The Wildrose did receive a lot of support in Calgary but only managed to win two seats. 35% of knowledgeable voters voted for the WRP. I don't understand why Calgarians didn't put more support behind the WR. My take is that in four yrs. our provincial government will have put Alta. in so much debt that REDford's Tories will need to raise taxes (maybe a sales tax?) in order to pay for all these socialist programs. I predict that the PC's will drop in popularity quite bit over the next few years that the WRP will be FINALLY voted in to straighten out the mess created by the left-leaning "progressive" conservatives (in name only). REDford tells us she's known Harper since she was in her teens, as if to say that she'll have a good working relationship with him. Listen lady, your either for his policies or against him, there's not a lot of room here for your socialist views. It'll be interesting to see how this relationship will play itself out.
Over time, the voters will be scrutinizing the PC's more now than at any other time as (hopefully) I believe, Redford's PC's will display how their allegiance to their regressive and restrictive policies will really negatively affect Alberta. One of their views is they don't like private schools. In their view, there should only be the Seperate and Public school boards and all student's should go to either one of the two. This smacks of the Nanny state telling us what is best for all. REDford also wants to create a National Energy Policy. Hmm, sounds to me this has been done before....ruining, and destroying jobs and Alberta's economy. I'm sure this time there won't be the same results but, Alberta's energy will be "dumbed down" in order to appease the rest of Canada. The Oilsands is really Alberta's resource that benefits Canada NOT the other way around which I believe is what will happen through REDford's implementation of her own version of this new version of dreaded N.E.P.
REDford has put her support, using OUR money, to provide big Unions including the teachers and gov't employees with gold plated contracts. Before the election, Unions phoned their members that they would have to vote for the PC's to save their jobs. Combine this scare tactic with Lieberal votes going to the PC's and many voters being scared of much of Wildrose's (realistic) policies, then you have this result. Fortunately, Danielle will have 16 MLA's going with her to hold REDford's PC's feet to the fire showing Albertan's and the rest of Canada how foolish most of her policies really are. Of course only those who have wisdom and discernment will see the folly of the Alberta PC's reckless abandonment of real conservative measures.
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