The following is an article by Ezra Levant detailing a recent meeting he had with Mike Hudema who heads up this VERY hypocritical group. Note what they did to the Aboriginals -and after this was done, the Natives STILL support these guys - I should say, all the supporters of Greenpeace are hyppos too.
Greenpeace is pretty good at stunts — it’s their trademark.
Sometimes it’s jokes, sometimes it’s criminal breaking and entering. Like when they broke out of the Calgary Tower and unfurled their propaganda banners in 2010.
Before that, they specialized in vandalizing oilsands mines and refineries near Fort McMurray. It’s easy to get media attention if you’re willing to break the law, and Greenpeace certainly is.
In gentle countries like Canada, at least.
So far, no Greenpeace stunts have been recorded in the world’s largest oil-producing countries, like Iran or Saudi Arabia.
But stunts aside, what if you could sit down with a Greenpeace executive — no photo ops, no gimmicks — and have a conversation? Is there anything underneath the B.S.?
On Friday morning, I tried just that. The Canadian Bar Association sponsored a debate between Mike Hudema, Greenpeace’s anti-oilsands executive, and me.
Ninety minutes of talk — no stunts, no crimes. It was illuminating — and depressing.
Hudema trotted out every shopworn cliché, rumour and slander about the oilsands — claiming it’s anti-environment and even anti-aboriginal. (That last one is precious: The oilsands are the number one employer of aboriginal people in Canada. Which is good, considering Greenpeace is largely to blame for shutting down the aboriginal fur trapping industry.)
I made my points, too, about ethical oil — how the oilsands are superior to OPEC oil by four measures of liberal values: Environmental responsibility, peace, treatment of workers and human rights.
Back and forth we went.
So far, so predictable. But near the end of the debate, the conversation turned to how things would be different if the oilsands were somehow shut down. Besides massive unemployment and the loss of billions in tax revenues for the government.
His comments were amazing and show why Greenpeace prefers stunts to debates.
Hudema said two things that still have my head shaking.
He said the oilsands “feed our addiction to oil.”
As in, people use oil because the oilsands supplies it. As in, if the oilsands weren’t there, people wouldn’t be driving.
Uh, no.
We know this isn’t true, because people were driving before the oilsands were a major producer. The U.S., which takes 99% of our oil exports, simply bought their oil from Saudi Arabia instead. That’s what the oilsands do: They don’t make Americans fill up their cars with gas. They let them fill up their cars with oilsands gas instead of Saudi gas. China and India are using more oil because they’re no longer dirt poor, so they’re buying cars too.
They’re going to buy their oil from Iran and Saudi Arabia if they don’t buy it from us.
Hudema’s second whopper was more of a confession: Greenpeace doesn’t have a clue of how to run the world without oil.
Hudema drove down from Edmonton for our debate. He jets around a lot too. Hudema calls for a green future, but when pressed on a real life version of that — as opposed to science fiction — he gets vague pretty quickly.
Sorry, we can’t run cars on solar panels or windmills. Even experimental electric cars need electricity — much of it generated by coal.
Greenpeace is good at getting attention, because stunts and crimes make headlines.
But scratch beneath the surface and they really have no clue about how to get the world off oil. They just want the world to buy it from OPEC rather than Canada.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Canada is headed (finally) is this direction
Go the Dutch - but why wait until 2013?
The Netherlands , where six per cent of the population is now Muslim, is scrapping multiculturalism:
The Dutch government says it will abandon the long-standing model of multiculturalism that has encouraged Muslim immigrants to create a parallel society within the Netherlands .
The Dutch government says it will abandon the long-standing model of multiculturalism that has encouraged Muslim immigrants to create a parallel society within the Netherlands .
A new integration bill, which Dutch Interior Minister Piet Hein Donner presented to parliament on June 16, reads:
"The government shares the social dissatisfaction over the multicultural society model and plans to shift priority to the values of the Dutch people. In the new integration system, the values of the Dutch society play a central role. With this change, the government steps away from the model of a multicultural society."
The letter continues: "A more obligatory integration is justified because the government also demands that from its own citizens. It is necessary because otherwise the society gradually grows apart and eventually no one feels at home anymore in the Netherlands ..."
The new integration policy will place more demands on immigrants. For example, immigrants will be required to learn the Dutch language, and the government will take a tougher approach to immigrants who ignore Dutch values or disobey Dutch law. The government will also stop offering special subsidies for Muslim immigrants because, according to Donner, "it is not the government's job to integrate immigrants."
The government will introduce new legislation that outlaws forced marriages and will also impose tougher measures against
Muslim immigrants who lower their chances of employment by the way they dress. More specifically, the government will impose a ban on face-covering Islamic burqas as of January 1, 2013.
Muslim immigrants who lower their chances of employment by the way they dress. More specifically, the government will impose a ban on face-covering Islamic burqas as of January 1, 2013.
Holland has done that whole liberal thing, and realised - maybe too late - that creating a nation of tribes will kill the nation itself.
Australia's future may well be read here.
READERS NOTE: Muslim immigrants leave their countries of birth because of civil and political unrest CREATED BY THE VERY NATURE OF THEIR CULTURE.
Countries like Holland and Australia have an established way of life that actually works, so why embrace the unworkable?
If Muslims do not wish to accept another culture, the answer is simple STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!
This gives a whole new meaning to the term 'Dutch Courage'
It is time Canada did the same -- Come on Canadians --- Wake Up
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Harper's unpopular, but wise comments.
I sure enjoyed Steven Harper's comments he made while attending The World Economic Conference in Davos, Switzerland. Firstly, he chastised The European Union and western countries (the US actually) for being complacent and relying on their past economic prosperity to making any real, or deeper cuts in their social programs. He stated that the Canadian Gov't will continue it's focus on job's and the economy and he congratulated Canadians for doing what is necessary to improve their economy. The gov't will support the Northern Gateway Pipeline while there are several groups that want to derail it by using stall tactics (the hearings are way too long of a process) while many people could be employed instead of waiting. He also criticised Europe for putting Canada down for it's various pipeline projects. Harper too, said he is worried about Europe's debt and what the repercussion of their inaction on their debt will be. What he said was met with subdued applause and for a short period of time. This shows how really uncommitted Europe is in reducing it's overburdening debt is.
I say, who are they to put Canada down for taking advantage of it's resources to vastly improve it's own economy by providing non subidised, private sector, and non-governmental jobs? Greece, Italy, Portugal and a host of other countries, with their lousy economies that reflect what happens when you let the inmates (Unions, socialists, environmentalists) run the asylum.
Canada is blessed, as it says in Genesis ch:12 vs9 and I quote in part, God speaking to Abraham who settled Israel - I (God) will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse. The first thing Harper did when he became PM was to recognise Israel. This was a bold move, and not supported by the Lyberals, NDP, Bloc, or Green party. Look for yourself to see what countries support Israel and you'll see that their economy is a good one. All nations that are against Israel, are struggling. Why is it that Israel's economy is doing well, and why are they able to hold their own in a region (and a world) that is so hostile towards them? Harper, continue to show the world, by being unpopular to those who are perishing, but, popular where it counts most.
I say, who are they to put Canada down for taking advantage of it's resources to vastly improve it's own economy by providing non subidised, private sector, and non-governmental jobs? Greece, Italy, Portugal and a host of other countries, with their lousy economies that reflect what happens when you let the inmates (Unions, socialists, environmentalists) run the asylum.
Canada is blessed, as it says in Genesis ch:12 vs9 and I quote in part, God speaking to Abraham who settled Israel - I (God) will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse. The first thing Harper did when he became PM was to recognise Israel. This was a bold move, and not supported by the Lyberals, NDP, Bloc, or Green party. Look for yourself to see what countries support Israel and you'll see that their economy is a good one. All nations that are against Israel, are struggling. Why is it that Israel's economy is doing well, and why are they able to hold their own in a region (and a world) that is so hostile towards them? Harper, continue to show the world, by being unpopular to those who are perishing, but, popular where it counts most.
