believed that he fell off the special tree and didn’t miss a branch on the way down.
Here’s a fun fact for you: Justin Trudeau spent a little while teaching at a Vancouver high school before entering politics. He also has a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of British Columbia.
So he’s been on the frontlines of education before. He can honestly say he has experience in the field.
That may seem a little odd, based on his thoughts on how today’s teachers should approach the practice of education.
You’ve read about educators who forget to be educators, instead choosing to be armchair child psychologists, or mouthpieces of big labour, or – my personal favourite – “co-parents.”
But to Monsieur Trudeau, it’s a great new development when teachers don’t think about how to get the kids to do well in school.
Last week, Trudeau gave a lecture at Queen’s University to 31 student leaders from the Upper Canada District School Board. According to the press release, the purpose of the speech was to “talk about the importance of reminding students of their personal power and impact.”
He used the word “empower” a lot during his address. According to him, that’s supposed to be priority number one for today’s teachers.
What happened to priority number one being the act of teaching the material to the students? Apparently it’s not “diverse” enough.
Here’s the quote:
Trudeau said the hierarchical model of success that existed for so long in western society – the idea that academic success means success as an adult – must be altered.
“The kinds of success we’re looking at now are going to be as diverse as the students themselves are,” he said. “As a teacher, you must demonstrate that these students have power.”
What does THAT mean? That you don’t have to do well in school because you’re already “powerful?” That anyone’s idea of success is valid if they say so? Folks, this is what we talk about when we’re talking about an entitled generation.
I have no doubt that plenty of Canadian kids were raised to believe in hard work, individual effort, the value of a good education and a good career, and live those beliefs to this day.
But there are also plenty of Canadian kids who never learned to take responsibility for themselves and expect everyone else – school staff, parents, employers, the government – to do it for them.
Trudeau isn’t talking about “empowering” kids. He’s talking about coddling them. Can’t read or do math at a college level by the time you finish high school? Hey, no problem! You’re so special that it doesn’t matter!
And so-called “student leaders” are the ones hearing this. How many of them will buy it? How many of them will repeat it to their fellow students?
I wish there were more voices of responsibility reaching out to our kids. Instead we get a prime minister’s son and left-wing media darling who has always believed that he fell off the special tree and didn’t miss a branch on the way down.
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Occupy, Another Hypocritical Ad
like to know what these so called "subsidies" are. If anything, most of
the profits these supposed "terrible, evil,etc, etc," oil companies
earn is done through their EMPLOYMENT of tens of thousands of people
that PAY thousands in taxes in order for
all, including these lazy Occupy protestors, to benefit greatly, from
various govt's to maintain our infrastructure. Oh yeah, I'm sure these
same protestors use Blackberry's, Iphones, Laptops, etc., that are all
put together using OIL BASED technology. More hypocrisy by these
protestors that milk the system that GREATLY BENEFITS from "Big Oil"
profits. Besides, whats wrong with them making a profit? We are closing
public schools (and to equate oil company profits with closing schools
is a silly argument as one is PRIVATE sector and the other is PUBLIC) to
make the system more efficient, thereby monies (our tax dollars, but
then protestors of this same mind think its okay if there are
inefficiences, we can just pay more in taxes) can be distributed
elsewhere. These protests are useless and only incur a huge inconvenience for Cities by costing thousands in cleanup costs. You will find that quite a few of these people are students and WHO PAYS their tuition? Is it Mummy and Daddy? Are these same working? Are some (most) receiving gov't money (us) to live? More craziness from the Left.
I'm actually looking for some common sense here, with Occupy and many, many others, for ex. the NDP or the Lieberals or Greenpeace or ANY Union, common sense is not so common.
I'm actually looking for some common sense here, with Occupy and many, many others, for ex. the NDP or the Lieberals or Greenpeace or ANY Union, common sense is not so common.
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Canada's GDP Leads G7
The ONLY reason for this is ALBERTA's (not Canadian owned) Oilsands. As many astute people know, except the NDP won't acknowledge this, almost EVERY region in Canada, especially provinces that hate the 'Sands, like Ont. (?) and Que.(?) benefit economically. Our GDP will grow higher as soon as The Gateway pipeline gets started (and it will, no matter WHAT the objections are) AND the Keystone Pipeline too! Good thing Harper and Joe Oliver are there to clear the way (much to environMENTALists chagrin) for the 'Sands to expand and then to benefit Canada's economy. If the Lieberals or, God forbid, the NDP, were in, ANY pipeline would be so caught up in red tape with enviro studies that it would be YEARS 'till ANY meaningful progress would be made!
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Alta. PC's Illfated Win, That Will Restrict Alta's Economy
The Wildrose did receive a lot of support in Calgary but only managed to win two seats. 35% of knowledgeable voters voted for the WRP. I don't understand why Calgarians didn't put more support behind the WR. My take is that in four yrs. our provincial government will have put Alta. in so much debt that REDford's Tories will need to raise taxes (maybe a sales tax?) in order to pay for all these socialist programs. I predict that the PC's will drop in popularity quite bit over the next few years that the WRP will be FINALLY voted in to straighten out the mess created by the left-leaning "progressive" conservatives (in name only). REDford tells us she's known Harper since she was in her teens, as if to say that she'll have a good working relationship with him. Listen lady, your either for his policies or against him, there's not a lot of room here for your socialist views. It'll be interesting to see how this relationship will play itself out.
Over time, the voters will be scrutinizing the PC's more now than at any other time as (hopefully) I believe, Redford's PC's will display how their allegiance to their regressive and restrictive policies will really negatively affect Alberta. One of their views is they don't like private schools. In their view, there should only be the Seperate and Public school boards and all student's should go to either one of the two. This smacks of the Nanny state telling us what is best for all. REDford also wants to create a National Energy Policy. Hmm, sounds to me this has been done before....ruining, and destroying jobs and Alberta's economy. I'm sure this time there won't be the same results but, Alberta's energy will be "dumbed down" in order to appease the rest of Canada. The Oilsands is really Alberta's resource that benefits Canada NOT the other way around which I believe is what will happen through REDford's implementation of her own version of this new version of dreaded N.E.P.
REDford has put her support, using OUR money, to provide big Unions including the teachers and gov't employees with gold plated contracts. Before the election, Unions phoned their members that they would have to vote for the PC's to save their jobs. Combine this scare tactic with Lieberal votes going to the PC's and many voters being scared of much of Wildrose's (realistic) policies, then you have this result. Fortunately, Danielle will have 16 MLA's going with her to hold REDford's PC's feet to the fire showing Albertan's and the rest of Canada how foolish most of her policies really are. Of course only those who have wisdom and discernment will see the folly of the Alberta PC's reckless abandonment of real conservative measures.
Over time, the voters will be scrutinizing the PC's more now than at any other time as (hopefully) I believe, Redford's PC's will display how their allegiance to their regressive and restrictive policies will really negatively affect Alberta. One of their views is they don't like private schools. In their view, there should only be the Seperate and Public school boards and all student's should go to either one of the two. This smacks of the Nanny state telling us what is best for all. REDford also wants to create a National Energy Policy. Hmm, sounds to me this has been done before....ruining, and destroying jobs and Alberta's economy. I'm sure this time there won't be the same results but, Alberta's energy will be "dumbed down" in order to appease the rest of Canada. The Oilsands is really Alberta's resource that benefits Canada NOT the other way around which I believe is what will happen through REDford's implementation of her own version of this new version of dreaded N.E.P.
REDford has put her support, using OUR money, to provide big Unions including the teachers and gov't employees with gold plated contracts. Before the election, Unions phoned their members that they would have to vote for the PC's to save their jobs. Combine this scare tactic with Lieberal votes going to the PC's and many voters being scared of much of Wildrose's (realistic) policies, then you have this result. Fortunately, Danielle will have 16 MLA's going with her to hold REDford's PC's feet to the fire showing Albertan's and the rest of Canada how foolish most of her policies really are. Of course only those who have wisdom and discernment will see the folly of the Alberta PC's reckless abandonment of real conservative measures.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Voter's Forgive PC Fiscal Mismanagement And Encourage PC Entitlement
Its disappointing to see last night's election results. All through the campaign, Wildrose was polling to form the next gov't. None of the cities voted for more Wildrose than the PC's. Only in the rural areas, and not all of them either, voted to change to the Wildrose. Danielle, thankfully, won her seat.
So, then, I guess Albertan's are okay with MLA's earning at least $1000 per month for being on committees that never meet. Or, a gov't that has a recurring deficit - 3 Billion for this year alone. How does a gov't run a deficit when oil is at $100 a barrel? Quebec is happy because they'll continue to receive around $7 Billion per year from Alta to fund their $7 per day daycare and to help Quebec Universities to keep tuitions at the lowest rate in Canada. The CBC, The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, big Unions and the rest of Canada are all happy because Alberta voters have decided to stay with the status quo and for us to continue to hand out our money.
The Wildrose would have dealt more realistically with fiscal restraints due to the uncertainty of the global economy. But, Alberta voters have chosen to forego all fiscal restraint and forgive the PC's arrogance in acting as if they are entitled to their many abuses of tax payer dollars. In the future, I'm sure that Alberta PC's will institute a sales tax in order to service the recurring gov't debt.
Its a sad day for Alberta, but not for those that voted for the PC's because they're happy just to put their head in the sand and act as though everything is just fine. Alberta could have been better, much better, but now, when Wildrose is finally elected it will be when Alberta's debt is out of control and Wildrose will be needed to step in to straighten out the mess created by the PC's and their head in the sand supporters.
So, then, I guess Albertan's are okay with MLA's earning at least $1000 per month for being on committees that never meet. Or, a gov't that has a recurring deficit - 3 Billion for this year alone. How does a gov't run a deficit when oil is at $100 a barrel? Quebec is happy because they'll continue to receive around $7 Billion per year from Alta to fund their $7 per day daycare and to help Quebec Universities to keep tuitions at the lowest rate in Canada. The CBC, The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, big Unions and the rest of Canada are all happy because Alberta voters have decided to stay with the status quo and for us to continue to hand out our money.
The Wildrose would have dealt more realistically with fiscal restraints due to the uncertainty of the global economy. But, Alberta voters have chosen to forego all fiscal restraint and forgive the PC's arrogance in acting as if they are entitled to their many abuses of tax payer dollars. In the future, I'm sure that Alberta PC's will institute a sales tax in order to service the recurring gov't debt.
