Thursday, 29 March 2012

Israel Is Good, Those Against It Are Mislead And Uninformed

The CEO of the Dis-Chem pharmacy chain in South Africa recently faced down a boycott threat over it's decision to sell Israeli Dead Sea skin-care products. An Arab woman complained to the company, claiming te products came "from a country whose human rights violations replicate Hitler's Nazism."
Dis-Chem would not remove the products, and the company's CEO told the woman that likening Israel's supposed human right's violations to the Nazis was "a scurrilous slur that you have clearly chosen to employ in order to give maximum offence."
He then added, "If it is your intension to boycott Israeli products, you need to be consistent if your gesture is to have any meaning. I hope you don't use an Intel chip in your computerwith which you probably wrote your e-mail because it was invented in Israel.
"I hope that you stay in good health because if you need preventative surgery against a heart attack, you will have to boycott the procedure because guess what? The stent was invented in Israel!
"Likewise, I hope you are never prescribed any patch for diabetes, to deliver medication and other drugs. If you are an asthmatic you may have to use a new type of inhaler (Spin) invented in Israel. So please check!
"Israel has given the world the system of drip irrigation which is being widely adopted in SA (South Africa) with water shortages like many countries. Should you boycott all fruit and vegetables grown by this method? The list that Israel has given the world is very lengthy. Check very carefully before you boycott."

So, we can include the NDP, Lyb's, Green's, MOST Islamist's, any country (and it's citizen's) that don't support Israel, and (I'm getting out of breath here) these Flotilla's (one called Mercy-what a joke) that say they are bringing supplies to the Palestinian people, but these supplies are banned as the Palestinian's use these same supplies that SHOULD be used by their own people to build houses, are, guess what?, being used to blow up Israelis. The Left, and it's adherent's (including Suzuki and all environMENTALISTS) need to give their head a shake. Oh yeah, you can include ALL Unions here too, most of the members anyway.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Mulcair And The Humdrum "Democratic" NDP

I've chosen to take a little time to talk about the ALWAYS BORING NDP. First, I take issue with the fact they have the word Democratic in their party name. They support those great Democracies such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan etc., etc., etc. They abhor Israel, which is the ONLY real Democratic nation in the region. Israel SUPPORTS Human Rights. These other Regimes, supported by the "Democratic" NDP (what a joke) tramp ALL OVER Human Rights by illegally arresting, using kangaroo court justice, or completely bypassing their form court justice and go directly to torturing (including rape) or murdering (this IS premeditated) of these unfortunate victims. And the treasonous NDP supports these sadistic countries under the name of Human Rights (sure). Now I go from one waste of time to another.