Friday, 27 January 2012
THIS is putting your country FIRST!
I recently received this email. I believe this message is bang on!
Australia says NO -- Second Time she has done this!
She sure isn't backing down on her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her belief in the rights of her native countrymen.
A breath of fresh air to see someone lead. Australian Prime Minister does it again!!
The whole world needs a leader like this!
Prime Minister Julia Gillard - Australia
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT... Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'
'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.'
'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!'
'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'
'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'
'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'
'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'
OUR home and subversive U.N. land.
I did it again. This article is by Brian Lilley from the Toronto Sun. It's about the U.N. Among other things,the U.N. can't stand it when countries act with a mind of their own. They contine to chastise Canada for it's human rights record but support Saudi Arabia, Iran, Lybia, etc. They exhibit a form of hypocrisy that is UNfathomable!They send "peace keepers" to Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, supporting THEM in killing Israelis, the only democracy in the middle east. They have their I.P.C.C. that supports human induced climate change which DOES NOT exist. This organisation (U.N.) can only do anything with tax payer dollars. In essence, Canada sends our money to the U.N. for them to be able to criticise US! Today's U.N. - showing the world how to "grab the bull by the tail".
Earlier this week Canada kicked out a Rwandan man accused of helping instigate the genocide in his homeland almost 20 years ago, but if were up to the mandarins at the United Nations, Leon Mugesera would still be on Canadian soil.
Despite being found inadmissible to Canada in 1995 by a Liberal cabinet minister, deemed inadmissible by the Supreme Court in 2005 and having lost all of his appeals, the UN stepped in to protect the accused war criminal.
The international body wanted its decisions to supersede Canadian law and courts, and have their people determine when and if we could boot him back to Kigali.
I think most Canadians would find it ridiculous that the UN, the body that told its peacekeepers to stand by and let the Rwandan genocide happen, would intervene to protect a man accused of instigating the mass slaughter.
This isn’t the first time the UN has tried to take control of Canadian decision-making.
Last summer, the UN Human Rights Council tried to stop the deportation of Audley Horace Gardner, a Jamaican national with a history of violence in this country. Even after he was on a plane bound for Kingston, Jamaica, the UN tried to get the Jamaican government to stop the deportation. Thankfully the pilot of the plane wouldn’t let Gardner stay for a return flight.
Canada is a sovereign country, so the idea that the United Nations should be intervening in our internal affairs is bothersome to me, but unfortunately not all that unprecedented. Some Canadians even want it that way.
In the last election, former Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff said this during the French leaders debate: “The Canadian army must never be used outside the country without the authorization of the UN.”
Ignatieff backed away from that idea after a reporter quizzed him on the wisdom of giving Russia and China a veto on Canadian troop deployments.
In the last Parliament, former Liberal MP Gerard Kennedy proposed a bill that would have seen Canada legally bound to accept any army deserters from any war not sanctioned by the United Nations.
It was defeated but did receive the backing of most Liberal, New Democrat and Bloc MPs.
Liberal MP David McGuinty once suggested the Harper government be prosecuted in the International Criminal Court over inaction on climate change.
Later this year, Canada will join other countries around the world in celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Rio Earth Summit.
While that summit is recognized for world leaders pledging to co-operate on the environment, many don’t realize that it also spawned a plan for global governance that would see UN principles implemented at the most local levels.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve never voted for anyone at the United Nations.
Still, they plod ahead with their plan, which has been given the strangely, sinister-sounding name of Agenda 21, “a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.”
Translation: The UN wants in on local land-use planning, urban development and even farming.
Soon the global body won’t just be showing up in Canadian courts to defend accused war criminals, they’ll be at town council planning meetings to make sure it all goes their way.
Be concerned.
Be very concerned.
Earlier this week Canada kicked out a Rwandan man accused of helping instigate the genocide in his homeland almost 20 years ago, but if were up to the mandarins at the United Nations, Leon Mugesera would still be on Canadian soil.
Despite being found inadmissible to Canada in 1995 by a Liberal cabinet minister, deemed inadmissible by the Supreme Court in 2005 and having lost all of his appeals, the UN stepped in to protect the accused war criminal.
The international body wanted its decisions to supersede Canadian law and courts, and have their people determine when and if we could boot him back to Kigali.
I think most Canadians would find it ridiculous that the UN, the body that told its peacekeepers to stand by and let the Rwandan genocide happen, would intervene to protect a man accused of instigating the mass slaughter.
This isn’t the first time the UN has tried to take control of Canadian decision-making.
Last summer, the UN Human Rights Council tried to stop the deportation of Audley Horace Gardner, a Jamaican national with a history of violence in this country. Even after he was on a plane bound for Kingston, Jamaica, the UN tried to get the Jamaican government to stop the deportation. Thankfully the pilot of the plane wouldn’t let Gardner stay for a return flight.
Canada is a sovereign country, so the idea that the United Nations should be intervening in our internal affairs is bothersome to me, but unfortunately not all that unprecedented. Some Canadians even want it that way.
In the last election, former Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff said this during the French leaders debate: “The Canadian army must never be used outside the country without the authorization of the UN.”
Ignatieff backed away from that idea after a reporter quizzed him on the wisdom of giving Russia and China a veto on Canadian troop deployments.
In the last Parliament, former Liberal MP Gerard Kennedy proposed a bill that would have seen Canada legally bound to accept any army deserters from any war not sanctioned by the United Nations.
It was defeated but did receive the backing of most Liberal, New Democrat and Bloc MPs.
Liberal MP David McGuinty once suggested the Harper government be prosecuted in the International Criminal Court over inaction on climate change.
Later this year, Canada will join other countries around the world in celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Rio Earth Summit.
While that summit is recognized for world leaders pledging to co-operate on the environment, many don’t realize that it also spawned a plan for global governance that would see UN principles implemented at the most local levels.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve never voted for anyone at the United Nations.
Still, they plod ahead with their plan, which has been given the strangely, sinister-sounding name of Agenda 21, “a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.”
Translation: The UN wants in on local land-use planning, urban development and even farming.
Soon the global body won’t just be showing up in Canadian courts to defend accused war criminals, they’ll be at town council planning meetings to make sure it all goes their way.
Be concerned.
Be very concerned.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Green energy, and resultant Gov't subsidy, nightmare
I couldn't help myself. I had to post this complete article written by Lorne Goldstein in the Toronto Sun. As far as I'm concerned, this article tells it like it is in regard's to the Green movement (bowel?). As you'll see, Billions of dollars, around the world have been WASTED - through increased taxes for ALL. We continue to be deceived to by the media, CBC, CTV and several other news media, many Aboriginals and their many tax subsidized groups, Suzuki, Greenpeace, and a host of other subsidized environMENTAL groups.
I hope this article posts well.
If Canada’s “green” media — especially in the Parliamentary Press Gallery — demanded the same standards of accountability of themselves as they do of politicians, they would be killing entire forests right now apologizing to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Why? Because in sidestepping the economically suicidal stampede onto the green energy bandwagon which they relentlessly shilled for, Harper was right and they — along with the Liberals, NDP, Bloc and Greens — were wrong.
Today, so-called “green” energy is in retreat all over the developed world, as taxpayers and consumers in countries that blindly raced into it are in open revolt against paying exorbitant, ever-rising prices for unreliable, inefficient power sources that don’t lower carbon dioxide emissions.
Germany is poised to slash public subsidies for solar energy — which sent shares in solar companies crashing world-wide — because it can’t afford the grossly inflated, 20-year feed-in-tariffs it has been paying for energy that’s so unreliable. It has had to import nuclear power from France and the Czech Republic this winter to avoid blackouts, plus restart an old, oil-fired electricity plant in Austria.