Its a sad day for Alberta, but not for those that voted for the PC's because they're happy just to put their head in the sand and act as though everything is just fine. Alberta could have been better, much better, but now, when Wildrose is finally elected it will be when Alberta's debt is out of control and Wildrose will be needed to step in to straighten out the mess created by the PC's and their head in the sand supporters.
Friday, 20 April 2012
Omar Khadr - This Guy Should NOT Be Allowed To Come Back To Comfortable And Embraceable Canada
From Charles Adler
(This essay was originally posted on November 4, 2010.)
I don't have to introduce myself to you. You know me as well as any of the citizens of Adler Nation. And you've read and heard my thoughts about the things that matter to me and why they matter. You would be the last person on earth to be surprised that I am disappointed in the extreme decision that you've made on Omar Khadr, someone who unfortunately was born in this country to a mom who has done nothing over the years but insult everything you and I both stand for. When Oh Canada is played at those hockey games we love to watch, our hearts pound like a drum and our blood runs hot. But as you know, the Maple Leaf that fuels our furnace gives hers an arctic chill. She is a Canadian by convenience.
She unwillingly abandoned her land for this land because her husband wanted to freeload from here in order to support their wretched cause, which is NUKE Western civilization as we know it, to plunge the world into the darkness of some tortured brutal version of an eastern religion so brutal that men are afraid to shave, women are afraid to show their faces, a place where there is no music, no dance, no trace of Judaeo Chistian values, no rule of law, not our kind of law that they are now using to blindfold us…The Khadrs fondest fantasy is a world which moves from Oh Canada to NO Canada. That was and still is remorselessly their Cause. The Khadrs took Baby Omar out of this country when he was just a baby, feeling nothing but contempt for our flag and our values. They joined up with the dark side in Afghanistan, befriended the Mass Murderer Bin Laden and his ilk. Their primary interest over there was not to help the people of Afghanistan who 152 Canadian Forces members have died for. Her family was there trying to kill as many of our allies as possible and don't kid yourself for one moment. The Khadrs would have been only too happy to kill as many Canadian soldiers as possible. None would have been spared, a bullet, a grenade or a knife. Poor, poor Omar who deprived one unarmed medic of his life and deprived another soldier of his eye, has complained to his government-paid lawyer that the Americans who revived his murderous body, deprived him of sleep. How much sleep has he deprived the widow of Sgt Speer and her kids? Many more hours of sleep. He deprived a husband and a father of his life. And now he counts on Canadians to get weepy for his story and sleepy while he raids our treasure in the name of the Rule of Law, a law their cause would happily blow up. Blowing things up is what pleasures them the most. And their fondest desire would be to blow us all up. Every time one of those road side explosives that Omar used to assemble blows up a Canadian soldier, a Canadian family grieves. But the Khadr family celebrates.
Prime Minister, I don't know because you've never shared with me whether you have tried to hold your nose and purchase this foul smelling dead rat of an argument that Omar was just a child victimized by his father, not really doing what he was doing because he wanted to, just a child soldier. The U-N says so and the Canadian Supreme Court has rubber stamped it so. I and millions of other Canadians say, “So what?” We don't need a bunch of hooligans on expense accounts at the United Nations or a small gathering of lawyered-up lawyers in Robes and Ermine to tell us the difference between a thug and a child, between a young man who is doing something not of his own volition and one like Khadr making and planting bombs enthusiastically.
We know what child soldiers are. We know about all those families in Africa where mothers are raped and fathers are torn from limb to limb, hacked to death and their little girls are murdered and their little boys are kidnapped, ripped out of the arms of their fathers and mothers and taken away to be turned into murderous monsters performing the same ugly deeds that their captors have performed. And we know that in many cases, governments represented by the United Nations not only condone but actively participate in helping this kind of activity. These same governments wish to judge us on how we treat Omar Khadr? Are we supposed to have our values informed by these barbarians? What does that make us? Groucho Marx once said I never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member. It's considered a classic laugh line. Prime Minister, there is nobody on this side of the microphone laughing at the idea that my prime minister is taking seriously the judgment of that club of bottom feeders which I would happily see dismembered. Writing cheques every year. They cash millions of dollars every year. Hard earned Canadian Tax Dollars. To some in this country that's the price of membership in the international community. On the Canadian streets I played road hockey on, when some of our dads had to pay protection money to protect their little businesses from being ripped off or burned down, we called it Extortion. We didn't respect the goons running the racket. But we understood the consequences. And now these goons who run the United Nations tell the greatest country on earth that we have a solemn moral duty to rehab Omar Khadr. We Canadians don't take our moral cues from an organization that buried its moral compass in the jungles of Rwanda, that shot up its moral compass in the mountains of Yugoslavia, that defecates daily on its moral compass in Darfur.
But it's not just the United Nations that tries to sell our citizens on the fairy tale of Poor Poor Omar Child Soldier. There's also that other high priestess of Morality. Heather Mallick, part of that same crowd that trashes you Prime Minister at every opportunity, the ones who like to say behind your back that you're just a front man for right wing rubes, people with little education, born again Christians, and Holocaust Deniers. Yes, her moral highness who highly approves of your decision to allow Omar Khadr back into this country wrote this in recent days about the trial:
The last time the name “Speer” and “war crimes” shared the same courtroom was in Nuremberg in 1946. Then it was Albert Speer on trial for being awfully good at running the Nazi war machine that killed tens of millions.
That's Heather Mallick, Prime Minister, exploiting the good name of a good man destroyed by Omar Khadr, exploited the good name of Sgt Christopher Speer, a victim of a war crime as a device to introduce the name of a War Criminal who was one of the Architects of the Nazi War Machine that killed tens of thousands of Canadian servicemen. You have visited some of their graves in France, Prime Minister. You have walked on those beaches in Northern France where good Canadian kids bled and died for Heather Mallick's right to introduce the name of a monstrous war criminal in order to diminish the death of a victim of a war crime, in order to compare our allies to the Nazis and to the Taliban and she is in favour of your decision Prime Minister. I am not trying to convict you of Guilt by Association. I am asking you as a Canadian citizen to please make decisions that have the ring of moral justice for the victims of Khadr and not his fan club. Prime Minister, I don't want to end this letter on a sour note, and not because I want to be kind. But because I don't want to be ungrateful for the many good things that you have done especially for our forces. So I want to attach to this letter another letter written to me a few weeks ago by a citizen of Adler Nation, Rob Cullen, a police officer in York Region.
Last night, while working in my usual role as a police platoon sergeant, we were called to a VSA . . . vital signs absent, in the basement apartment of a house just north of Keswick.
The victim was 78 years old. A retired firefighter, he had served from 1959 to 1989 with the North York Fire Department. It no longer exists, having been enveloped by the Toronto Fire Department. The victim had succumbed to a heart attack.
His small basement apartment was very tidy. Upon the walls were tons of framed photos. Pieces of history from 1940s and ’50s baseball, hockey, entertainers, and horse racing. Certificates of gratitude from the North York Fire Department, the City of Toronto, and the pigeon racing club he belonged to after he retired. He had a very organized collection of 78 rpm records from the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s. Tommy Dorsey, Duke Ellington, Ella, Fats Waller . . . and he had the turntables to play them. The last album he played was Frank Sinatra.
He was very well read. Books of history lined his bookshelves, with an emphasis on Ontario and especially Toronto history. His specialty was the Avro Arrow . . . the huge limited framed edition print on his bedroom wall reflected his interest. Maybe sometime, somewhere, he saw the world’s greatest plane fly. He was a huge supporter of our troops. An article from the Toronto Sun about the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion sat on his desk. Pictures of cops and firefighters were found here and there.
But as we found out, he had no next-of-kin. As the sergeant, it was my job to notify them. I had no one to visit, no one to see. No nieces or nephews, no sons or daughters. He was truly alone.
Satisfied with what I had seen, I left the detectives and constable on scene to await the coroner, and have the body removed to its final rest. As I walked down the driveway, the constable followed me out and said, “Hey Sarge, wait up! Can I ask you something?”
“Sure. Whatdya need?”
“Sarge, they’re gonna carry this guy out in a plastic bag. All the neighbours are watching. He was a firefighter for 30 years. Sarge he’s got no one . . . we can’t let him go like that. Can you find us a Canadian flag, so that when they take him out of the house, we can lay it on the gurney when they roll him to the hearse?”
7:30 on a Tuesday night. Where to find a flag? . . . Yup, the Dollar Store. The only thing open and, sure enough, they had one. Contrary to popular opinion, not everything at the dollar store costs one dollar. At this point, the cost was not really an issue. I bought the flag, and took it back to the scene.
The coroner released the body, and firefighter Robert Wilson was brought up from his apartment. Before he left the door, the flag was draped in its full glory across him, to honour the life of a man who was willing to give it at any time. For the 50 feet it took to take him to the removal vehicle, the neighbours watched in silent respect. The people from the funeral home tucked the flag secure and removed it with him. I expect it will be buried with him, too.
For a short time, the time it takes to walk a body 50 feet, he wasn’t alone. He was a firefighter, a hero. He was a Canadian. All it took was a flag to show it.
Maybe it’s time we find our heroes before their only honour comes from a dollar store.
Signed Rob Cullen
Thank you for reading this Prime Minister. God Bless you, Laureen and your children, and God Bless Canada.
(This essay was originally posted on November 4, 2010.)
I don't have to introduce myself to you. You know me as well as any of the citizens of Adler Nation. And you've read and heard my thoughts about the things that matter to me and why they matter. You would be the last person on earth to be surprised that I am disappointed in the extreme decision that you've made on Omar Khadr, someone who unfortunately was born in this country to a mom who has done nothing over the years but insult everything you and I both stand for. When Oh Canada is played at those hockey games we love to watch, our hearts pound like a drum and our blood runs hot. But as you know, the Maple Leaf that fuels our furnace gives hers an arctic chill. She is a Canadian by convenience.