Thomas Mulcair bolstered his commitment to “internalize” environmental costs to help cure the “Dutch disease” that has, in his view, driven up the value of the Canadian dollar and destabilized the balanced economy of East and West. Dutch Disease explained is a concept that supposedly explains the relationship between increased exploitation and revenues from natural resources and a decline in manufacturing. The basic principle is that increased income derived from exporting natural resources and thus bringing in foreign currency will appreciate a nation's exchange rate and therefore make its secondary export sector (manufacturing) less competitive. Predominantly Dutch Disease refers to the discovery and exploitation of natural resources but it can also refer to "any development that results in a large inflow of foreign currency". The model dictates that a resource 'boom' (an increase in revenues through a rise in oil prices for example) can effect the economy in two main ways. One is known as the "resource movement effect" which essentially entails labour moving from the lagging sector to the booming sector because of an increase in demand for goods in the booming sector (direct-deindustrialisation for those of you who are interested!) The second major effect is called the "spending effect" which shifts labour away from the lagging sector to the non-tradable goods sector (direct-deindustrialisation). This is a result of the extra revenue bought in by the natural resource boom triggering more demand for labour in the non-tradable goods sector. As a result of increased demand for non-traded goods their price rises, but prices for traded goods remain the same (because they are set by international markets) meaning the real exchange rate increases.
So, he's saying that his Gov't, using OUR tax dollars would support Ontario's car manufacturing sector and through high taxation of the Oil Sands, the HIGHEST job creator in the country, to help fund the environMENTAL costs for this scheme. Oh, and I suppose that Alberta and the various Oil companies that have made HUGE investments (this would be Capitalism NDP, something that you have proven that you know NOTHING about) in the 'Sands are just going to allow this rape of their business'es?
In an interview with Tom Clark on Global’s The West Block, Mr. Mulcair lamented the fact the NDP has just three seats between Ontario and British Columbia. That is not about to change, given his musings on a “comprehensive” cap and trade plan are unlikely to win him friends in Canada’s resource-producing provinces. “The tar sands might be taking more out of the Canadian economy than they are putting in,” he said in Policy Options, without offering any evidence. Taking OUT MORE than putting IN? With NO evidence to boot.
There is no doubt that Canada has a two-track economy that threatens to pit region against region. But rather than adding balm to the wounds, Mr. Mulcair stands ready to rub salt. The average Albertan is already contributing $687 a year to pay for services in the rest of the country and, according to one study by former Bank of Canada governor David Dodge, that number is set to rise to $920 per head by 2020. The main recipients, of course, are Quebecers who help pay for their $7-a-day daycare, cheap university tuition fees and under-priced hydro with the $7.4-billion they get from wealthier Canadians. Ontarians are also recipients of equalization — $3.2-billion this year, likely rising to $5.5-billion by 2020, according to Mr. Dodge.
I have to stop now as the NDP are the gift that keeps giving and I could write more but I have better, more important things to do.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

A New Bill To Force Unions To Be Accountable-They Are Worried

Brian Lilley and Ezra Levant on why a new bill forcing accountability for unions and charities has many shaking in their boots.

This is a VERY informative video that also talks about the enviro foundation Tides Canada,the CBC, the charitable status given to organisations that really shouldn't receive it. The org's that WE fund including the ILLEGAL tranactions that result from this scam.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Islam - Means "Peace" - Is A Humanistic, And A False Religion

As you've heard, our world has been inundated with Islamic Terrorists that do their death and destruction all in the name of Allah. Well, for one thing this Allah, DOESN'T EXIST. He ONLY exists in the minds of followers. There is NO anthropoLOGICAL evidence or any ArchaeLOGICAL evidence that would support this false religion. The fact that if anyone destroys the Koran, is automatically put on the hit list is ridiculous. Just because you think that you'll die, and indiscriminately will kill and maim others does NOT make the Koran true. Christians die horrible deaths, and converts to Christ are raped over and over, even young girls and many Christians are tortured unmercilessly from the hands of cruel and sadistic Islamists who actually allow themselves to be fooled into thinking that Allah (God) is behind them on this. NOT AT ALL! There is only ONE God. And that God is  the God that is revealed to all in The Bible. There is PLENTY of archaeoLOGICAL evidence that supports The Bible's existence. There are over 5000 manuscrips to support the Bible's claim to be THE Word of God!. Islam always points to Abraham, the Jew's same Patriarch as their Father.
Well, that is true, but, Abraham had a servant, and her name was Hagar. Since Abraham's wife, Sarah, did not want to wait for God to bless her (this is key) and Abraham (Abram) with a son. She told Abram to sleep with Hagar. This action is against what God wanted. So, this where Ishmael comes in.
Genesis 16:12- "he will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyones and everyones hand against him. He will live in hostility toward all his brothers." Ishmael did prove this verse as true, and he continues his hostility toward others to this day. You can include the false "prophet" Muhammed who wrote the Koran. But he eventually died, as all humans do - but Jesus Christ (the real Omnipotent and Omniscient God), died, was buried, and ROSE from the dead. That's ROSE FROM THE DEAD. And, there is sufficient evidence to support this claim. There is, and I repeat, NO evidence to support the Koran's claim, and it's many adhereants, that this religion is accurate and plausible. And no, Christianity doesn't worship three God's, man is lower than Him, and we are not meant to understand The Trinity. We are to aprehend, not comprehend it. How can man know God? The Islam way is to grab for low hanging fruit.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

The U.S. And Some Of It's Upsides

We get the usual noise from many uninformed about how much they HATE the United States. As for me, I think their stated hate for America is well, to put it bluntly, foolish, at best. There are SO MANY BENEFITS that the U.S. offers us and SO MANY programs that we could glean from them, that I'll put down here for you to see. I will say that, of course no one Country is perfect. They have issues and so do we. Let's get started.