As Germany’s Spiegel Online reported: “Solar energy has gone from being the great white hope to an impediment to a reliable energy supply.”
In the U.K., an all-party alliance of MPs has been formed to fight the proliferation of wind turbines, amidst public fury over higher energy prices, unreliability and the problems it has caused for the nation’s electricity grid. Even world-famous U.K. environmentalist James Lovelock, who supports nuclear power, has described wind turbines as useless and growing blights on the landscape.
It’s the same story across Europe, whose seven-year-old cap-and-trade carbon market, the Emissions Trading Scheme, is in disarray, with electricity and consumer prices rising, multi-billion-dollar frauds and no reduction in emissions. In Tuesday’s State of the Union address, Barack Obama ignored the growing list of alternative energy fiascos in the U.S., including taxpayers losing $535 million in the bankruptcy of Solyndra, the California solar company that was his poster-child for green energy.
Instead, showing incredible hypocrisy, given his cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, Obama bragged about having opened “millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration” in the U.S. and “directing my administration to open more than 75% of our potential offshore oil and gas resources.”
Obama also pledged to “take every possible action” to increase U.S. production of shale gas, whose extraction process — “fracking” — is as controversial among environmentalists as the oilsands.
Which bring us to Canada, where Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s Green Energy Act was recently eviscerated by provincial Auditor General Jim McCarter.
He reported it will cost consumers billions of dollars in higher electricity prices that could have been reduced had the government listened to its own experts, that it will kill far more jobs than the 50,000 McGuinty promised to create and that Ontarians may have to pay up to $225 million annually to green energy companies not to generate electricity.
This is the madness former prime minister Jean Chretien and the Liberals idiotically signed us up for when they recklessly endorsed Kyoto in 1998 and that our “green” media, the opposition parties and radical environmentalists have been braying ever since we should embrace.
Is Harper owed some apologies? You bet he is.
Will he get them? You bet he won’t.
I hope this article posts well.
If Canada’s “green” media — especially in the Parliamentary Press Gallery — demanded the same standards of accountability of themselves as they do of politicians, they would be killing entire forests right now apologizing to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Why? Because in sidestepping the economically suicidal stampede onto the green energy bandwagon which they relentlessly shilled for, Harper was right and they — along with the Liberals, NDP, Bloc and Greens — were wrong.
Today, so-called “green” energy is in retreat all over the developed world, as taxpayers and consumers in countries that blindly raced into it are in open revolt against paying exorbitant, ever-rising prices for unreliable, inefficient power sources that don’t lower carbon dioxide emissions.
Germany is poised to slash public subsidies for solar energy — which sent shares in solar companies crashing world-wide — because it can’t afford the grossly inflated, 20-year feed-in-tariffs it has been paying for energy that’s so unreliable. It has had to import nuclear power from France and the Czech Republic this winter to avoid blackouts, plus restart an old, oil-fired electricity plant in Austria.
As Germany’s Spiegel Online reported: “Solar energy has gone from being the great white hope to an impediment to a reliable energy supply.”
In the U.K., an all-party alliance of MPs has been formed to fight the proliferation of wind turbines, amidst public fury over higher energy prices, unreliability and the problems it has caused for the nation’s electricity grid. Even world-famous U.K. environmentalist James Lovelock, who supports nuclear power, has described wind turbines as useless and growing blights on the landscape.
It’s the same story across Europe, whose seven-year-old cap-and-trade carbon market, the Emissions Trading Scheme, is in disarray, with electricity and consumer prices rising, multi-billion-dollar frauds and no reduction in emissions. In Tuesday’s State of the Union address, Barack Obama ignored the growing list of alternative energy fiascos in the U.S., including taxpayers losing $535 million in the bankruptcy of Solyndra, the California solar company that was his poster-child for green energy.
Instead, showing incredible hypocrisy, given his cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, Obama bragged about having opened “millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration” in the U.S. and “directing my administration to open more than 75% of our potential offshore oil and gas resources.”
Obama also pledged to “take every possible action” to increase U.S. production of shale gas, whose extraction process — “fracking” — is as controversial among environmentalists as the oilsands.
Which bring us to Canada, where Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s Green Energy Act was recently eviscerated by provincial Auditor General Jim McCarter.
He reported it will cost consumers billions of dollars in higher electricity prices that could have been reduced had the government listened to its own experts, that it will kill far more jobs than the 50,000 McGuinty promised to create and that Ontarians may have to pay up to $225 million annually to green energy companies not to generate electricity.
This is the madness former prime minister Jean Chretien and the Liberals idiotically signed us up for when they recklessly endorsed Kyoto in 1998 and that our “green” media, the opposition parties and radical environmentalists have been braying ever since we should embrace.
Is Harper owed some apologies? You bet he is.
Will he get them? You bet he won’t.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Man's Socialism - not the way to go.
The Christian worldview of social justice doesn’t assume the wealthy are the beneficiaries of ill-gotten gain. Wealth is not evil in a Christian worldview, but there is a responsibility and an expectation to be a good steward of one’s wealth (because all wealth comes from God). Today’s social justice, as mentioned earlier, operates under the tacit assumption that the wealthy are exploiting the poor. A third difference is that, under the Christian concept of stewardship, the Christian can give to the charities he/she wants to support. For example, if a Christian has a heart for the unborn, he can support pro-life agencies with his time, talent and treasure. Under the contemporary form of social justice, it is those in power within the government who get to decide who receives the redistributed wealth. We have no control over what the government does with our tax money, and more often than not, that money goes to charities we might not deem worthy.Today’s notion of social justice employs a more “top down” approach. The government, through taxation and other means, redistributes wealth from those who have it to those who don’t. This doesn’t encourage giving from the heart out of love, but rather resentment toward the government from those who feel their hard-earned wealth is being taken.
Sounds like what the NDP spout off to Canadians about. Take from the wealthier and give to the poor. Hmmm - sounds awfully like this was done before by someone famous - I can't put my finger on him - Oh yeah, I know - Stalin! no, no, - Lenin! Mao! no - how 'bout Castro! Na, these guys FORCED their skewed ideologies on their respective countries. Well....The NDP, DO have the same ideology as these Dictators, and they (NDP) would enact the SAME THING if and when they were to get in power. Our "progressive" tax system, which really takes away an incentive to work harder (overtime, the more you earn the more in taxes you have to pay) and supports the Unions! This is done by forcing companies to hire. An argument could be made that this way encourages employment, this can happen, but why not allow business to hire on an as needed basis? I see Unions as being able to wield TOO MUCH power these days. Unions have gotten WAAAY past what they were initially created to do.
Sounds like what the NDP spout off to Canadians about. Take from the wealthier and give to the poor. Hmmm - sounds awfully like this was done before by someone famous - I can't put my finger on him - Oh yeah, I know - Stalin! no, no, - Lenin! Mao! no - how 'bout Castro! Na, these guys FORCED their skewed ideologies on their respective countries. Well....The NDP, DO have the same ideology as these Dictators, and they (NDP) would enact the SAME THING if and when they were to get in power. Our "progressive" tax system, which really takes away an incentive to work harder (overtime, the more you earn the more in taxes you have to pay) and supports the Unions! This is done by forcing companies to hire. An argument could be made that this way encourages employment, this can happen, but why not allow business to hire on an as needed basis? I see Unions as being able to wield TOO MUCH power these days. Unions have gotten WAAAY past what they were initially created to do.
Monday, 23 January 2012
I have difficulty in responding to responses on website (virus?)