She unwillingly abandoned her land for this land because her husband wanted to freeload from here in order to support their wretched cause, which is NUKE Western civilization as we know it, to plunge the world into the darkness of some tortured brutal version of an eastern religion so brutal that men are afraid to shave, women are afraid to show their faces, a place where there is no music, no dance, no trace of Judaeo Chistian values, no rule of law, not our kind of law that they are now using to blindfold us…The Khadrs fondest fantasy is a world which moves from Oh Canada to NO Canada. That was and still is remorselessly their Cause. The Khadrs took Baby Omar out of this country when he was just a baby, feeling nothing but contempt for our flag and our values. They joined up with the dark side in Afghanistan, befriended the Mass Murderer Bin Laden and his ilk. Their primary interest over there was not to help the people of Afghanistan who 152 Canadian Forces members have died for. Her family was there trying to kill as many of our allies as possible and don't kid yourself for one moment. The Khadrs would have been only too happy to kill as many Canadian soldiers as possible. None would have been spared, a bullet, a grenade or a knife. Poor, poor Omar who deprived one unarmed medic of his life and deprived another soldier of his eye, has complained to his government-paid lawyer that the Americans who revived his murderous body, deprived him of sleep. How much sleep has he deprived the widow of Sgt Speer and her kids? Many more hours of sleep. He deprived a husband and a father of his life. And now he counts on Canadians to get weepy for his story and sleepy while he raids our treasure in the name of the Rule of Law, a law their cause would happily blow up. Blowing things up is what pleasures them the most. And their fondest desire would be to blow us all up. Every time one of those road side explosives that Omar used to assemble blows up a Canadian soldier, a Canadian family grieves. But the Khadr family celebrates.
Prime Minister, I don't know because you've never shared with me whether you have tried to hold your nose and purchase this foul smelling dead rat of an argument that Omar was just a child victimized by his father, not really doing what he was doing because he wanted to, just a child soldier. The U-N says so and the Canadian Supreme Court has rubber stamped it so. I and millions of other Canadians say, “So what?” We don't need a bunch of hooligans on expense accounts at the United Nations or a small gathering of lawyered-up lawyers in Robes and Ermine to tell us the difference between a thug and a child, between a young man who is doing something not of his own volition and one like Khadr making and planting bombs enthusiastically.
We know what child soldiers are. We know about all those families in Africa where mothers are raped and fathers are torn from limb to limb, hacked to death and their little girls are murdered and their little boys are kidnapped, ripped out of the arms of their fathers and mothers and taken away to be turned into murderous monsters performing the same ugly deeds that their captors have performed. And we know that in many cases, governments represented by the United Nations not only condone but actively participate in helping this kind of activity. These same governments wish to judge us on how we treat Omar Khadr? Are we supposed to have our values informed by these barbarians? What does that make us? Groucho Marx once said I never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member. It's considered a classic laugh line. Prime Minister, there is nobody on this side of the microphone laughing at the idea that my prime minister is taking seriously the judgment of that club of bottom feeders which I would happily see dismembered. Writing cheques every year. They cash millions of dollars every year. Hard earned Canadian Tax Dollars. To some in this country that's the price of membership in the international community. On the Canadian streets I played road hockey on, when some of our dads had to pay protection money to protect their little businesses from being ripped off or burned down, we called it Extortion. We didn't respect the goons running the racket. But we understood the consequences. And now these goons who run the United Nations tell the greatest country on earth that we have a solemn moral duty to rehab Omar Khadr. We Canadians don't take our moral cues from an organization that buried its moral compass in the jungles of Rwanda, that shot up its moral compass in the mountains of Yugoslavia, that defecates daily on its moral compass in Darfur.
But it's not just the United Nations that tries to sell our citizens on the fairy tale of Poor Poor Omar Child Soldier. There's also that other high priestess of Morality. Heather Mallick, part of that same crowd that trashes you Prime Minister at every opportunity, the ones who like to say behind your back that you're just a front man for right wing rubes, people with little education, born again Christians, and Holocaust Deniers. Yes, her moral highness who highly approves of your decision to allow Omar Khadr back into this country wrote this in recent days about the trial:
The last time the name “Speer” and “war crimes” shared the same courtroom was in Nuremberg in 1946. Then it was Albert Speer on trial for being awfully good at running the Nazi war machine that killed tens of millions.
That's Heather Mallick, Prime Minister, exploiting the good name of a good man destroyed by Omar Khadr, exploited the good name of Sgt Christopher Speer, a victim of a war crime as a device to introduce the name of a War Criminal who was one of the Architects of the Nazi War Machine that killed tens of thousands of Canadian servicemen. You have visited some of their graves in France, Prime Minister. You have walked on those beaches in Northern France where good Canadian kids bled and died for Heather Mallick's right to introduce the name of a monstrous war criminal in order to diminish the death of a victim of a war crime, in order to compare our allies to the Nazis and to the Taliban and she is in favour of your decision Prime Minister. I am not trying to convict you of Guilt by Association. I am asking you as a Canadian citizen to please make decisions that have the ring of moral justice for the victims of Khadr and not his fan club. Prime Minister, I don't want to end this letter on a sour note, and not because I want to be kind. But because I don't want to be ungrateful for the many good things that you have done especially for our forces. So I want to attach to this letter another letter written to me a few weeks ago by a citizen of Adler Nation, Rob Cullen, a police officer in York Region.
Last night, while working in my usual role as a police platoon sergeant, we were called to a VSA . . . vital signs absent, in the basement apartment of a house just north of Keswick.
The victim was 78 years old. A retired firefighter, he had served from 1959 to 1989 with the North York Fire Department. It no longer exists, having been enveloped by the Toronto Fire Department. The victim had succumbed to a heart attack.
His small basement apartment was very tidy. Upon the walls were tons of framed photos. Pieces of history from 1940s and ’50s baseball, hockey, entertainers, and horse racing. Certificates of gratitude from the North York Fire Department, the City of Toronto, and the pigeon racing club he belonged to after he retired. He had a very organized collection of 78 rpm records from the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s. Tommy Dorsey, Duke Ellington, Ella, Fats Waller . . . and he had the turntables to play them. The last album he played was Frank Sinatra.
He was very well read. Books of history lined his bookshelves, with an emphasis on Ontario and especially Toronto history. His specialty was the Avro Arrow . . . the huge limited framed edition print on his bedroom wall reflected his interest. Maybe sometime, somewhere, he saw the world’s greatest plane fly. He was a huge supporter of our troops. An article from the Toronto Sun about the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion sat on his desk. Pictures of cops and firefighters were found here and there.
But as we found out, he had no next-of-kin. As the sergeant, it was my job to notify them. I had no one to visit, no one to see. No nieces or nephews, no sons or daughters. He was truly alone.
Satisfied with what I had seen, I left the detectives and constable on scene to await the coroner, and have the body removed to its final rest. As I walked down the driveway, the constable followed me out and said, “Hey Sarge, wait up! Can I ask you something?”
“Sure. Whatdya need?”
“Sarge, they’re gonna carry this guy out in a plastic bag. All the neighbours are watching. He was a firefighter for 30 years. Sarge he’s got no one . . . we can’t let him go like that. Can you find us a Canadian flag, so that when they take him out of the house, we can lay it on the gurney when they roll him to the hearse?”
7:30 on a Tuesday night. Where to find a flag? . . . Yup, the Dollar Store. The only thing open and, sure enough, they had one. Contrary to popular opinion, not everything at the dollar store costs one dollar. At this point, the cost was not really an issue. I bought the flag, and took it back to the scene.
The coroner released the body, and firefighter Robert Wilson was brought up from his apartment. Before he left the door, the flag was draped in its full glory across him, to honour the life of a man who was willing to give it at any time. For the 50 feet it took to take him to the removal vehicle, the neighbours watched in silent respect. The people from the funeral home tucked the flag secure and removed it with him. I expect it will be buried with him, too.
For a short time, the time it takes to walk a body 50 feet, he wasn’t alone. He was a firefighter, a hero. He was a Canadian. All it took was a flag to show it.
Maybe it’s time we find our heroes before their only honour comes from a dollar store.
Signed Rob Cullen
Prime Minister, I don't think you need Sgt Cullen to help you find your moral compass on the Khadr Decision. When it comes to Canadian values you don't need him or me to tell you that we are good country. But I just wanted to remind you on behalf of so many Canadians who contact me that We are a Firefighter Wilson country not an Omar Khadr country. Robert Wilson never sued the Canadian government for the service he provided lovingly and honourably. Omar Khadr is suing us for 10 million dollars and that's just the opening number. We should be trying him for treason, but he is playing us for chumps. Prime Minister, I ask you to put a torch to take Firefighter Wilson's hose and douse that Child Soldier fantasy and instead focus on Child Canadians, real Canadians who want to grow up in a land where they too can look at the same flag that drapes the boxes of our heroes and have the same feelings. The so-called Rule of Law in this country should never have become for the Khadrs what a fire hydrant is for dogs. And this country should never be used as an ATM for murderers and thieves. I don't claim to love this country any more than you do Prime Minister. But I am asking you for the love of Mike, on behalf of the Rob Cullens and the Firefighter Wilsons and so many others who have made so many sacrifices for this country, to please reverse your decision to open up our borders and our wallets one more time to the Khadr Family. Our beloved Canada, Prime Minister, is spelled C-A-N-A-D-A, not K-H-A-N-A-D-A. It's not their country Prime Minister. They've already taken too much.Thank you for reading this Prime Minister. God Bless you, Laureen and your children, and God Bless Canada.
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Preston Manning: Is It Time For A House Cleaning?
Preston Manning: Is it time for a house cleaning?
Albertans must decide how to wield broom at legislature
By Preston Manning, Edmonton Journal
April 19, 2012 6:32 AM
But the negative
attacks and historical inaccuracies that have characterized the
government's campaign in the last 10 days - so reminiscent of those that
were directed against Reform in the 1990s and against the budget
balancing efforts of Ralph Klein during the same period - have prompted
me to change my mind.
In particular I would like to redirect the attention of Albertans toward what I believe is the central question facing us Monday - whether the time has come for a wholesale spring housecleaning at the Alberta legislature.
For over 40 years that assembly has been dominated by one party - a party with many accomplishments to its credit, especially in years gone by. But over 40 years, governing parties, like old houses, age in ways that no amount of new paint or hasty renovation can hide.