Canada security is sealed. We are SO fortunate, as our borders are protected by the largest Democracy in the world! I believe that 'cuz the U.S. is there, we can enjoy the style of living that we have right now. For years, the Lyb's refused to adequately support the Military and allowed (forced) the U.S. to help us where we couldn't fill our committment(s) in the world. We USED (now thanks to Harper, that has changed for the better, MUCH better) to have to rent some equipment from the U.S.(?)

The U.S. deals EFFECTIVELY with crimminals. This refuse of their society, who continually victimize the public knows full well what will happen when they are caught for their crime(s). They fortunately have Capital Punishment to deal with those who CHOOSE to cross the line. The Bible supports CP. Read Gen.9:6. No matter what you do (except if your a CEO) you'll receive a long, long sentence. In Texas, anyone that is convicted of killing anyone 18yrs. or younger, is AUTOMATICALLY receive the death penalty. And these killers should get automatic CP! We CANNOT trust our Justice system. Our system is really a legal system as there is NO Justice being meted out here. Canada spends it's (our) resources on the rehabilitation of crimminals. I say once a crook, always a crook. There are some that do make a turn around but, sadly, very few.

Their political system is more accountable to the public than ours. The PM wields too much power as Chretien showed all voters. Can you say Shawinagate or Abscam? Contrary to popular belief, The President doesn't have as much power as the PM's office does. Although Harper is good, and he won't abuse his power like Trudeau, Martin, or Chretien did.

The U.S. (for now) has a favourable tax system for Business to be able to thrive. Every economy needs a healthy small or large, business sector. Canada's businesses are overburdened by taxes. They need to have the ability to grow, and there are several benefits to communities by reducing the business taxes.

These are just some of the many benefits to having the U.S. next to us. Shame on those who broadcast their hate for the U.S. Especially the CBC, who receives on average 1 Billion per year of our hard earned money. Our Gov't hands over dollars to the CBC for them to criticize the Gov't AND the U.S.
We should show SOME support for the U.S. Not the scewed rhetoric that comes from the NDP, Lyb's, Green's, and other's.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Finally Add Privatization To Go Along Side Of Public Health Care

The other day, a client of one of my Caregivers had to go to the Hospital. She had to use EMS since she is confined to a wheelchair. She went to Emergency where she then had to wait NINE hours to finally get a bed. Then, she had to wait again 'til mid - morning to see her Doctor. Oh yeah, she was sent to Foothills Hospital because there was no room at Rockyview Hospital. She lives in the deep S.W., Foothills is in the far N.W. which, if you know Calgary, these two points are very far from each other.

The case I'm making here is the fact that our Health system needs a Privatization component to ENHANCE Health delivery to it's customers - US! Right now, Alberta Health Care does NOT operate this way. A lot of patients have a very difficult and a VERY uncomfortable experience dealing with Health Care. Even getting a Prescription is ANOTHER painful exercise to go through. For example: you need to book a Doctor's appointment first, then go there in order to get a prescription. Then, take it to the Pharmacist. This is very time consuming, especially if you need a prescription right away. The way Health Care is at present, it is not set up to practise proper customer service. In H.C. there are many, many, very good, and well meaning (some not) H.Care providers. These people work within H.C. surrounded by narrow perameters that actually prevent proper customer service to it's many customers - US! Privatization respects, and provides REAL C.S. to it's clients with speedy results for the customer, instead of lip service given by Provincial Governments to the populace. Friends of Medicare, big Public Sector Unions (PSAC), leftist political parties (NDP, Lyb's, Green Party) and many other's that have like-minded views support the stas quo. This view(s) does not understand, nor doesn't even WANT to understand Free Enterprise. That would include Personal INITIATIVE, or that this would cause COMPETITION between various companies and as a result, EFFICIENCY, thereby LOWERING the cost of services and equipment.

