Monday, 9 April 2012

The U.N's joke Human Rights Commission

So, this is the United Nations description of their H.R.C. 

The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing situations of human rights violations and make recommendations on them. It has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that require its attention throughout the year. It meets at the UN Office at Geneva.
The Council is made up of 47 United Nations Member States which are elected by the UN General Assembly.

Well then, you'd think that if there were genocides as in Bosnia where thousands were exterminated, Darfur, 800,000 needlessly murdered, Sudan, ongoing murders, rapes and the torture of hundreds of thousands, Zimbabwe, where President Mugabe has withheld millions upon millions of dollars in aid from his own people. There continues to be killings, rapes, murders and the severe malnourishment of so many people in that country. It's a well known fact that that ANY money that is funnelled to Zimbabwe ends up (through Gov't bureaucracy) in Mugabe's bank account. Let's not forget Syria, Lybia who have killed and are continuing to bomb THEIR OWN PEOPLE (Syria).

But this sad story gets better (worse). These great defenders of Human Rights, the H.R.C., has been in EVERY ONE of these countries and have STOOD BY, WATCHING, directing traffic (sic), as these horrific crimes are being carried out.

Now ANOTHER head scratcher about the H.R.C. Some of the countries sitting on the council are: Lybia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Uganda. What??? These countries have very abusive dictatorships that NO NOTHING, and DO NOT practice Human Rights! This is the U.N. that is supported by member countries as a welfare organisation. The U.N. is an an ineffective protector of peace around the world. Kofi Anan who now represented the U.N. in talking to the Bashir al-Assad Gov't in Syria. Well, he negotiated a (proposed) cease fire to have started on April 12(?) (why wait till then?). As of today, April 9, it was cancelled (of course) to the surprise of no one who REALLY follows the U.N. with a critical (realistic?) view. 

Today's U.N., looking out for all in the world provided they share the U.N.'s point of view using it's twisted logic.

One more thing. In around 2009, the U.N., displayers of their own form of human rights, recently recognised The Holocaust! More groundbreaking hypocritical decisions by the U.N.

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