Albertans must decide to what extent this aging process has affected the performance of the principal occupant of the provincial house. For example, has it been able to control spending, deficits and debt; to save and invest non-renewable resource revenues on a scale and at a rate sufficient to guarantee future prosperity; to fundamentally reform health care and reduce waiting times; to establish Alberta's reputation as an environmentally responsible energy producer on the national and international stage; and to inspire meaningful democratic participation in the public affairs of the province by the vast majority of its citizens?
Albertans must decide whether or not the principal occupant has forgotten to honour and uphold some of the most fundamental values Albertans hold dear - personal freedom and responsibility, the necessity of living within our means financially and ecologically, the importance of advancing one's interests through hard work and honest effort rather than through political connections and patronage handouts, and the willingness to help a neighbour in need without waiting for the state to do something.
Albertans must also decide whether or not the ethical standards of the principal occupant of the legislature are sufficient to guarantee its integrity. Are the ethical standards of the government high enough if they permit the breaking of long-standing contracts with resource developers and investors, buying the votes of public service unions with taxpayers' money, politically interfering with the practice of medicine, or auctioning off access to Alberta's Hong Kong office to the highest bidder?
If Albertans do decide that it is time to do a thorough spring housecleaning on April 23, it will also be necessary to decide what broom to use. There is an adage that a "new broom sweeps clean," and no province has acted on this principle more consistently than Alberta.
In particular I would like to redirect the attention of Albertans toward what I believe is the central question facing us Monday - whether the time has come for a wholesale spring housecleaning at the Alberta legislature.
For over 40 years that assembly has been dominated by one party - a party with many accomplishments to its credit, especially in years gone by. But over 40 years, governing parties, like old houses, age in ways that no amount of new paint or hasty renovation can hide.
Albertans must decide to what extent this aging process has affected the performance of the principal occupant of the provincial house. For example, has it been able to control spending, deficits and debt; to save and invest non-renewable resource revenues on a scale and at a rate sufficient to guarantee future prosperity; to fundamentally reform health care and reduce waiting times; to establish Alberta's reputation as an environmentally responsible energy producer on the national and international stage; and to inspire meaningful democratic participation in the public affairs of the province by the vast majority of its citizens?
Albertans must decide whether or not the principal occupant has forgotten to honour and uphold some of the most fundamental values Albertans hold dear - personal freedom and responsibility, the necessity of living within our means financially and ecologically, the importance of advancing one's interests through hard work and honest effort rather than through political connections and patronage handouts, and the willingness to help a neighbour in need without waiting for the state to do something.
Albertans must also decide whether or not the ethical standards of the principal occupant of the legislature are sufficient to guarantee its integrity. Are the ethical standards of the government high enough if they permit the breaking of long-standing contracts with resource developers and investors, buying the votes of public service unions with taxpayers' money, politically interfering with the practice of medicine, or auctioning off access to Alberta's Hong Kong office to the highest bidder?
If Albertans do decide that it is time to do a thorough spring housecleaning on April 23, it will also be necessary to decide what broom to use. There is an adage that a "new broom sweeps clean," and no province has acted on this principle more consistently than Alberta.
1921, when Alberta's first and only Liberal administration had
corrupted itself in office, Albertans used the new broom of a new
political party, the United Farmers of Alberta, to clean house.
In 1935, when the UFA was crippled by the Depression and tainted by scandal in the premier's office, Albertans again used the new broom of a new party, Social Credit, to again clean house.
And in 1971, when Social Credit had grown old in office and out of touch, Albertans once again used the new broom of a new party, the recreated Progressive Conservative party.
If it is decided to clean house in Edmonton on April 23 and to use the new broom of a new party to do so, that idea will no doubt appeal to many of the new Albertans who have come to the province in the last decade. Many of you came to this province for a "fresh start" and you have the energy and the drive to give the province a fresh start by voting for a change of government if that is in fact what you desire.
It is also understandable that those Albertans who are deeply dissatisfied with the recent performance and ethical standards of the government should be harsh - even angry - in your dissatisfaction with the status quo. But I urge you to translate that disillusionment and anger into a positive vote for change, rather than staying home as so many Albertans did in the last provincial election.
And if I may, a word to the older generation of Albertans with which I personally identify:
To change the analogy from the house to the corral, our generation cannot but have some affection for the old horse that has inhabited the Alberta provincial corral for so long. He has, by and large, been a good old horse and we have ridden many trails together. But if in fact he is well past his prime and it's time to let him go, think of this election - not as a cruel sendoff to the packing plant - but as simply a time to let that old horse out to pasture and allow him to graze his way peacefully into the sunset.
Finally, whatever "conservative" party wins the Alberta election, let it adhere, after the election, to the conservative values and principles it professes to hold. Albertans do not need or deserve a "regressive conservatism" that professes to believe in such values and principles, but fails to practise them in office.
Preston Manning is the former leader of the Reform Party of Canada. His family has been involved in Alberta politics since 1933.
In 1935, when the UFA was crippled by the Depression and tainted by scandal in the premier's office, Albertans again used the new broom of a new party, Social Credit, to again clean house.
And in 1971, when Social Credit had grown old in office and out of touch, Albertans once again used the new broom of a new party, the recreated Progressive Conservative party.
If it is decided to clean house in Edmonton on April 23 and to use the new broom of a new party to do so, that idea will no doubt appeal to many of the new Albertans who have come to the province in the last decade. Many of you came to this province for a "fresh start" and you have the energy and the drive to give the province a fresh start by voting for a change of government if that is in fact what you desire.
It is also understandable that those Albertans who are deeply dissatisfied with the recent performance and ethical standards of the government should be harsh - even angry - in your dissatisfaction with the status quo. But I urge you to translate that disillusionment and anger into a positive vote for change, rather than staying home as so many Albertans did in the last provincial election.
And if I may, a word to the older generation of Albertans with which I personally identify:
To change the analogy from the house to the corral, our generation cannot but have some affection for the old horse that has inhabited the Alberta provincial corral for so long. He has, by and large, been a good old horse and we have ridden many trails together. But if in fact he is well past his prime and it's time to let him go, think of this election - not as a cruel sendoff to the packing plant - but as simply a time to let that old horse out to pasture and allow him to graze his way peacefully into the sunset.
Finally, whatever "conservative" party wins the Alberta election, let it adhere, after the election, to the conservative values and principles it professes to hold. Albertans do not need or deserve a "regressive conservatism" that professes to believe in such values and principles, but fails to practise them in office.
Preston Manning is the former leader of the Reform Party of Canada. His family has been involved in Alberta politics since 1933.
© Copyright (c) The Edmonton Journal
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
The 30th Anniversary Of The Charter - Trudeau's (skewed) Legacy
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms - I never really understood it. This document is 30 yrs old and it was originally Repatriated from Great Britain in 1981 and tailored to Canada in 1982 - that's the Coles notes. Well, Trudeau's name is all over it. Already that's a problem. This doc. is slanted EXTREMELY toward the left side of our political spectrum. Ezra has a video here that explains to us more about the Charter and how it has further ruined our legal system. Its not a justice system as justice isn't really, at all, meted out. This doc is NOT supported by Harper for good reason.
On the Charter’s 30th birthday, Ezra Levant looks how this document has made more millionaires than the lottery -
On the Charter’s 30th birthday, Ezra Levant looks how this document has made more millionaires than the lottery -
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
A Debate On The Existence Of God
TAKE TIME TO READ. It's worth reading it. Trust me :)
Professor : You are a Christian, aren’t you, son ?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor: So, you believe in GOD ?
Student : Absolutely, sir.
Professor : Is GOD good ?
Student : Sure.
Professor: Is GOD all powerful ?
Student : Yes.
Professor: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to GOD to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn’t. How is this GOD good then? Hmm?
(Student was silent.)
Professor: You can’t answer, can you ? Let’s start again, young fella. Is GOD good?
Student : Yes.
Professor: Is satan good ?
Student : No.
Professor: Where does satan come from ?
Student : From … GOD …
Professor: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?
Student : Yes.
Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn’t it ? And GOD did make everything. Correct?
Student : Yes.
Professor: So who created evil ?
(Student did not answer.)
Professor: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the world, don’t they?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor: So, who created them ?
(Student had no answer.)
Professor: Science says you have 5 Senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son, have you ever seen GOD?
Student : No, sir.
Professor: Tell us if you have ever heard your GOD?
Student : No , sir.
Professor: Have you ever felt your GOD, tasted your GOD, smelt your GOD? Have you ever had any sensory perception of GOD for that matter?
Student : No, sir. I’m afraid I haven’t.
Professor: Yet you still believe in Him?
Student : Yes.
Professor : According to Empirical, Testable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD doesn’t exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student : Nothing. I only have my faith.
Professor: Yes, faith. And that is the problem Science has.
Student : Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Professor: Yes.
Student : And is there such a thing as cold?
Professor: Yes.
Student : No, sir. There isn’t.
(The lecture theater became very quiet with this turn of events.)
Student : Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don’t have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can’t go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.
(There was pin-drop silence in the lecture theater.)
Student : What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?
Professor: Yes. What is night if there isn’t darkness?
Student : You’re wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light. But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness, isn’t it? In reality, darkness isn’t. If it is, well you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn’t you?
Professor: So what is the point you are making, young man ?
Student : Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.
Professor: Flawed ? Can you explain how?
Student : Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is life and then there is death, a good GOD and a bad GOD. You are viewing the concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, Science can’t even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing.
Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?
Professor: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.
Student : Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?
(The Professor shook his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument was going.)
Student : Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor. Are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?
(The class was in uproar.)
Student : Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor’s brain?
(The class broke out into laughter. )
Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor’s brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?
(The room was silent. The Professor stared at the student, his face unfathomable.)
Professor: I guess you’ll have to take them on faith, son.
Student : That is it sir … Exactly ! The link between man & GOD is FAITH. That is all that keeps things alive and moving.
I believe you have enjoyed the conversation. And if so, you’ll probably want your friends / colleagues to enjoy the same, won’t you?
Forward this to increase their knowledge … or FAITH.
By the way, that student was EINSTEIN.
Professor : You are a Christian, aren’t you, son ?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor: So, you believe in GOD ?
Student : Absolutely, sir.
Professor : Is GOD good ?
Student : Sure.
Professor: Is GOD all powerful ?
Student : Yes.
Professor: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to GOD to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn’t. How is this GOD good then? Hmm?
(Student was silent.)