All Governments are guilty of throwing money (our tax dollars) at it. H.C. is about 50% of the Prov. Budget. That is crazy! We cannot continue with this pattern. Something has to give. All we get are platitudes by Govt's as to how they will improve H.C. but, all they do is set up more committees to talk about this or that while time marches on and NOTHING really gets done, except MORE of OUR money is thrown at it to appease the Left, and give a FALSE sense of security to those who CHOOSE NOT to be realistic in a world of economic uncertainty.

Private and Public Health Care CAN work together. Choice is best. The beneficiary is the taxpayer.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Treasonous Aboriginals

David Harris from INSIGNIS Research does his best to explain the unreasonable decision by some of Canada's First Nations people to join forces with Iran.
There many, many, people that support, or stick up for these guys. They (First "Nations" - what a joke - People) went to the Iranian Consulate in Ottawa to voice they're support for Iran. This is crazy! This act verges on the absurd! This video link explains more in detail about this Aboriginal Treason that they do ON OUR DIME!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Tories Election Promise

So here's news for ya'. During the last election, Steven Harper said that within 100 sitting days, his party would pass the Omnibus Crime Bill. Today, Tuesday, the Bill will go through the Senate and will be passed by the Conservative dominated Senate. This then fulfills the promise by Harper by 3 days. Way to go! A politician actually following through with an election promise! Oh but nay sayers to the Bill say that this'll cost more money and, (shudder) cause longer sentences! Oh no! (sic) What are we to do?!(sic). This Bill finally, eliminates, after 42 years, Canada's focus (priveledge) given to criminals and returns our focus, and most deservedly, on the victim's.
You know, Stat's Canada says that crime is going down. Well, they only record repeat offenders as committing ONE crime in total, when they've actually committed MORE than one. This way of fudging the numbers supports the Liberal dominated Gov't and the media reports of crime going down. More deception of the public by our Liberal dominated Gov't AND the media. It's taking time, but, the Tories are breaking down the walls of our liberal dominated democracy.

Opposition Torqued Robocall "Scandal'

After weeks of front-page coverage in the Ottawa Citizen, a massive public rally on Parliament Hill this weekend gave us a measure of the public’s outrage with the Robocall scandal.
Let’s just say a sparse crowd showed up, in the most political city in Canada.
Roughly the number of journalists at the Ottawa Citizen writing about the “scandal.”
The NSM — the non-Sun media — regularly ignores rallies with hundreds, even thousands of people in attendance, if the purpose of those rallies is not to sell their newspapers.
Last year’s March for Life — a non-partisan, pro-life rally — had more than 15,000 people show up on Parliament Hill last spring.
In fairness, the Citizen did put a postage-stamp sized photo of that protest on its front page, below the fold. It was an extreme close-up shot showing fewer than 10 people in attendance. Like looking through a telescope the wrong way.
But even the Ottawa Citizen couldn’t make this gathering at the newspaper’s anti-robot rally look good enough for their front page. So they chose instead a closeup of a rally in Montreal, where a few dozen anti-robot protesters had the media-savvy to stand close together. That, plus a screaming front-page headline, took up two-thirds of the front page of the Citizen yesterday.
Hey, don’t knock it. It’s tough to sell the Ottawa Citizen.
But a few protesters is still more than the number of Canadians who say they were tricked by robots into not voting in the last election.
That’s the whole excuse for the NDP-Liberal attempt to get a do-over of the election in dozens of ridings: The allegation that misleading robotic phone calls were so persuasive that hundreds, perhaps thousands, of voters simply couldn’t find their way to vote. And that Stephen Harper is a democratically illegitimate prime minister as a result.
And yet despite the barrels of ink dedicated to this manufactured scandal, not a single Canadian has come forward saying they were denied their vote. Not one. That’s the difference between a fake, media-generated scandalette and something that real people care about. Real people didn’t get fooled by the robots. And they’re not being fooled by the NSM now, either.
Sure, there are some NDP front groups that have set up web pages trying to get every teenager, foreign citizen and online robot to click on a button to protest the election results. Some of these lobby groups have claimed tens of thousands of clicks. That’s not activism — that’s slacktivism. Pressing a button on a computer simply meant those activists didn’t like the Conservatives, nothing more. Sunday’s protesters prove that.
In fairness, in Canada’s biggest city, there were several dozen protesters at the anti-robot rally. One of the keynote speakers was Zafar Bangash. Who’s he? He’s an anti-U.S., pro-Iran extremist in Toronto. My favourite Bangashism is his description of Israel as a “Zionist parasitical state.” Listening to him is like reading a translation of the magazine Der Sturmer from the 1930s.
Bangash didn’t just crash the anti-robot rally. He helped organize it. He was a keynote speaker at it. But that didn’t fit the NSM’s narrative of these rallies being filled with severely normal Canadians who were tricked by Harperbots into not voting.
The robot scandal is fake. The real scandal here is the media pack’s propaganda.
And NO amount of yelling and screaming by Bob Rae or the NDP will add ANY legitamacy to this story. Both parties, especially the Lyb's are envious of the Tories seat number. The "Royal" Opposition can only stand by while The Omnibus Bill gets passed and Air Canada employees have to work instead of holding the country hostage during their strike. If your wages and benefits are soooo bad, then. work somewhere else. Ooops! As far as the Union is concerned, "thems' fight'n words!" GO HARPER!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

