We get the usual noise from many uninformed about how much they HATE the United States. As for me, I think their stated hate for America is well, to put it bluntly, foolish, at best. There are SO MANY BENEFITS that the U.S. offers us and SO MANY programs that we could glean from them, that I'll put down here for you to see. I will say that, of course no one Country is perfect. They have issues and so do we. Let's get started.
Canada security is sealed. We are SO fortunate, as our borders are protected by the largest Democracy in the world! I believe that 'cuz the U.S. is there, we can enjoy the style of living that we have right now. For years, the Lyb's refused to adequately support the Military and allowed (forced) the U.S. to help us where we couldn't fill our committment(s) in the world. We USED (now thanks to Harper, that has changed for the better, MUCH better) to have to rent some equipment from the U.S.(?)
The U.S. deals EFFECTIVELY with crimminals. This refuse of their society, who continually victimize the public knows full well what will happen when they are caught for their crime(s). They fortunately have Capital Punishment to deal with those who CHOOSE to cross the line. The Bible supports CP. Read Gen.9:6. No matter what you do (except if your a CEO) you'll receive a long, long sentence. In Texas, anyone that is convicted of killing anyone 18yrs. or younger, is AUTOMATICALLY receive the death penalty. And these killers should get automatic CP! We CANNOT trust our Justice system. Our system is really a legal system as there is NO Justice being meted out here. Canada spends it's (our) resources on the rehabilitation of crimminals. I say once a crook, always a crook. There are some that do make a turn around but, sadly, very few.
Their political system is more accountable to the public than ours. The PM wields too much power as Chretien showed all voters. Can you say Shawinagate or Abscam? Contrary to popular belief, The President doesn't have as much power as the PM's office does. Although Harper is good, and he won't abuse his power like Trudeau, Martin, or Chretien did.
The U.S. (for now) has a favourable tax system for Business to be able to thrive. Every economy needs a healthy small or large, business sector. Canada's businesses are overburdened by taxes. They need to have the ability to grow, and there are several benefits to communities by reducing the business taxes.
These are just some of the many benefits to having the U.S. next to us. Shame on those who broadcast their hate for the U.S. Especially the CBC, who receives on average 1 Billion per year of our hard earned money. Our Gov't hands over dollars to the CBC for them to criticize the Gov't AND the U.S.
We should show SOME support for the U.S. Not the scewed rhetoric that comes from the NDP, Lyb's, Green's, and other's.
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