Dan - Just because we are Christians, doesn't mean that we need to be a doormat or, are we to enable crime or criminals by not making the choices THEY made, of their own volition, that would ultimately cause their own destiny. We are STILL to love, and to look after those that are needy. Whoever that may be. In so doing, yes, we are displaying God's love for all, in action. Everyone, as you know, needs to make a decision to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. If your sentenced to Cap. Pun., well, your time frame to do so is reduced. Yes, all Christ followers are saved by Grace. Grace is only offered while we are alive so, everyone better take advantage of God's favour while they are above ground. The prison system does represent a large section of the poor, but, I'm sure that envy is a major reason for most. There are financially well to do people there too, but, perhaps there aren't more because they may have the means to stay out of prison - who knows? Hard work will result in financial prosperity, not the world's view, but God's. Regrettably, many choose the wide road, not the narrow. Some perks in prisons are wide screen T.V's with cable, video games, BBQ's, theraputic walks for sex offenders around bird baths, yoga, cooking classes, Gov't sponsored pensions, early parole hearings (which disrespects victim's families) etc., etc. If prisons would reflect more of a place to stay out of - I'm sure decisions to enter would change also.
In response to Mulcair - Not only are the optics bad here but, if this decision is to not do what he should do, renouncing citizenship in France, shows his non-committment soley to Canada. This decision by him, also reflects upon the NDP's laissez faires attitude in the way they run their party.What Mulcair's family roles are are vastly different or can be, than running a diverse Country such as ours.
In response to Mulcair - Not only are the optics bad here but, if this decision is to not do what he should do, renouncing citizenship in France, shows his non-committment soley to Canada. This decision by him, also reflects upon the NDP's laissez faires attitude in the way they run their party.What Mulcair's family roles are are vastly different or can be, than running a diverse Country such as ours.
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Criminals favoured treatment
Over the years, there have been many horrific murders. So, what do we do with these killers? Currently, when convicted, these criminals will receive time in jail. Generally the sentence for taking a life is never enough. The victims of this terrible and very self-serving crime are left without their loved one for life. To add insult to injury, the victim's have to go to court and relive the murder. They do this in order to try and keep the murderer in jail as the Justice System is too eager to parole these guys and put them back on the streets. Or, if the criminal has some sort of mental disorder, he doesn't serve ANY time in jail but, gets treated for his respective illness and is put back on the street. As in the case of the Greyhound Bus murderer by Winnipeg. This guy was found not "Criminally Responsible" so therefore he spent NO time in jail and then was seen in Edmonton one year later after he received treatment for his disorder. What a slap in the face to the victim's of this horrible crime! We can thank (sic) Trudeau and his gov't for back in 1971 they told Canadians that the focus of the "justice" system would be on offender and not on the victim. Since then, the "justice" system has been set up to protect the offender. Time and time again, human life has been devalued so much so that a murderer might only receive a few years in jail as a sentence or, the Parole Board can't wait to parole him. A further insult is that the family of the victim serves a lifetime without the victim. This is NOT fair at all. Consequently, if by some miscarriage of justice (sic) the criminal is sent to jail for maybe 10, 15, 20 or God forbid (sic) 25 yrs. The taxpayer then needs to step in and PAY to keep this person in jail, and receiving ALL the perks associated with it. Believe me, there are MANY perks in our very liberal penal (really?) system.
Genesis ch.9 vs.6 clearly says " Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God, has God made man." - NIV
God has drawn a line, and if a person crosses it, he will suffer the consequence of that action. Capital Punishment is the solution of this consequence. The public needs to know what will happen when murder is involved. Stats Canada says, in their infinate wisdom, that crime is going down. Well, they don't record repeat acts of crime done by a criminal. He could commit several acts of crime but Stats Can. records these many crimes done to humanity as only one. JUST ONE! Capital Punishment nips this problem in the bud. Sure, mistakes can be made, DNA tracking does make the system more in line. But, this too isn't perfect. We will never be perfect using any method, but, we DO need to draw a line in the sand.
Genesis ch.9 vs.6 clearly says " Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God, has God made man." - NIV
God has drawn a line, and if a person crosses it, he will suffer the consequence of that action. Capital Punishment is the solution of this consequence. The public needs to know what will happen when murder is involved. Stats Canada says, in their infinate wisdom, that crime is going down. Well, they don't record repeat acts of crime done by a criminal. He could commit several acts of crime but Stats Can. records these many crimes done to humanity as only one. JUST ONE! Capital Punishment nips this problem in the bud. Sure, mistakes can be made, DNA tracking does make the system more in line. But, this too isn't perfect. We will never be perfect using any method, but, we DO need to draw a line in the sand.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Thomas Mulcair - Mr. Unethical -strikes again.
So, Thomas Mulcair has two citizenships. One in France, of course the other one in Canada. If he's chosen to lead the NDP, the Socialist, debt incurring, Union and Aboriginal supported (if there's a problem, just throw more money at it), Corporation haters (they want to increase taxes - inhibiting growth - but they disagree), Communism lovers ( they don't like it when others make more, this DOES reduce substantially ANY incentive) Party. I could go on but, I don't like to waste time, as the NDP are born to do wasting tax payer dollars to further embellish their many wrong - headed points.
Back to Mulcair - he doesn't feel it's necessary to renounce his citizenship in France! Shouldn't our P.M. have a committment to this country? Shouldn't he put Canada first? Does his reluctance to renounce his French citizenship, I think this would cause divided loyalties. But, NOOOOO, the NDP say Mulcair would NEVER do that! Yeah, sure he wouldn't (sic). Mulcair should be Canadian. Period. Even though the NDP will NEVER, and I repeat, NEVER form Gov't.
Back to Mulcair - he doesn't feel it's necessary to renounce his citizenship in France! Shouldn't our P.M. have a committment to this country? Shouldn't he put Canada first? Does his reluctance to renounce his French citizenship, I think this would cause divided loyalties. But, NOOOOO, the NDP say Mulcair would NEVER do that! Yeah, sure he wouldn't (sic). Mulcair should be Canadian. Period. Even though the NDP will NEVER, and I repeat, NEVER form Gov't.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
More Aboriginal Missinformation
Comments from a reader in the Globe and Mail. It's a short history lesson on natives.
This land does NOT belong to them. Why do some people keep saying that it does? Is it because that's what they want you to believe? Well then the marketing campaign must be working.
Let's get this straight...
1. These people's ancestors did not just appear in North America magically out of thin air one day 50,000 years ago. They came in waves across the land/ice bridge from Asia. What's more these waves in many case were not related groups of people. They came from various places around North Eastern Asia and were from different genetic other words the "natives of North America are not a homogenous group of people and more importantly.... They are immigrants too, like millions of immigrants today.
2. The idea that the "natives" were peaceful caretakers of the land or benevolent tenants couldn't be further from the truth. The various tribes warred on each other constantly. They were violent. Want proof? Ask the Hurons...oh that's right you can't. The Iroquois wiped them out. How about slavery that was rife among the first nation tribes until the Europeans came over and freed the slaves and put an end to this "valued cultural tradition"? Is slavery peaceful and humane?
3. The idea that we "stole" this land from them is also ridiculous. A more technologically advanced and numerous culture invaded and conquered. This is exactly what has been happening since the dawn of humanity all around the globe. To say we "stole" their lands is just plain wrong. That is akin to saying the Saxons should return England to the Angles. Or maybe we should launch a campaign to have Roman descendants give Italy back to the Etruscans.
It is a nonsensical notion driven by the politically correct bleeding hearts, some intellectually deficient politicians, the Government, and it will continue to cost this country needless and wasted billions and billions until we get some backbone and turn off the taps.
Are these people in trouble? Yes. Do they need help? Yes. Are they responsible enough to look after themselves and efficiently spend the billions the tax payers give them? Certainly not.
The only way to fix this situation is to bring them into society as equals. They should be getting jobs and paying taxes like the rest of us because in reality, they are no more special than any of the other hundred or more cultures that call Canada home.