More Immigration Fraud

Due to Lyberal Immigration Policy, any baby from a foreign country, that's born in Canada, automatically receives citizenship. This gift is then abused by family members and other unscrupulous "bed and breakfasts" as they call themselves. The Federal Liberal name equals the word corruption. And the Lyb's wonder why they lost so many seats. Well I know of one reason - his name is Jean Chretien - chief crook!
Check out this video: A Sun News exclusive investigation: Sneha Kulkarni reports on the pregnant foreign nationals exploiting Canada's immigration system. The Sun News team went undercover to expose the immigration fraud


Monday, 5 March 2012

Libyan Mob Desecrates Christian and Jewish WWII Tombstones Over Koran Burning

Islamist Extremists strike again and the Left "elite" including the U.N., continue to support groups like this.

In the eyes of radical Islamists, it seems attacking the living was not sufficient retaliation for U.S. troops inadvertently burning copies of the Koran in Afghanistan. Now, protesters in Libya have released their wrath on the dead.
A group of Libyan men – apparently angry at the Afghanistan incident – desecrated the graves of British World War II fighters in a cemetery near Benghazi, Libya. During the Second World War, British Commonwealth forces fought Italian Axis forces in this theater for control of Libya and Egypt. In the video below, one can see the Libyans destroying tombstones, while a ladder is erected which a man climbs and begins hammering a large cross overlooking the cemetery.
According to Ynet, one of the men says, “Come see, there’s Israeli writing, Hebrew, on the tombstone.”
Al Jazeera reports that one man can be heard saying in Arabic: “This is a grave of a Christian,” as he uproots a headstone. Others repeatedly say, “They are dogs, they are dogs.”
Britain’s Daily Mail is calling the ransacking an “insult to WWII heroes.” The paper points out the irony considering Britain’s key role in aiding Libyan rebels just one year ago:A year ago they begged for Britain’s help when Colonel Gaddafi’s tanks encircled their city, threatening annihilation.Now former Libyan rebels in Benghazi – liberated with the aid of the RAF last March – have systematically desecrated the graves of more than 150 British servicemen killed in North Africa 70 years ago.
Headstones at the Benghazi War Cemetery have been torn down and crucifixes smashed with hammers by a mob of extremists, some carrying guns and dressed in combat fatigues.
More than 1,000 military personnel are buried at the Libyan site, according to the British publication:Graves of RAF pilots were among those shattered by the thugs. It was their job to fly bombing raids – just as the RAF did last year – to assist Lieutenant General Montgomery’s Eighth Army and support commandos clearing routes for tanks.Sickeningly, the attack, which was carried out over two days last week and appeared highly organised, was filmed by one of the men involved and posted on the internet.
Ynet reports Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC) condemned the cemetery desecration:The Council also expressed deep regret over what happened and sharply criticized the actions which they say were not compatible with Islamic values. The council also promised to act to put a stop to the phenomenon and bring the perpetrators to trial in accordance with Libyan law which sees the tombstone desecration as a criminal act.The NTC also made it clear that the actions did not reflect on the local or official public opinion in Libya as they are in contrast to Islamic morals which stand for respecting all religions and faiths. The Libyan interior ministry added that it will launch an investigation and would apprehend and prosecute those responsible.
The incident occurred one day after President Obama conveyed an apology to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, an act that apparently had no effect on the Libyan vandals.