Professor: You can’t answer, can you ? Let’s start again, young fella. Is GOD good?
Student : Yes.
Professor: Is satan good ?
Student : No.
Professor: Where does satan come from ?
Student : From … GOD …
Professor: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?
Student : Yes.
Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn’t it ? And GOD did make everything. Correct?
Student : Yes.
Professor: So who created evil ?
(Student did not answer.)
Professor: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the world, don’t they?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor: So, who created them ?
(Student had no answer.)
Professor: Science says you have 5 Senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son, have you ever seen GOD?
Student : No, sir.
Professor: Tell us if you have ever heard your GOD?
Student : No , sir.
Professor: Have you ever felt your GOD, tasted your GOD, smelt your GOD? Have you ever had any sensory perception of GOD for that matter?
Student : No, sir. I’m afraid I haven’t.
Professor: Yet you still believe in Him?
Student : Yes.
Professor : According to Empirical, Testable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD doesn’t exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student : Nothing. I only have my faith.
Professor: Yes, faith. And that is the problem Science has.
Student : Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Professor: Yes.
Student : And is there such a thing as cold?
Professor: Yes.
Student : No, sir. There isn’t.
(The lecture theater became very quiet with this turn of events.)
Student : Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don’t have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can’t go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.
(There was pin-drop silence in the lecture theater.)
Student : What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?
Professor: Yes. What is night if there isn’t darkness?
Student : You’re wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light. But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness, isn’t it? In reality, darkness isn’t. If it is, well you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn’t you?
Professor: So what is the point you are making, young man ?
Student : Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.
Professor: Flawed ? Can you explain how?
Student : Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is life and then there is death, a good GOD and a bad GOD. You are viewing the concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, Science can’t even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing.
Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?
Professor: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.
Student : Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?
(The Professor shook his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument was going.)
Student : Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor. Are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?
(The class was in uproar.)
Student : Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor’s brain?
(The class broke out into laughter. )
Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor’s brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?
(The room was silent. The Professor stared at the student, his face unfathomable.)
Professor: I guess you’ll have to take them on faith, son.
Student : That is it sir … Exactly ! The link between man & GOD is FAITH. That is all that keeps things alive and moving.
I believe you have enjoyed the conversation. And if so, you’ll probably want your friends / colleagues to enjoy the same, won’t you?
Forward this to increase their knowledge … or FAITH.
By the way, that student was EINSTEIN.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Goodbye Redford And The PC's
Political suicide, Alberta-style - Bashing western rednecks will cost Alison Redford dearly
The federal Conservatives used to be called the Progressive
Conservatives. Not anymore — they legally changed their name to the
Conservatives. It’s more accurate.
In the remaining eight days
that the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta will exist, let us be
equally accurate, and call them just the Progressives. It’s more
accurate that way, too.
Under their liberal leader, Alison
Redford, the Progressives have tried something new this election.
They’ve run against Alberta.
That has worked for political
leaders before. But they’ve usually been federal Liberals running
against those scary western rednecks. It was safe for Jean Chretien and
Paul Martin to run against Alberta when they knew they wouldn’t get
seats in the province anyways. It’s novel for an Alberta politician to
do the same.
For example, Redford says she is “frightened” by
the Wildrose view on conscience rights. Redford says voting for the
Wildrose would be a “stumble backward” to a less-tolerant society where
not everyone is “included and respected.”
Redford never quite
speaks clearly — she prefers a fuzzy language of legalese and buzzwords,
a tic she picked up in her years working for the United Nations. But
her campaign surrogates fill in the blanks. Tom Olsen, a Progressive
spokesman, warns that voting for the Wildrose will lead to a
province-wide “bloodletting.” Seriously, he says that.
Elliott, the Progressive campaign manager, suggests there is a blacklist
of “targets” for citizen-initiated referendums, part of the Wildrose
“Ethnic minorities are targets. Gays and lesbians are targets.” Seriously, she says that.
Elliott says that Danielle Smith, the leader of the Wildrose — a
41-year-old, modern woman — represents the “party of the middle-aged
But the Progressives aren’t just using this “insult”
against Wildrose. They’re using it against their own party, too. The
Progressives are running newspaper ads showing a greasy 1950s-era man
wearing horn-rimmed glasses, with the slogan, “Not your father’s PC
party.” They are running against middle Alberta — the people who gave
them majority governments in every election since 1971. Olsen makes the
ultimate insult: He says Wildrose is “being run by Reformers.” He mocks
Wildrose for receiving the endorsement of Deborah Grey, the first Reform
MP elected back in 1989. Olsen says Albertans “don’t want to go back”
in time.
We’ve seen this campaign before. It’s what the Toronto
and Montreal-based Liberal Party ran against Preston Manning, then
Stockwell Day, then Stephen Harper. It’s smears and fear-mongering and
accusations of bigoted secret agendas. It works well out east — it
wasn’t until just last year that the Conservatives finally won seats in
Toronto. But it never worked in Alberta. Despite those slanders, Reform
always won nearly every seat.
It’s a smart approach for federal
Liberals who purposefully write off Alberta. But it’s suicide for an
Alberta party. The Toronto Globe and Mail’s endorsement won’t pay off in
Calgary or Fort McMurray.
Perhaps Redford thinks her personal
appeal is strong. Maybe she thinks her choice of party colours — NDP
orange — is better than old Tory blue. But she is not well known — she
spent much of her adult life out of the country working for the UN and
other organizations, and even applied to become a citizen of South
Africa. She squeaked into her own riding with just 42% of the vote.
You’d think someone like that wouldn’t take potshots at the federal
Conservatives, who won 67% of Alberta’s vote.
The campaign
isn’t over yet. But Redford’s debate performance was a dud, and the
polls put her at least 10 points behind. The 41-year winning streak of
the Alberta PCs is about to come to an end. They’re about to be beaten
by a conservative party called Wildrose. But equally to blame are the
leftists who ran the Progressive campaign, and thought calling Albertans
bigots would work as well in Calgary as it always did in Toronto. From Ezra Levant
Raj Sherman (Ab.Liberal Leader) Tells Alta. Voters to "Get Over It."
Raj Sherman
has told Albertans to “get over it” in reference to his party’s unpopularity in
Alta. The “it” Raj talks about destroyed
many, many, incomes overnight, affecting
several businesses and not just the
oil-based ones. The "it" forced MANY business bankruptcy's and huge unemployment that took YEARS for Alberta to recover from. This “it” ruined Real Estate values, increasing foreclosures, reducing Alberta’s economy to a shell of it’s former
prosperous self. Of course, I’m talking about The National Energy Program that
was put on Alberta by Trudeau and his Liberal Government that was heralded to
be “good for the country.” Alberta’s
prosperity was built on ingenuity and perseverance, including the Oil Sands
amongst many other innovations. The Oil Sand's, to get to where it is today, Alberta started the research back in the early 60's. This new technology required the input of MILLIONS of dollars to develop. Leftist political groups like today’s
Progressive Conservatives, the Liberals and the NDP, with their regressive
policies will destroy or restrict Alberta’s innovation in the 'Sands and in so many other sectors including new Environmental technology.
Party’s such as those mentioned above still garner votes by some that will not, or
that refuse to remember, or, acknowledge through their own naiveté, the damage
that will be done to Alberta if it is to implement most of these left wing
I can't believe that former Premier, Peter Lougheed, and his family, are out door knocking for the PC's. Well, this proves he is loyal, but, not as discerning as he should be.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Israel, Defenders Of Human Rights
Africans have been infiltrating Israel at a dizzying pace through Israel's border with Egypt. They then proceed to the southern tourist city of Eliat. Approximately 950 people infiltrated in the first week of November 2011 alone.
Tens of thousands have remained in Israel, which often does not deport them and allows them to remain in the country (emphasis mine). In one incident in May 2011, dozens of Sudanese and Eritrean infiltrators entered Eliat in the wee hours of the morning and began knocking on doors, seeking food and water. Israel My Glory January/February 2011
There are numerous documented stories about injured Palestinians that receive treatment from the Israeli's. These same U.N. backed Palestinians, who bomb Israel, with support from Saudi Arabia and Iran so, so, many other organizations including our own federal Liberals, NDP and the Green party. ALL these organizations and many like-minded people with the blessing of the U.N., DO NOT recognise Israel as a true democracy, the ONLY one in the region! These same DO NOT approve of Israel's need to defend itself, AND, these same say that Israel has an atrocious human rights record! WHAT?! In Israel, there are communities of ARABS! In Israel! Arabs bomb Israel! Atrocious human rights record? Today's U.N., et al, bringing ridiculous to the extreme.
Tens of thousands have remained in Israel, which often does not deport them and allows them to remain in the country (emphasis mine). In one incident in May 2011, dozens of Sudanese and Eritrean infiltrators entered Eliat in the wee hours of the morning and began knocking on doors, seeking food and water. Israel My Glory January/February 2011
There are numerous documented stories about injured Palestinians that receive treatment from the Israeli's. These same U.N. backed Palestinians, who bomb Israel, with support from Saudi Arabia and Iran so, so, many other organizations including our own federal Liberals, NDP and the Green party. ALL these organizations and many like-minded people with the blessing of the U.N., DO NOT recognise Israel as a true democracy, the ONLY one in the region! These same DO NOT approve of Israel's need to defend itself, AND, these same say that Israel has an atrocious human rights record! WHAT?! In Israel, there are communities of ARABS! In Israel! Arabs bomb Israel! Atrocious human rights record? Today's U.N., et al, bringing ridiculous to the extreme.
Monday, 9 April 2012
The U.N's joke Human Rights Commission
So, this is the United Nations description of their H.R.C.
The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing situations of human rights violations and make recommendations on them. It has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that require its attention throughout the year. It meets at the UN Office at Geneva.
The Council is made up of 47 United Nations Member States which are elected by the UN General Assembly.
Well then, you'd think that if there were genocides as in Bosnia where thousands were exterminated, Darfur, 800,000 needlessly murdered, Sudan, ongoing murders, rapes and the torture of hundreds of thousands, Zimbabwe, where President Mugabe has withheld millions upon millions of dollars in aid from his own people. There continues to be killings, rapes, murders and the severe malnourishment of so many people in that country. It's a well known fact that that ANY money that is funnelled to Zimbabwe ends up (through Gov't bureaucracy) in Mugabe's bank account. Let's not forget Syria, Lybia who have killed and are continuing to bomb THEIR OWN PEOPLE (Syria).