Turn off the taps. Do away with this "traditional use" and "cultural" nonsense. Educate their children to become modern citizens, instead of finding their identity and source of pride in some folks who occupied the land 15000 years ago. Let them stand or fall on their own account.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Harper Interview with CBC
About the Northern Gateway Pipeline:
The $5.5-billion project linking Bruderheim, Alta., to Kitimat, B.C., has long been a source of controversy. Opponents argue an oil spill is inevitable, while supporters tout the pipeline's promises of boosting Canada's gross domestic product by as much as $270 billion.
Aboriginals across British Columbia have vowed to fight the pipeline, (they plead poverty, while turning down jobs at the same time) saying it infringes on their traditional territories (the Tsuu Tina did the same thing here in Calgary. Preventing the City from constructing a badly needed Ring Road that would’ve alleviated traffic congestion. The “Nation” (I’m gagging) voted down this opportunity. Then, they realized the BIG MONEY that they’d be missing out on, so, they had a rethink on this. Yeah, of course they did) and the threat of an oil spill on land or along the coast threatens their lifestyle.(that’s ANOTHER joke, hunting and fishing pales in comparison to receiving MILLIONS of OUR TAX dollars in order to fund their lifestyle!)
Aboriginals across British Columbia have vowed to fight the pipeline, (they plead poverty, while turning down jobs at the same time) saying it infringes on their traditional territories (the Tsuu Tina did the same thing here in Calgary. Preventing the City from constructing a badly needed Ring Road that would’ve alleviated traffic congestion. The “Nation” (I’m gagging) voted down this opportunity. Then, they realized the BIG MONEY that they’d be missing out on, so, they had a rethink on this. Yeah, of course they did) and the threat of an oil spill on land or along the coast threatens their lifestyle.(that’s ANOTHER joke, hunting and fishing pales in comparison to receiving MILLIONS of OUR TAX dollars in order to fund their lifestyle!)
Below is Harper’s response (to a “choked” Peter Mansbridge , I’m sure) in a CBC interview with the subversive, “His Highness”.
"But just because certain people in the United States would like to see Canada be one giant national park for the northern half of North America, I don't think that's part of what our review process is all about.""We're really the ONLY supplier that is secure and is increasing its production. So I think [being market-driven has] served the country well. It's served government revenues well. It's served creation of jobs well. But it is fundamentally a market-based decision. We don't dictate pipelines go here or there."
Harper said it all and he didn’t need me to interject. Bottom line – even if the ERCB (Energy Resources Conservation Board) makes it’s recommendation against the Pipeline, he can, constitutionally, OVERRULE , ANY, decision. So, we have approximately 18 months of ridiculousness to go through first.
By the way, there WON’T be a national energy strategy, no matter what Redford (Alta) and Charest (Quebec) say.
Emphasis mine
Monday, 16 January 2012
Halal Products
I did not know this……….
Subject: Halal Products
Both the Real Canadian Superstore and Loblaws in the Kanata area have a dedicated, ten foot cooler section in their meat departments devoted to Halal meat that is promoted under a green-coloured Halal banner; and it doesn't offer the shopper any insight into what Halal means or where it comes from.
Read on......and pass it on. While you're at it - check out the origin of frozen fish and shrimp packaged under the Sea Breeze and some other attractive labels at your local grocery.
THIS IS COMING AND LOOK OUT FOR THIS INTRUSION IN U.S. and CANADIAN MARKETS... “Halal” meat... are you aware of this? Take a look and forward to your friends and family. Do Not buy this "Costco stocking their meat counters with "Halal" meat."
I shopped for groceries at my local Wal-Mart. As usual, I bought a bag of frozen chicken breasts, but this time I checked to make sure the meat was not labeled "Halal." Here's why:
Halal is the Islamic term that basically means the meat is lawful to eat for a devout Muslim. What makes it lawful or acceptable is that the meat has been processed in a very specific way. Unlike kosher food, where the physical processing of the meat is the focus, for Islam it is the spiritual component that makes the meat lawful.
For lawful (halal) meat in Islam, the animal must be killed while the butcher faces Mecca, and either the butcher cries "Allah Akbar" or a tape plays the words over a loud speaker.
Ann Barnhardt is a cattle commodities broker, has more about "Halal."
NEVER buy meat that is marked as "Halal."
I am in the cattle business, and believe me when I tell you that Halal kill plants are CONSTANTLY being cited and shut down by the USDA for horrific infractions. Most of these plants are in Michigan and upstate New York.
One of the things that halal kill plants are notorious for is putting already-dead animals in the human consumption line. They will go pick up a dead cow off of a farm or ranch and instead of putting it in their rendering tank where the resulting "tankage" is worth pennies on the dollar as pet food or industrial products, they will shackle the dead animal on the normal kill line and process it as human food which is the highest-dollar product.
Since Islam teaches dishonesty (taqiyyah) and no regard for one's neighbor, this kind of sickening behavior is standard.
Halal plants are also notorious for general citations for filth and uncleanliness. I have toured normal cattle slaughter plants, and guys, you could eat off of the floor. Everything is white and men walk around with water hoses and steam guns constantly keeping everything in a state of spotlessness.
Halal plants are filthy. A lot of Halal meat is also labeled as "organic."
Again, don't be fooled into thinking that "halal" means "better." It isn't. I would never, ever knowingly eat halal meat purely from a food safety perspective.
Friday, 13 January 2012
The (Boring) Liberal Convention
So Bob Rae is trying to rally the troops. He expounds the usual and expected rehetoric. How the Liberal's have a proud history, bringing up names such as Paul Martin, does anyone remember when he went to the camp of the Tamil Tigers while he was P.M.? The terrorist organisation that had killed so many people, that has extorted money from many people around the world to fund their agenda? Jean Chretien-among SO many things, while in power, invested in the cash-strapped Shauinigan Golf Course, need I bring up the AbScam affair? Where at the inquiry made a sham of it by talking about his golf balls? He single handedly (with others too) ruinded Canada's Military by cutting badly needed funding or, balanced Canada's books by taking money from the Employment Insurance fund? Or, he was credited (?) with cutting spending in the 1995 Budget to rein in spending. This was regarded as a landmark Budget. Ah..., excuse me, but, this was in response to the rising popularity of The Reform Party and it's role as Official Opposition. Preston Manning continually slammed the then Gov't for it's wild spending practices, and much of the populace was in agreement.
Right, the Convention - amongst other "no new ideas", the Lyb's want to legalise marijuana and get rid of the Monarchy. They want fight for jobs (does this mean subsidizing money losing ventures to sustain employment?), unnessessary cuts, (I think cuts to the socialist run CWB and the Gun Registry are a very good thing), they also want to save the CBC (they only survive 'cuz of the 1Billion it receives from us, the tax payer), to fight for income equality (this is really another Communistic plan that would reduce incentive) and for greater equality, ( what this means is to make sure women have a greater representation in Parliament and in the boardroom-forget the needed qualifications in order to be there).
Ya, you go Bob and your crew of Communists, Socialists or whatever you call yourselves, or deceive the voter with these days.
Right, the Convention - amongst other "no new ideas", the Lyb's want to legalise marijuana and get rid of the Monarchy. They want fight for jobs (does this mean subsidizing money losing ventures to sustain employment?), unnessessary cuts, (I think cuts to the socialist run CWB and the Gun Registry are a very good thing), they also want to save the CBC (they only survive 'cuz of the 1Billion it receives from us, the tax payer), to fight for income equality (this is really another Communistic plan that would reduce incentive) and for greater equality, ( what this means is to make sure women have a greater representation in Parliament and in the boardroom-forget the needed qualifications in order to be there).
Ya, you go Bob and your crew of Communists, Socialists or whatever you call yourselves, or deceive the voter with these days.