The term Arab Spring is a dead dream, too sad even to be called a joke

From Ezra Levant-

One of the cruelest facts about Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship were his two sons, Uday and Qusay.
With Saddam’s approval, Uday had descended to a Paul Bernardo level of evil.
It was well known in Iraq that beautiful women had to keep out of his sight, for if Uday wanted a woman he saw, he would simply order his secret police to bring her to him, and then he would rape her.
Even brides out in public on their wedding day. Especially them.
This barbaric act happened so often, Uday had “rape rooms” specially built.
That is the depravity from which Iraqis were rescued when the NATO-led coalition liberated them in 2003.
Now comes news that Syria’s dictator, Bashar al-Assad, has rape rooms. A video of one of them — a container truck, into which women are frog-marched to their doom — is on YouTube depicting this horrific crime.
Retired Lt.-Col. Jonathan Halevi, an Arabic-speaking counter-terrorism expert who used to work for the Israeli Defence Forces, brought the stomach-turning video to my TV show last week.
But it’s not Assad himself who is the rapist — at least that we know of. It’s his soldiers. They gang-rape women — and, according to reports, select the particularly pretty ones for their commanders. Some of Assad’s more human henchmen are reported to have actually defected to the rebels after witnessing such barbarism.
Is this an attempt to morally defeat the enemy through grief and horror?
Is it just the sexual expression of Assad’s cult of violence and death?
Is it a last unbridled act by Assad’s soldiers, sensing the approval of their masters and knowing that they may die soon enough and so, like the Red Army advancing on Berlin, they became less than men and barely more than animals? Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter.
So then it’s settled: We are for the rebels.
Except there’s one thing about that. Al-Qaida is part of the rebels. We know this in many ways, including that, in response to Assad’s depravity, al-Qaida dispatched a suicide bomber against the Syrian government.
So, on the one hand, we have a murderous dictator who has killed more than 8,000 of his own citizens and now countenances indiscriminate rape by his own forces.
So he’s a mass murderer and worse.
And on the other side, we have al-Qaida — an unrepentant death cult that murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and kills westerners and infidels to this day.
There are no good guys here. There are only two evils: Assad’s evil, protected at the United Nations by their dear friends the Russians and Chinese.
And al-Qaida’s evil, protected or financed by their dear friends the Pakistanis and Saudis.
It is a given that Bashar Assad will fall — Halevi says it’s a matter of short months; other experts like Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum give him as long as two years.
I tend towards Halevi’s prediction. But what is certain is that what replaces Assad will be no less totalitarian — it will simply add a layer of theocracy on top of the existing dictatorship that Assad, and his father before him, have wielded for decades.
Sound familiar? Of course it does. This is the pattern across the Arab world.
One short year ago, the naive fools of the consensus media looked at the riots in Tunisia and Egypt and Libya and projected themselves onto the rioters.
Look, they use iPads and Twitter and Facebook, just like us! So they must be liberals and democrats just like us, too!
And there were some liberals there in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, to be sure. But as is often the case, the gentle revolutionaries are quickly dispatched by the brutal ones. The phrase “Arab Spring” is a dead dream, too sad even to be called a joke. A new phrase must be coined.
Churchill looked at the Soviet Union strangling Eastern Europe and said an Iron Curtain was descending.
Given the theocratic nature of Arabia’s revolutions, the “Iron Burka” might be more appropriate.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Robocalls - And Other Opposition "Misdemeanors".

