As you've heard, our world has been inundated with Islamic Terrorists that do their death and destruction all in the name of Allah. Well, for one thing this Allah, DOESN'T EXIST. He ONLY exists in the minds of followers. There is NO anthropoLOGICAL evidence or any ArchaeLOGICAL evidence that would support this false religion. The fact that if anyone destroys the Koran, is automatically put on the hit list is ridiculous. Just because you think that you'll die, and indiscriminately will kill and maim others does NOT make the Koran true. Christians die horrible deaths, and converts to Christ are raped over and over, even young girls and many Christians are tortured unmercilessly from the hands of cruel and sadistic Islamists who actually allow themselves to be fooled into thinking that Allah (God) is behind them on this. NOT AT ALL! There is only ONE God. And that God is the God that is revealed to all in The Bible. There is PLENTY of archaeoLOGICAL evidence that supports The Bible's existence. There are over 5000 manuscrips to support the Bible's claim to be THE Word of God!. Islam always points to Abraham, the Jew's same Patriarch as their Father.
Well, that is true, but, Abraham had a servant, and her name was Hagar. Since Abraham's wife, Sarah, did not want to wait for God to bless her (this is key) and Abraham (Abram) with a son. She told Abram to sleep with Hagar. This action is against what God wanted. So, this where Ishmael comes in.
Genesis 16:12- "he will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyones and everyones hand against him. He will live in hostility toward all his brothers." Ishmael did prove this verse as true, and he continues his hostility toward others to this day. You can include the false "prophet" Muhammed who wrote the Koran. But he eventually died, as all humans do - but Jesus Christ (the real Omnipotent and Omniscient God), died, was buried, and ROSE from the dead. That's ROSE FROM THE DEAD. And, there is sufficient evidence to support this claim. There is, and I repeat, NO evidence to support the Koran's claim, and it's many adhereants, that this religion is accurate and plausible. And no, Christianity doesn't worship three God's, man is lower than Him, and we are not meant to understand The Trinity. We are to aprehend, not comprehend it. How can man know God? The Islam way is to grab for low hanging fruit.
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