Thursday, 12 January 2012
The NDP's expected, and anticipated shipwreck
The NDP "Ship of Fools" has expectedly run aground. Sailing on the shallow waters of substance, this rudderless boat due to Captain Jack's early demise has lost (inevitably) their way. There are several, (and perhaps more) reasons for this shipwreck in the making. The "surprising" defection of one of their MP's, a very weak leader in Nycole Trumel, the recent Leadership debate which included the usual NDP rhetoric of how they believe they can solve all Canada's problems by bolstering social welfare programs using MILLIONS of dollars, and wanting Corporations pay more in taxes (oh, THAT's a new one!)-By the way, the (capitalist bashing) NDP, and, the Union "expert" mentality - WHO really does the hiring here? You do need to realize, that there HAS to be a HEALTHY private sector to enable it to contribute and maintain our Pension Plans. How can you have a healthy economy if your mandate is to punish Corporations?! More silly thinking. ANOTHER reason (and there are many) for the ships demise is it was buffeted by the winds of Conservative shrewd and discerning policies that the NDP cannot and will never be able to effectively criticize. This recent defection (I wouldn't be surprised to see more) is also due to the fact that the NDP is still full of themselves now that they have reached the heights of official Opposition and they don't know how to handle their form of what I (and others) call a misguided form of left-leaning popularity. This supported and promoted by a media which includes the CBC who they say speaks for all Canadians, (sure they do) which uses OUR tax dollars in order to do this. Add The (Toronto) Star and The Mop and Pail, oops again, I mean The Globe and Mail. All of this can ONLY be attained by the fickel voters in Quebec, who voted(disgruntled Bloc voters) for the charismatic Jack Leyton. I wonder how long Quebec will stick behind the NDP now that Jack is no longer in the picture? The NDP actually think they represent Canada even though there are very few seats in their caucus west of Quebec.
The NDP, striving for mediocrity.
The NDP, striving for mediocrity.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Improving the Health Care System
In an exclusive interview with PostMedia News, Romanow says he is worried the Harper government has adopted a deliberate strategy to leave health care to the provinces — possibly to foster the development of more private, for-profit medical companies.
"It will mean more privatization in more provinces, or some combination of private and public. It will be a very much weakened fabric of national unity without Mr. Harper's direct involvement."
Oh NOOO! WHAT ARE WE TO DO? My goodness! To actually incorporate EFFICIENCY AND to target PRODUCTIVITY, well, this is crazy talk! Recently, I spent 16 days in the Hospital. This doesn't make me a health care expert, but, I did see a lot of wasted time and energy by patients, and many well-meaning, and VERY talented Health Care providers.
"There's a question here of federalism and Canadian citizenship. Do we want to have the possibility of disparate regions in the country?
"This is a question now of how you build the country. It's federalism. It's Canadian unity. And programs such as medicare define what it means to be a Canadian."
You know, this Canadian unity thing ends up costing tax payers a LOT in taxes through transfer payments to the Provinces. If the provinces want THEIR form of delivered Health Care, then THEY should PAY for it. It isn't fair that Alberta should SUBSIDIZE Provinces that want to continue to have an inefficient H.C. system. Romanow is right when he says " programs such as medicare define what it means to be a Canadian." We are actually a bunch of "chumps" that want to continue the status quo. Groups like Friends of Medicare can't fathom the idea of really improving H.C. and NOT by just rearranging the deck chairs- (on the Titanic).
Big H.C. Unions and the NDP, want things to remain the same, they just want us to spend more money on an out-of-control Behemoth.
"It will mean more privatization in more provinces, or some combination of private and public. It will be a very much weakened fabric of national unity without Mr. Harper's direct involvement."
Oh NOOO! WHAT ARE WE TO DO? My goodness! To actually incorporate EFFICIENCY AND to target PRODUCTIVITY, well, this is crazy talk! Recently, I spent 16 days in the Hospital. This doesn't make me a health care expert, but, I did see a lot of wasted time and energy by patients, and many well-meaning, and VERY talented Health Care providers.
"There's a question here of federalism and Canadian citizenship. Do we want to have the possibility of disparate regions in the country?
"This is a question now of how you build the country. It's federalism. It's Canadian unity. And programs such as medicare define what it means to be a Canadian."
You know, this Canadian unity thing ends up costing tax payers a LOT in taxes through transfer payments to the Provinces. If the provinces want THEIR form of delivered Health Care, then THEY should PAY for it. It isn't fair that Alberta should SUBSIDIZE Provinces that want to continue to have an inefficient H.C. system. Romanow is right when he says " programs such as medicare define what it means to be a Canadian." We are actually a bunch of "chumps" that want to continue the status quo. Groups like Friends of Medicare can't fathom the idea of really improving H.C. and NOT by just rearranging the deck chairs- (on the Titanic).
Big H.C. Unions and the NDP, want things to remain the same, they just want us to spend more money on an out-of-control Behemoth.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Northern Gateway Pipeline
Today, the federal government panel reviewing the proposed Northern Gateway oil pipeline to the west coast begins its public hearings. Over 4,500 people — including many foreigners, and even minor children — have registered to testify, just to gum up the procedure. Canada stands to gain thousands of jobs, ensuring economic prosperity for Canada for years. But, hold on, there's the various U.S. funded enviro groups that want to keep Canada as pristine as possible.
These groups threaten to hijack our regulatory system to achieve their radical ideological agenda,” said Joe Oliver, Minister of Natural Resourceses, who wrote in a public letter. “They seek to exploit any loophole they can find, stacking public hearings with bodies to ensure that delays kill good projects. They use funding from foreign special interest groups to undermine Canada’s national economic interest.” So, when he said this, the media responded in a way to act surprised at this. They're surprised? Joe even used the word "Radical" to describe these groups. These groups are radical, and with they're biased "facts" in hand, they are blocking attempts to create increased wealth for many, many families and spin off benefits that will ensure increased employment for individuals and families. This process will stall the pipeline for at least 18 mos. We need this to be approved much sooner that that! And what about the MANY Aboriginals that are against(?) the pipeline. I know that wages from working on it FAR outweigh the benefits associated with hunting and fishing. EVERYONE needs to work, this then adds to their self-esteem, knowing that a person is PROVIDING instead of TAKING. What a concept.
These groups threaten to hijack our regulatory system to achieve their radical ideological agenda,” said Joe Oliver, Minister of Natural Resourceses, who wrote in a public letter. “They seek to exploit any loophole they can find, stacking public hearings with bodies to ensure that delays kill good projects. They use funding from foreign special interest groups to undermine Canada’s national economic interest.” So, when he said this, the media responded in a way to act surprised at this. They're surprised? Joe even used the word "Radical" to describe these groups. These groups are radical, and with they're biased "facts" in hand, they are blocking attempts to create increased wealth for many, many families and spin off benefits that will ensure increased employment for individuals and families. This process will stall the pipeline for at least 18 mos. We need this to be approved much sooner that that! And what about the MANY Aboriginals that are against(?) the pipeline. I know that wages from working on it FAR outweigh the benefits associated with hunting and fishing. EVERYONE needs to work, this then adds to their self-esteem, knowing that a person is PROVIDING instead of TAKING. What a concept.
Monday, 9 January 2012
Too much CO2?
Thank goodness that we have CO2, otherwise the planet would get too hot! CO2 is a VERY potent greenhouse gas. It's PREVENTING another Ice Age. Nobody touts the benefits of CO2. IF we had a higher concentration of CO2 it would PROMOTE plant life. You would THINK that would be good! You, know, good for rain forests, benefitting animals, birds, bugs, etc. The list goes on and on. But, many of these man made climate changers can't see past their nose and call this "settled Science". Anyone who uses real facts that are contrary to these misinformed "facts" have their intelligence insulted by supporters of this rhetoric.There has been years in the past, where there has been a much HIGHER concentration of CO2. Humans and everything else have survived just fine. There will be another Ice Age. One comes every 10-11,000 yrs. In Northern climes, there were uninhabitable areas, but not all areas, humans DO survive, some areas do get colder, but NOT the way we are ALL erroneously led to believe. We of course need to enjoy the warm weather while we can. The science for CO2 is NOT very good. This inacccuracy encourages these so called scientists to prove their "facts" through the abuse of using their ridiculous studies, AND, many people, including the media, (CBC, Toronto Star, Greenpeace, jump on board with these falsities. We are BETTER off with HIGHER concentrations of CO2. Warm spells have actually been very good for the World's economies. The Earth's climate is controlled by the sun and the rotation of the earth. (Hmmm, that's a hard one to comprehend for many "scientists"). There was no problem with the earth's temperature until the U.N's I.P.C.C. was formed. The NDP have an obvious problem with this truth. There isn't ANY settled science here. Contrary to popular belief, (ALL human induced Climate Changers) humans are NOT bad.