But this sad story gets better (worse). These great defenders of Human Rights, the H.R.C., has been in EVERY ONE of these countries and have STOOD BY, WATCHING, directing traffic (sic), as these horrific crimes are being carried out.
Now ANOTHER head scratcher about the H.R.C. Some of the countries sitting on the council are: Lybia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Uganda. What??? These countries have very abusive dictatorships that NO NOTHING, and DO NOT practice Human Rights! This is the U.N. that is supported by member countries as a welfare organisation. The U.N. is an an ineffective protector of peace around the world. Kofi Anan who now represented the U.N. in talking to the Bashir al-Assad Gov't in Syria. Well, he negotiated a (proposed) cease fire to have started on April 12(?) (why wait till then?). As of today, April 9, it was cancelled (of course) to the surprise of no one who REALLY follows the U.N. with a critical (realistic?) view.
Today's U.N., looking out for all in the world provided they share the U.N.'s point of view using it's twisted logic.
One more thing. In around 2009, the U.N., displayers of their own form of human rights, recently recognised The Holocaust! More groundbreaking hypocritical decisions by the U.N.
The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing situations of human rights violations and make recommendations on them. It has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that require its attention throughout the year. It meets at the UN Office at Geneva.
The Council is made up of 47 United Nations Member States which are elected by the UN General Assembly.
Well then, you'd think that if there were genocides as in Bosnia where thousands were exterminated, Darfur, 800,000 needlessly murdered, Sudan, ongoing murders, rapes and the torture of hundreds of thousands, Zimbabwe, where President Mugabe has withheld millions upon millions of dollars in aid from his own people. There continues to be killings, rapes, murders and the severe malnourishment of so many people in that country. It's a well known fact that that ANY money that is funnelled to Zimbabwe ends up (through Gov't bureaucracy) in Mugabe's bank account. Let's not forget Syria, Lybia who have killed and are continuing to bomb THEIR OWN PEOPLE (Syria).
But this sad story gets better (worse). These great defenders of Human Rights, the H.R.C., has been in EVERY ONE of these countries and have STOOD BY, WATCHING, directing traffic (sic), as these horrific crimes are being carried out.
Now ANOTHER head scratcher about the H.R.C. Some of the countries sitting on the council are: Lybia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Uganda. What??? These countries have very abusive dictatorships that NO NOTHING, and DO NOT practice Human Rights! This is the U.N. that is supported by member countries as a welfare organisation. The U.N. is an an ineffective protector of peace around the world. Kofi Anan who now represented the U.N. in talking to the Bashir al-Assad Gov't in Syria. Well, he negotiated a (proposed) cease fire to have started on April 12(?) (why wait till then?). As of today, April 9, it was cancelled (of course) to the surprise of no one who REALLY follows the U.N. with a critical (realistic?) view.
Today's U.N., looking out for all in the world provided they share the U.N.'s point of view using it's twisted logic.
One more thing. In around 2009, the U.N., displayers of their own form of human rights, recently recognised The Holocaust! More groundbreaking hypocritical decisions by the U.N.
Friday, 6 April 2012
Our Broken Fellowship With God
I received this from a friend of a friend today. I pray that His overwhelming love will be evident through me.
The Best Apologetic
S. Michael Craven
There are days when the troubles of this world can no doubt be
overwhelming. Almost everyday it seems we are confronted with more
glaring evidence of our cultural descent: an increasing lack of
civility, the celebration of licentiousness and immorality, the
expanding indifference toward the weak and infirmed (or outright
cruelty), and the growing disdain for religion and prudence. Admittedly
these conditions can cause one to become angry toward those who
willingly contribute to this current of contemporary thought and action.
In addition, there are the ever-strengthening influences from every
manner of philosophy and ideology opposing the Christian life and
worldview, while the church seems to be less and less capable of
defending itself against these encroaching enemies. I grieve as I read
or hear about the endless personal suffering both here and around the
world. Almost daily I meet someone who is personally struggling with
serious trials or suffering from severe loss and devastating heartbreak.
In general the world is groaning. This makes me stop and reflect upon
what I am doing. Does my work matter? Of course, when I ask this
question, I do so from a purely selfish standpoint; this is when I have
to pause and reflect upon precisely what it is that I am doing and for
One of the unfortunate tendencies associated with
speaking apologetically is that you can begin think that the kingdom of
God will advance on the weight of intellectual arguments. While
scripture clearly teaches that we are to be prepared to give an answer
for the hope that lies within us (see 1 Peter 3:15), I must continually
be reminded of Christ's commandment to love my neighbor. If this genuine
love of neighbor is not at the heart of my apologetic efforts, then I
am nothing more than a "clanging cymbal"—an animated noisemaker!
I must remind myself to look beyond the opposing ideologies and see the
person—a person made in the image of God, a person for whom Christ
died, a person who is in bondage to sin and that liar of liars, Satan. I
confess that I do not always do this well and I sometimes err on the
side of argumentation rather than love.
As I speak to
Christian audiences around the country, I am often asked for "effective
arguments" to refute this particular philosophy or that mind-set that
stands in opposition to the reception of the gospel. These are
well-intended Christians who are earnestly trying to equip themselves in
order to present the most effective witness. However, I sometimes sense
that we may be more interested in merely winning arguments; thus we may
wield apologetics as martial arts—and this I do not want to contribute
The beginning of our apologetic arguments and philosophical
discourse must include an equal, if not greater, commitment to forming a
sincere and meaningful relationship with that person. Recall the great
apologetic passage referenced above. Peter says to be prepared to give
an answer or defense to anyone who asks you why you have hope. Clearly,
Peter isn't referring to a stranger you meet on the street but rather
someone with whom you already have a relationship. For only a person who
actually knows you would come to see this real, living "hope." Here the
apologetic approach is responsive, not assertive, and the response will
generally only come at the invitation of a friend.
this is not always easy; it can be very taxing to be in relationship
with a person who opposes everything you believe in but this,
nonetheless, is what we are called to do. This is the measure of one's
love for one's neighbor; are we [am I] willing to endeavor through all
of the challenges, disagreements, and difficulties for the sake of
another? Doesn't this require that I stop thinking of myself and instead
think of others, allowing Christ his proper position in my life as Lord
and King? Aren't we called to present our bodies—the entirety of our
being—as living sacrifices? Yes, I am. Let's face it, this is where it
gets tough to follow Christ, when he leads us into relationships with
those who do not submit to Christ.
Beyond every ideology,
beyond every worldview, is a person who ultimately desires the same
thing that we all desire—to be loved. This is the terrible reality that
flows from sin: broken fellowship—we have severed our relationship with
God, ourselves, each other, and the rest of creation. In truth, every
aspect of human suffering in the world is attributable to this broken
fellowship. We suffer from our severed relationship with God, which has
eternal consequences, but we also suffer in the present as a result of
imperfect relationships with others because either we can't shed our own
emotional baggage and inhibitions or they can't shed theirs. Sin has
produced a formidable barrier to truly loving one another without fear.
It is this condition that Christ came to remedy—and thus restore us to
full fellowship with God, ourselves, and each other. It is the
reconciliation of humanity to God and each other that Christians must
demonstrate to the world. This means that we genuinely seek to love
people unreservedly and without conditions. Unfortunately, too often
many Christians confuse acceptance of the person with approval of either
their mistaken religious notions or lifestyle, and therefore justify
avoiding these altogether.
However, Jesus attacked this false
notion in the parable of the Good Samaritan. In speaking to the
Pharisees—who were very conservative in both their doctrinal beliefs and
practices—Jesus exposed their hypocrisy for passing by the dying man
without getting involved, lest they approve his lifestyle and religion.
The problem with the Pharisees is one all too common among many
conservative Christians today. The desire to stand for the truth, to
reject ungodliness in both religious doctrine and practice, leads them
to confuse the acceptance of people with the approval of their beliefs
and actions. How tragic.
I will continue to seek knowledge and
understanding in an effort to grow in my relationship with the Lord and
to be a compelling witness for the gospel, but above all, I pray that my
desire to know never exceeds my desire to love my neighbor. It is with
the overwhelming love of Christ that we must engage the culture and look
beyond ideologies to see the person that God in his providence has
placed in our path. May we love those people in the way that Christ
first loved us; let this be what motivates our desire to "give an
answer." This is the best and most biblical apologetic!
© 2010 by S. Michael Craven Permission granted for non-commercial use.
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Brotherhood:'Kill The Jews'
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood held a "kill the Jews" rally in Cairo in November. Thousands attended, promising to "one day kill all the Jews" and wage war against Jerusalem's "Judaization."
The rally was held on the anniversary of the 1947 UN partition plan that established the State of Israel and that was immediately followed by a pan-Arab war aimed at annihilating the newborn state.
The Brotherhood is suddenly promoting itself as a party that favors non violent rights for women, but it boasts its hatred of Jewish people and Israel. "The Muslim Brotherhood (is) very opportunistic. They don't care about the Egyptian blood....They only care about taking power," said Azza Kamal, a political activist. Israel My Glory-Jan-Feb. 2012
Joshua 1:5 - "No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, I will be with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you."
God, used the U.N. to establish the Nation of Israel. Britain had this territory as it's own, but didn't want to have it anymore. ALL the terrorist Nations surrounding this small country, specifically the Arab speaking ones, will NEVER, EVER, destroy Israel as God (the God of Jacob and David, the ONLY God, who ALWAYS was) will protect Israel.
The rally was held on the anniversary of the 1947 UN partition plan that established the State of Israel and that was immediately followed by a pan-Arab war aimed at annihilating the newborn state.
The Brotherhood is suddenly promoting itself as a party that favors non violent rights for women, but it boasts its hatred of Jewish people and Israel. "The Muslim Brotherhood (is) very opportunistic. They don't care about the Egyptian blood....They only care about taking power," said Azza Kamal, a political activist. Israel My Glory-Jan-Feb. 2012
Joshua 1:5 - "No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, I will be with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you."
God, used the U.N. to establish the Nation of Israel. Britain had this territory as it's own, but didn't want to have it anymore. ALL the terrorist Nations surrounding this small country, specifically the Arab speaking ones, will NEVER, EVER, destroy Israel as God (the God of Jacob and David, the ONLY God, who ALWAYS was) will protect Israel.