Dirty tricks are nothing new in politics. Sometimes they’re even part of the fun.
Tearing down opponents’ campaign posters is a time-honoured tactic in Quebec. And for decades, campaigns have been known to send pizzas after midnight to their opponents’ headquarters.

The robocall affair, when all the facts are known, could turn out to be more sinister. Or it could turn to be just another conspiracy from social media.
Robocalls are automated phone calls that people generally receive on their land lines after dinner – which is one of the reasons people are increasingly discontinuing land-line service.

All parties use robocalls as part of their efforts to get out the vote.
In this case the Conservatives are accused of using robocalls to suppress the vote in last May’s election, in at least one riding, and perhaps as many as several dozen.
In the Ontario riding of Guelph, robocalls informed Liberal- and New Democratic Party-leaning voters that their polling stations had changed address, when they hadn’t.
The Conservative candidate in Guelph lost by 6,000 votes anyway. Robocalls don’t change outcomes in races that aren’t close, and so far no one has pointed to a close race whose result was changed by them.

Sorry, but this isn’t Watergate. Nobody broke into Liberal or NDP campaign headquarters and stole their hard drives. No journalists are meeting sources at 2 a.m. in the garage of the National Arts Centre. Nowadays journalists generally just talk to each other on Twitter.
Which is why most of them missed the developing story of Stephen Harper’s emerging Conservative majority in Ontario in the last week of the campaign. It had nothing to do with robocalls, and everything to do with strategic voters known as Blue Grits leaving the Liberals in the last days of the campaign to vote for the Conservatives in order to stop the surging NDP. The Conservative message was simple and devastatingly effective: The NDP will do for Canada what it did for Ontario. As a result, the Conservatives won 30 out of 45 seats in the Greater Toronto Area, once an unbreachable Liberal fortress. That, and not robocalls, remains the big story of the 2011 election.

There was an election. Harper won it, fair and square. Elections are usually won by the team with the best leader and message, the best candidates and organization, the deepest pockets and the ability to get out the vote. In 2011, that was the Conservatives, who won 40 per cent of the vote nationally, sweeping Ontario and the West.
Somehow, Harper is being accused of creating a toxic political culture, of personally condoning dirty tricks like robocalls. There’s no evidence making such a link. But let the RCMP and the chief electoral officer investigate. That’s their job.

In other news from the dirty-tricks department, it turns out that Vikileaks was a Liberal operation, run by a researcher in the office of the party’s interim leader, Bob Rae.
Rae made the revelation himself in the House of Commons, announcing that the staffer in question had resigned.
Vikileaks was a Twitter account set up to embarrass Public Safety Minister Vic Toews by divulging messy details of his divorce. It occurred after Toews introduced a child-protection bill two weeks ago with the comment that opposition members could either stand with the government, or with the purveyors of kiddie porn. The bill, C-30, raises serious privacy issues about the Internet, as even Conservatives have acknowledged.
Vikileaks was traced to a Parliament Hill email account and shut down within days.
“I want to offer to the minister my personal apology to him,” Rae told the House. Toews accepted Rae’s gracious apology, and in the spirit of the occasion, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird offered an apology of his own, for having accused the NDP of being behind Vikileaks.
Toews then went to his Twitter account to accuse Liberal MP Justin Trudeau of being part of the plot. “You discovered Vikileaks pretty quickly for an innocent bystander,” Toews tweeted.
This would be when Trudeau wasn’t giving interviews to Radio-Canada saying Stephen Harper’s Canada wasn’t his Canada, and that he might even prefer living in a separate Quebec to a Canada where gay marriage and abortion rights weren’t respected.
That one really went viral in the Twitterverse.

It used to be said that a politician was never more than a sentence away from oblivion. Now it’s 140 characters.