Some of this info was provided by Cambridge University in their article "The Denyers".
Some of this info was provided by Cambridge University in their article "The Denyers".
Native Slush Fund
When 82 First Nations chiefs and band councillors make more than the prime minister, all while many of their people live in abject poverty, something is horribly amiss.
It's not new, but it is amiss.
In Alberta alone, for example, 47 chiefs and councillors made more last year than the PM's $317,574.
We have serious reservations about that.
Now, since the money these chiefs and councillors pocket is grant money from taxpayers, auditing their books in search of ne'er-do-wells and misappropriated dollars would normally receive no political pushback.
But the Liberals need ink, don't they? They're a political embarrassment in search of some buzz.
So, looking for a headline grabber, along comes Liberal aboriginal affairs critic Carolyn Bennett to label the newly-introduced First Nations Transparency Act -- Bill C-27 -- a "racist" and "paternalistic" piece of legislation.
Well done, Ms. Bennett. There's your news hit.
Now please go away.
There is absolutely nothing "racist" or "paternalistic" about Bill C-27, a vital and long-overdue piece of legislation that deserves quick passage so that all Canada will finally get to know down which hole the billions in First Nations' grant money goes.
From the outside looking in, and this is what raises many hackles, it would appear that too many chiefs and not enough Indians are living the good life on the taxpayers' dime.
Bill C-27 should clear up the mess.
Much like the CBC vs. the Taxpayer, First Nations band members deserve transparency and accountability from their elected officials, and they are not getting it when their leaders refuse to come clean with where the government's money goes, or how much goes into their own pockets.
What is "racist" about that?
So, due to this fiasco at Attawapiskat, and many other reserves too, the Government is looked at as being the fall guy. Everyone wants the Head of Aboriginal Affairs' head. They ALL say that there isn't enough money being put into the reserves ( an obvious lack of research being done by the "Royal Opposition"-Royal? WHAT a joke!). Just more political hay trying to be made by the left, with NO REAL facts to support their innerant claims.
When 82 First Nations chiefs and band councillors make more than the prime minister, all while many of their people live in abject poverty, something is horribly amiss.
It's not new, but it is amiss.
In Alberta alone, for example, 47 chiefs and councillors made more last year than the PM's $317,574.
We have serious reservations about that.
Now, since the money these chiefs and councillors pocket is grant money from taxpayers, auditing their books in search of ne'er-do-wells and misappropriated dollars would normally receive no political pushback.
But the Liberals need ink, don't they? They're a political embarrassment in search of some buzz.
So, looking for a headline grabber, along comes Liberal aboriginal affairs critic Carolyn Bennett to label the newly-introduced First Nations Transparency Act -- Bill C-27 -- a "racist" and "paternalistic" piece of legislation.
Well done, Ms. Bennett. There's your news hit.
Now please go away.
There is absolutely nothing "racist" or "paternalistic" about Bill C-27, a vital and long-overdue piece of legislation that deserves quick passage so that all Canada will finally get to know down which hole the billions in First Nations' grant money goes.
From the outside looking in, and this is what raises many hackles, it would appear that too many chiefs and not enough Indians are living the good life on the taxpayers' dime.
Bill C-27 should clear up the mess.
Much like the CBC vs. the Taxpayer, First Nations band members deserve transparency and accountability from their elected officials, and they are not getting it when their leaders refuse to come clean with where the government's money goes, or how much goes into their own pockets.
What is "racist" about that?
So, due to this fiasco at Attawapiskat, and many other reserves too, the Government is looked at as being the fall guy. Everyone wants the Head of Aboriginal Affairs' head. They ALL say that there isn't enough money being put into the reserves ( an obvious lack of research being done by the "Royal Opposition"-Royal? WHAT a joke!). Just more political hay trying to be made by the left, with NO REAL facts to support their innerant claims.
Friday, 6 January 2012
Marc Cardinal former MLA, who is Aboriginal, talks about Attawapiskat and other Reserves-Since 1970, ALL Alberta communities were dependent on Welfare, and Alcoholism was rampant. Under Ralph Klein, Cardinal REDUCED E.I. rolls from 100,000 to 30,000! Cardinal, and others, piloted a project to develop employment on the Reserves. But, the Natives complained about the environment(it figures). Heaven forbid that the Environment get a little damaged in achieving financial prosperity ! (Oh No!). The Alberta Government said the WORST thing for the environment is POVERTY. Besides, why are some reserves WAY OUT in the middle of nowhere? These reserves are TOTALLY isolated from civilization! This, and many, many, more obvious problems need to be addressed. The NDP or any other leftist organisation AREN'T the ones to do it. They just want Canada to spend more of OUR money!
Senator Patrick Brazeau, he is Aboriginal MP from Que., and an Aboriginal Activist. He comments on Attawapiskat and how First Nation Councils operate (there's 19 members on council for a reserve of only 2000). He regularly gets called a red apple-red on the outsde but white in the middle 'cuz of his critcisms of Aboriginals and the Reserves. The school there was torn down 'cuz it was built on a Diesel Fuel dump. Instead of building a NEW school, which would be the RIGHT thing to do, the Band built a Hockey Rink and spent 75,000 on a Zamboni instead. AND, the First Nation's want the right to self gov't. You know, there's a reserve in the Annapolis Valley (N.S.) and the Chief (Chief thief?) earns 160,000/yr. Oh, right, the Natives don't pat taxes, so, the figure is $246,000! Not bad, he only runs a reserve of 114 people. Harper is PM of at least 30 mil. and he earns maybe $150,000. Seems to be a problem here. AND, the Bands don't want to be held accountable, they tell Canada that the books they keep are none of our business to look at. If there are any discrepencies, well, it's just a mistake. Oh, well then, we'll just let it GO! (sic). You know, it's painfully obvious here, the Natives just want our MONEY and more of it!
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Another Green MoneyPit
In 2009, Canadian opposition politicians and various media pundits criticized Stephen Harper for not launching a massive green technology stimulus program, similar to Barack Obama’s.
Canada has government-funded green energy programs, of course. But none big enough to satisfy those naive enough to believe that squandering public money on impractical, uneconomical and unreliable “green” energy technologies somehow helps the environment. As it turns out, it’s a good thing Harper didn’t follow Obama’s lead, since the latter’s green energy fund is rapidly turning into an $80-billion boondoggle. Its most infamous scandal was the collapse of Solyndra, a California solar panel manufacturing company that was Obama’s poster child for green energy.The company filed for bankruptcy protection last year following a promotional visit by Obama, leaving U.S. taxpayers on the hook for $535 million in federal loan guarantees and throwing 1,100 people out of work. But Solyndra, which started the application process under the Bush administration and was the first company to receive funding from Obama’s green technology fund, is just the tip of the iceberg. As the Washington Post reported last month after a year-long examination of the fund, including an analysis of thousands of memos, records and e-mails, “Obama’s entire $80-billion clean-technology program has begun to look like a political liability for (his) administration.”