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
The Palestinian Authority- Support Funds Abuse (Again)
Ted Deuth (D-FL) and Steve Israel (D-NY) have asked for an investigation to dtermine if the Palestinian Authority (PA) is using U.S. aid for terrorists. They wrote to the Government Accountability Office following news reports that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has ordered homes be built for terrorists whom Israel freed in return for the release of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit.They also want to investigate whether Abbas is using U.S. Economic Support Funds for his inilateral move to win U.N. recognition for the PA, a violation of the Oslo Accords and the death nell of the U.S.-sponsored "peace process."
Steve Israel said "We have a foreclosure crises in the United States, and we're struggling to keep American families in their homes. Now we learn that U.S. taxpayer dollars could be going to build homes for terrorists? This is outrageous. I'm asking for a full accounting of how U.S. funds are being used by the Palestinian Authority." Israel My Glory Jan.-Feb. 2012
This is HARDLY a surprise. Money, and lots of it, is regularly sent to the PA so it can be then it can be used to help their people. Really, many others, mainly those on the left, for eg. the NDP, the Lyb's, the Greens etc., etc. think the PA needs to be supported because they, and the Palestinian people are so downtrodden. Well, for one thing, the PA uses very little of this money to benefit their people. This is not new. Yasser Arafat had HUGE investments that were put in place for HIM, not his people, just himself. So many like to put their faith and trust in terrorists. Because of their twisted logic, taxpayers are dragged down with this naieve thought in the name of human rights.
You know, the Aboriginals work, or abuse the system (us) in the same way. The various Chiefs and band councillors really, keep the money that is supposed to be used for the band. And those on the left, the usual suspects, want our Gov't (us) to spend (give) them more money 'cause the band council DOES NOT look after their own people. More silliness.
Steve Israel said "We have a foreclosure crises in the United States, and we're struggling to keep American families in their homes. Now we learn that U.S. taxpayer dollars could be going to build homes for terrorists? This is outrageous. I'm asking for a full accounting of how U.S. funds are being used by the Palestinian Authority." Israel My Glory Jan.-Feb. 2012
This is HARDLY a surprise. Money, and lots of it, is regularly sent to the PA so it can be then it can be used to help their people. Really, many others, mainly those on the left, for eg. the NDP, the Lyb's, the Greens etc., etc. think the PA needs to be supported because they, and the Palestinian people are so downtrodden. Well, for one thing, the PA uses very little of this money to benefit their people. This is not new. Yasser Arafat had HUGE investments that were put in place for HIM, not his people, just himself. So many like to put their faith and trust in terrorists. Because of their twisted logic, taxpayers are dragged down with this naieve thought in the name of human rights.
You know, the Aboriginals work, or abuse the system (us) in the same way. The various Chiefs and band councillors really, keep the money that is supposed to be used for the band. And those on the left, the usual suspects, want our Gov't (us) to spend (give) them more money 'cause the band council DOES NOT look after their own people. More silliness.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Russia Hugs Iran
Russia has given Iran its bear hug and warns Israel and the West an attack on Tehran will be considered an attack on Moscow. Russia's outgoing ambassador to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, told reporters, "If Iran is involved in any military action, it's a direct threat to our security."
Kremlin Security Council head Nikolai Patrushev accused Israel of provoking the United States toward war against Iran and has come to the defense of Syria President Bashir al-Assad, warning Western nations not to intervene in Syria with military forces. Russia is a major supplier to Syria and has a heavy investment in Iran's nuclear facilities.- from Israel My Glory, March/April 2012.
This situation is so wrong on many fronts.
1. The U.N. the great, so called defender of Human Rights, allows countries to have a veto to block any action(s) by the U.N. that could jeopardize their interests. So, then, the U.N., due to its TOTAL ineffectiveness (again) is really, complicit in its inaction by allowing Syria, President Bashar, to kill his own people. Oh, right, Kofi Anan went to Syria and they promised (as if) to not bomb their own people during certain hours. Way to go Syria, and the eminent (sic) Kofi.
2. So, Israel is "provoking" the U.S towards war against Iran. THAT'S rich. The U.S. is already quite aware of Iran's blustering over its own oil reserves (by threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz). Israel isn't in the equation here.
3. It's okay then for Iran to finance worldwide terrorism and supply terrorist groups like Hamas that enables them to fire rockets at Israel in an effort to kill Israelis. Russia supports this "but don't say or do anything that may hurt our friends in Iran"! Putin - what a schmuck (Jewish spelling).
Kremlin Security Council head Nikolai Patrushev accused Israel of provoking the United States toward war against Iran and has come to the defense of Syria President Bashir al-Assad, warning Western nations not to intervene in Syria with military forces. Russia is a major supplier to Syria and has a heavy investment in Iran's nuclear facilities.- from Israel My Glory, March/April 2012.
This situation is so wrong on many fronts.
1. The U.N. the great, so called defender of Human Rights, allows countries to have a veto to block any action(s) by the U.N. that could jeopardize their interests. So, then, the U.N., due to its TOTAL ineffectiveness (again) is really, complicit in its inaction by allowing Syria, President Bashar, to kill his own people. Oh, right, Kofi Anan went to Syria and they promised (as if) to not bomb their own people during certain hours. Way to go Syria, and the eminent (sic) Kofi.
2. So, Israel is "provoking" the U.S towards war against Iran. THAT'S rich. The U.S. is already quite aware of Iran's blustering over its own oil reserves (by threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz). Israel isn't in the equation here.
3. It's okay then for Iran to finance worldwide terrorism and supply terrorist groups like Hamas that enables them to fire rockets at Israel in an effort to kill Israelis. Russia supports this "but don't say or do anything that may hurt our friends in Iran"! Putin - what a schmuck (Jewish spelling).
Monday, 2 April 2012
The Alberta Election
On the weekend an Alta PC staffer in a tweet said to Danielle that "if your so concerned about families, then why don't you have a family of your own?" What? Are you kidding me? What a low blow! Danielle said all that her and her husband couldn't conceive so they went to a fertility Dr. With this statement. This staffer resigned. Why wasn't she FIRED?! Did she (Amanda Wilke) come up with this all herself? Was (or is) she working for the PC's on the election trail? If she was on the trail, is she still working for the PC's but not on the trail? More PC controversy on important and very wrong actions done in the guise of looking after Alberta. Voters are now convinced that the Alta. PC's have really lost their hold on the pulse of the electorate.
As soon as Redford was given the reigns to the Premier's job, she immediately spent $100 million. That's RIGHT AWAY! First thing. It went to restore Education funding. That's 100 million of OUR money. When Stelmach was Premier (He was as soft a Alta. Premier as I have EVER seen), and what did he do? All he did (sic) was RAISE all the MLA's salaries to a undeserved amount AND, he instituted, what is called the "Do Nothing Committee." where MLA's receive at least $1000 per month even if their committee doesn't meet. Some haven't met for at least 5 mos. Voters have really grabbed a hold of this misuse of public funds and are flocking to the WR and leaving the Alta PC's in numbers that leave pundits shaking their heads as they have never seen a party fall so fast in popularity. 2 of 3 ex PCers now WR MLA's have given back the money. That could be as much as 40 mos. worth. Redfords MLA's initially gave back ONLY 6 mos., THEN, after seeing all the backlash from their very, regretable folly, Redford has in trying to stop the downhill support, ordered all her MLA's to give back the funds that were NOT earned. She says if PC MLA's do not comply, then they'll be kicked out of caucus. Well, to penalize an MLA is okay, but, can she kick out an MLA that was VOTED in? Again, the PC's show how out of touch they are.
On another front - Redford still believes she needs to go with other MLA's to the States and tell them about Alberta and how strategically how important it is. My question: in a world of The Gateway Pipeline and the XL Pipeline to the U.S. Gulf States, Alta Oil sells itself, we don't need to continue to promote ourselves to the States. Here we are, spending money, again, for useless junkets by our Gov't. The AB. PC's, wasting OUR money, AGAIN.
The Wildrose has promised us the Alberta Energy Dividend. When Ab. reaches surplus by the end of 2014, 20% will GO TO US! Every person will, to start, receive $300/yr! Albertan's are the REAL stakeholders here. This plan is good for everyone! It's "Ralph Buck's" but we'll receive this A.E.D. every year and as it grows, we'll get more! Oh, Redford has promised to open 140 new clinics accross Ab. Thanks Alison, you are willing to spend more of OUR money again.
What would you want. Cash from the A.E.D. or higher deficits with the PC's? Hmmm, I know what I'd want. What about you?
As soon as Redford was given the reigns to the Premier's job, she immediately spent $100 million. That's RIGHT AWAY! First thing. It went to restore Education funding. That's 100 million of OUR money. When Stelmach was Premier (He was as soft a Alta. Premier as I have EVER seen), and what did he do? All he did (sic) was RAISE all the MLA's salaries to a undeserved amount AND, he instituted, what is called the "Do Nothing Committee." where MLA's receive at least $1000 per month even if their committee doesn't meet. Some haven't met for at least 5 mos. Voters have really grabbed a hold of this misuse of public funds and are flocking to the WR and leaving the Alta PC's in numbers that leave pundits shaking their heads as they have never seen a party fall so fast in popularity. 2 of 3 ex PCers now WR MLA's have given back the money. That could be as much as 40 mos. worth. Redfords MLA's initially gave back ONLY 6 mos., THEN, after seeing all the backlash from their very, regretable folly, Redford has in trying to stop the downhill support, ordered all her MLA's to give back the funds that were NOT earned. She says if PC MLA's do not comply, then they'll be kicked out of caucus. Well, to penalize an MLA is okay, but, can she kick out an MLA that was VOTED in? Again, the PC's show how out of touch they are.
On another front - Redford still believes she needs to go with other MLA's to the States and tell them about Alberta and how strategically how important it is. My question: in a world of The Gateway Pipeline and the XL Pipeline to the U.S. Gulf States, Alta Oil sells itself, we don't need to continue to promote ourselves to the States. Here we are, spending money, again, for useless junkets by our Gov't. The AB. PC's, wasting OUR money, AGAIN.
The Wildrose has promised us the Alberta Energy Dividend. When Ab. reaches surplus by the end of 2014, 20% will GO TO US! Every person will, to start, receive $300/yr! Albertan's are the REAL stakeholders here. This plan is good for everyone! It's "Ralph Buck's" but we'll receive this A.E.D. every year and as it grows, we'll get more! Oh, Redford has promised to open 140 new clinics accross Ab. Thanks Alison, you are willing to spend more of OUR money again.
What would you want. Cash from the A.E.D. or higher deficits with the PC's? Hmmm, I know what I'd want. What about you?
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Israel Is Good, Those Against It Are Mislead And Uninformed
The CEO of the Dis-Chem pharmacy chain in South Africa recently faced down a boycott threat over it's decision to sell Israeli Dead Sea skin-care products. An Arab woman complained to the company, claiming te products came "from a country whose human rights violations replicate Hitler's Nazism."
Dis-Chem would not remove the products, and the company's CEO told the woman that likening Israel's supposed human right's violations to the Nazis was "a scurrilous slur that you have clearly chosen to employ in order to give maximum offence."
He then added, "If it is your intension to boycott Israeli products, you need to be consistent if your gesture is to have any meaning. I hope you don't use an Intel chip in your computerwith which you probably wrote your e-mail because it was invented in Israel.
"I hope that you stay in good health because if you need preventative surgery against a heart attack, you will have to boycott the procedure because guess what? The stent was invented in Israel!
"Likewise, I hope you are never prescribed any patch for diabetes, to deliver medication and other drugs. If you are an asthmatic you may have to use a new type of inhaler (Spin) invented in Israel. So please check!
"Israel has given the world the system of drip irrigation which is being widely adopted in SA (South Africa) with water shortages like many countries. Should you boycott all fruit and vegetables grown by this method? The list that Israel has given the world is very lengthy. Check very carefully before you boycott."
So, we can include the NDP, Lyb's, Green's, MOST Islamist's, any country (and it's citizen's) that don't support Israel, and (I'm getting out of breath here) these Flotilla's (one called Mercy-what a joke) that say they are bringing supplies to the Palestinian people, but these supplies are banned as the Palestinian's use these same supplies that SHOULD be used by their own people to build houses, are, guess what?, being used to blow up Israelis. The Left, and it's adherent's (including Suzuki and all environMENTALISTS) need to give their head a shake. Oh yeah, you can include ALL Unions here too, most of the members anyway.
Dis-Chem would not remove the products, and the company's CEO told the woman that likening Israel's supposed human right's violations to the Nazis was "a scurrilous slur that you have clearly chosen to employ in order to give maximum offence."
He then added, "If it is your intension to boycott Israeli products, you need to be consistent if your gesture is to have any meaning. I hope you don't use an Intel chip in your computerwith which you probably wrote your e-mail because it was invented in Israel.
"I hope that you stay in good health because if you need preventative surgery against a heart attack, you will have to boycott the procedure because guess what? The stent was invented in Israel!
"Likewise, I hope you are never prescribed any patch for diabetes, to deliver medication and other drugs. If you are an asthmatic you may have to use a new type of inhaler (Spin) invented in Israel. So please check!
"Israel has given the world the system of drip irrigation which is being widely adopted in SA (South Africa) with water shortages like many countries. Should you boycott all fruit and vegetables grown by this method? The list that Israel has given the world is very lengthy. Check very carefully before you boycott."
So, we can include the NDP, Lyb's, Green's, MOST Islamist's, any country (and it's citizen's) that don't support Israel, and (I'm getting out of breath here) these Flotilla's (one called Mercy-what a joke) that say they are bringing supplies to the Palestinian people, but these supplies are banned as the Palestinian's use these same supplies that SHOULD be used by their own people to build houses, are, guess what?, being used to blow up Israelis. The Left, and it's adherent's (including Suzuki and all environMENTALISTS) need to give their head a shake. Oh yeah, you can include ALL Unions here too, most of the members anyway.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Mulcair And The Humdrum "Democratic" NDP
I've chosen to take a little time to talk about the ALWAYS BORING NDP. First, I take issue with the fact they have the word Democratic in their party name. They support those great Democracies such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan etc., etc., etc. They abhor Israel, which is the ONLY real Democratic nation in the region. Israel SUPPORTS Human Rights. These other Regimes, supported by the "Democratic" NDP (what a joke) tramp ALL OVER Human Rights by illegally arresting, using kangaroo court justice, or completely bypassing their form court justice and go directly to torturing (including rape) or murdering (this IS premeditated) of these unfortunate victims. And the treasonous NDP supports these sadistic countries under the name of Human Rights (sure). Now I go from one waste of time to another.
Thomas Mulcair bolstered his commitment to “internalize” environmental costs to help cure the “Dutch disease” that has, in his view, driven up the value of the Canadian dollar and destabilized the balanced economy of East and West. Dutch Disease explained is a concept that supposedly explains the relationship between increased exploitation and revenues from natural resources and a decline in manufacturing. The basic principle is that increased income derived from exporting natural resources and thus bringing in foreign currency will appreciate a nation's exchange rate and therefore make its secondary export sector (manufacturing) less competitive. Predominantly Dutch Disease refers to the discovery and exploitation of natural resources but it can also refer to "any development that results in a large inflow of foreign currency". The model dictates that a resource 'boom' (an increase in revenues through a rise in oil prices for example) can effect the economy in two main ways. One is known as the "resource movement effect" which essentially entails labour moving from the lagging sector to the booming sector because of an increase in demand for goods in the booming sector (direct-deindustrialisation for those of you who are interested!) The second major effect is called the "spending effect" which shifts labour away from the lagging sector to the non-tradable goods sector (direct-deindustrialisation). This is a result of the extra revenue bought in by the natural resource boom triggering more demand for labour in the non-tradable goods sector. As a result of increased demand for non-traded goods their price rises, but prices for traded goods remain the same (because they are set by international markets) meaning the real exchange rate increases.
So, he's saying that his Gov't, using OUR tax dollars would support Ontario's car manufacturing sector and through high taxation of the Oil Sands, the HIGHEST job creator in the country, to help fund the environMENTAL costs for this scheme. Oh, and I suppose that Alberta and the various Oil companies that have made HUGE investments (this would be Capitalism NDP, something that you have proven that you know NOTHING about) in the 'Sands are just going to allow this rape of their business'es?
In an interview with Tom Clark on Global’s The West Block, Mr. Mulcair lamented the fact the NDP has just three seats between Ontario and British Columbia. That is not about to change, given his musings on a “comprehensive” cap and trade plan are unlikely to win him friends in Canada’s resource-producing provinces. “The tar sands might be taking more out of the Canadian economy than they are putting in,” he said in Policy Options, without offering any evidence. Taking OUT MORE than putting IN? With NO evidence to boot.
There is no doubt that Canada has a two-track economy that threatens to pit region against region. But rather than adding balm to the wounds, Mr. Mulcair stands ready to rub salt. The average Albertan is already contributing $687 a year to pay for services in the rest of the country and, according to one study by former Bank of Canada governor David Dodge, that number is set to rise to $920 per head by 2020. The main recipients, of course, are Quebecers who help pay for their $7-a-day daycare, cheap university tuition fees and under-priced hydro with the $7.4-billion they get from wealthier Canadians. Ontarians are also recipients of equalization — $3.2-billion this year, likely rising to $5.5-billion by 2020, according to Mr. Dodge.
I have to stop now as the NDP are the gift that keeps giving and I could write more but I have better, more important things to do.
Thomas Mulcair bolstered his commitment to “internalize” environmental costs to help cure the “Dutch disease” that has, in his view, driven up the value of the Canadian dollar and destabilized the balanced economy of East and West. Dutch Disease explained is a concept that supposedly explains the relationship between increased exploitation and revenues from natural resources and a decline in manufacturing. The basic principle is that increased income derived from exporting natural resources and thus bringing in foreign currency will appreciate a nation's exchange rate and therefore make its secondary export sector (manufacturing) less competitive. Predominantly Dutch Disease refers to the discovery and exploitation of natural resources but it can also refer to "any development that results in a large inflow of foreign currency". The model dictates that a resource 'boom' (an increase in revenues through a rise in oil prices for example) can effect the economy in two main ways. One is known as the "resource movement effect" which essentially entails labour moving from the lagging sector to the booming sector because of an increase in demand for goods in the booming sector (direct-deindustrialisation for those of you who are interested!) The second major effect is called the "spending effect" which shifts labour away from the lagging sector to the non-tradable goods sector (direct-deindustrialisation). This is a result of the extra revenue bought in by the natural resource boom triggering more demand for labour in the non-tradable goods sector. As a result of increased demand for non-traded goods their price rises, but prices for traded goods remain the same (because they are set by international markets) meaning the real exchange rate increases.
So, he's saying that his Gov't, using OUR tax dollars would support Ontario's car manufacturing sector and through high taxation of the Oil Sands, the HIGHEST job creator in the country, to help fund the environMENTAL costs for this scheme. Oh, and I suppose that Alberta and the various Oil companies that have made HUGE investments (this would be Capitalism NDP, something that you have proven that you know NOTHING about) in the 'Sands are just going to allow this rape of their business'es?
In an interview with Tom Clark on Global’s The West Block, Mr. Mulcair lamented the fact the NDP has just three seats between Ontario and British Columbia. That is not about to change, given his musings on a “comprehensive” cap and trade plan are unlikely to win him friends in Canada’s resource-producing provinces. “The tar sands might be taking more out of the Canadian economy than they are putting in,” he said in Policy Options, without offering any evidence. Taking OUT MORE than putting IN? With NO evidence to boot.
There is no doubt that Canada has a two-track economy that threatens to pit region against region. But rather than adding balm to the wounds, Mr. Mulcair stands ready to rub salt. The average Albertan is already contributing $687 a year to pay for services in the rest of the country and, according to one study by former Bank of Canada governor David Dodge, that number is set to rise to $920 per head by 2020. The main recipients, of course, are Quebecers who help pay for their $7-a-day daycare, cheap university tuition fees and under-priced hydro with the $7.4-billion they get from wealthier Canadians. Ontarians are also recipients of equalization — $3.2-billion this year, likely rising to $5.5-billion by 2020, according to Mr. Dodge.
I have to stop now as the NDP are the gift that keeps giving and I could write more but I have better, more important things to do.
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