So, it's typical of all these Green technologies. The tech. usually can't make it on it's own and requires Gov't funding. Translation: Our tax dollars need to support it, or it's a no go. Or, if it can, for ex. Electric Cars, the vehicle isn't practical-to charge, low speed, batteries when disposed of are NOT enviro-friendly-as a matter of fact, it's hypocritical of Green's to SUPPORT Elec. Cars which are NOT, to a huge extent, enviro friendly! You'll never hear about the tremendous hypocrisy in the Green movement, they just tell you what they want to.
Canada has government-funded green energy programs, of course. But none big enough to satisfy those naive enough to believe that squandering public money on impractical, uneconomical and unreliable “green” energy technologies somehow helps the environment. As it turns out, it’s a good thing Harper didn’t follow Obama’s lead, since the latter’s green energy fund is rapidly turning into an $80-billion boondoggle. Its most infamous scandal was the collapse of Solyndra, a California solar panel manufacturing company that was Obama’s poster child for green energy.The company filed for bankruptcy protection last year following a promotional visit by Obama, leaving U.S. taxpayers on the hook for $535 million in federal loan guarantees and throwing 1,100 people out of work. But Solyndra, which started the application process under the Bush administration and was the first company to receive funding from Obama’s green technology fund, is just the tip of the iceberg. As the Washington Post reported last month after a year-long examination of the fund, including an analysis of thousands of memos, records and e-mails, “Obama’s entire $80-billion clean-technology program has begun to look like a political liability for (his) administration.”
So, it's typical of all these Green technologies. The tech. usually can't make it on it's own and requires Gov't funding. Translation: Our tax dollars need to support it, or it's a no go. Or, if it can, for ex. Electric Cars, the vehicle isn't practical-to charge, low speed, batteries when disposed of are NOT enviro-friendly-as a matter of fact, it's hypocritical of Green's to SUPPORT Elec. Cars which are NOT, to a huge extent, enviro friendly! You'll never hear about the tremendous hypocrisy in the Green movement, they just tell you what they want to.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
CEO Salaries
Yesterday, the CBC and other news agencies, reported the salaries of various CEO's. Their combined salaries were something like 62 million. The Policy Alternatives Canada provided the info for this "valuable information".Think Tanks like this AND much of the media don't like the fact that these people, through risk taking, initiative and sheer determinedness, DESERVE, yes NDP, that's spelled D-E-S-E-R-V-E, not, E-N-T-I-T-L-E-D. Many, including Ted Roger's (Roger's), the Shaw's of Shaw Communication's, Frank Stronach (Magna International), the Asper's (CanWest Global Communications), the Southern's (Atco) and so many other's, started with an idea and worked hard, day in and day out, for years and years, growing their companies to what they are today. It's good that they FINALLY make good money as a result of their many sacrifices. The Left, including the NDP, HATE the idea of other's actually making it to the head of the pack by their own sweat AND obvious intellect. These hard working entrepreneurs don't believe that they DESERVE ANYTHING at ALL. They weren't of the mind that just because they breathe the same air as everyone else, they should by entitlement, RECEIVE from US!-Gov't. HANDOUTS.And then you get a "wet behind the ears" politician like Obama that says anyone that earns over $250,000 are the problem and should pay more taxes. This is a Communistic, and Socialist idea put forward by the Left that continues to gain more momentum by uninformed rhetoric that seeks to punish enterprising individuals that ultimately BENEFITS ALL through the product or service that they promote, or, the nation's economy by providing thousands of jobs. People like these, mentioned above, DESERVE better treatment from the media and the Leftist "elite".
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Aboriginal Justice
In 2007, a family man was building a house in New Caledonia. You know, the area in Ontario that the Abs. FORCIBLY TOOK from the residents there. They blocked the main road, and prevented the residents from entering THEIR OWN homes. Richard Smoke SAVAGELY attacked Mr.Galtieri with a 2x4, within an inch of his life. Judge Allan Witten said Galtieri (56) will live life as a vegetable, he is now a ward of his family! Smoke ONLY got two yrs 11 months less time served. He'll be out in months! He ONLY got off because he's an Aboriginal. The judge does NOTHING, he chose leniency! His lawyer says Smoke was damaged because his lawyer tells that some of his family went through the residential school system,well, his GRANDPARENTS did. Criminal code SECTION 7:18 You must take into account ALL other factors.Thats okay, but he attacked him with a 2x4 and he used his Grandparents attendance at a residential school as an excuse? LIFE in Prison is required if you break in! On top of that, he viciously attacked this unarmed man. I'm not sure what the sentence is for THAT, but, he wasn't even charged with ASSAULT! Court said he can do it because he's had "a tough life". Really. I say: POOR BABY. ANY Ab. can pick up a stick of wood and beat you up and get away with it. THIS is special treatment once again! Trudeau said you can be full citizen's or keep your culture. Well, we know which DEPENDENT method they chose! SLASH the funding to Indian Affairs! Make these people ACCOUNTABLE! We have a race based Criminal Justice system, a Two-Tiered Justice system, and it's fueled by our GUILT as a nation. MANY Abs say to ELIMINATE Reserves, to then CUT the DEPENDENCE!
Monday, 2 January 2012
CTV's Question Period
On Sunday, a panel of "experts" was chosen to voice their opinions on various topics. Robert Fife said that Stephen Harper, wanted the Jewish vote so that is why he put his support behind Israel, and he says the Palestinians have rights too. Yeah,(sic) thanks for comin' out.
A typical short sighted view of what is REALLY behind this decision of Harper's. As told in Genesis, ch.12, vs.1-3-God says speaking to Abraham,"...I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse....". Canada, Harper, is BLESSING Israel by supporting them. That doesn't mean that we agree with everything that Israel does,but, we are still behind them. Palestinians and the rest of the Middle East want to obliterate Israel off of the map. And, unfortunately, they'll use ANY means at their disposal. ANY means. Canada's economy is doing well due to fiscal restraint, our support of the Oil Sands, and staying away from money sucking schemes such as CAP and Trade and man made Global Warming. Craig Oliver thinks that the Budget shouldn't cut back on spending, that Canada should continue to spend or we'll lose jobs. What a schmuck. There's many, many benefits to being "lean and mean". Who would want to support a business that only exists by RECEIVING (money) instead of PRODUCING, and filling a DEMAND for their product. By continuing to have a healthy, vibrant economy, the spinoff benefit is: guess what, MORE demand for JOBS!
For some (many), that is a difficult concept to comprehend.
A typical short sighted view of what is REALLY behind this decision of Harper's. As told in Genesis, ch.12, vs.1-3-God says speaking to Abraham,"...I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse....". Canada, Harper, is BLESSING Israel by supporting them. That doesn't mean that we agree with everything that Israel does,but, we are still behind them. Palestinians and the rest of the Middle East want to obliterate Israel off of the map. And, unfortunately, they'll use ANY means at their disposal. ANY means. Canada's economy is doing well due to fiscal restraint, our support of the Oil Sands, and staying away from money sucking schemes such as CAP and Trade and man made Global Warming. Craig Oliver thinks that the Budget shouldn't cut back on spending, that Canada should continue to spend or we'll lose jobs. What a schmuck. There's many, many benefits to being "lean and mean". Who would want to support a business that only exists by RECEIVING (money) instead of PRODUCING, and filling a DEMAND for their product. By continuing to have a healthy, vibrant economy, the spinoff benefit is: guess what, MORE demand for JOBS!
For some (many), that is a difficult concept to comprehend.
Nenshi-Calgary's "wonderful" mayor.
Calgary’s Muslim mayor, Naheed Nenshi, has been held up as a symbol of the city’s tolerance. Which is ironic, given his own anti-Christian bigotry in return.
Last week, Nenshi ordered city police, backed up with a ridiculously large contingent of private security, to arrest a Christian pastor and five of his congregants who had the temerity to lead a Christmas service in the public atrium of Calgary’s City Hall.
Artur Pawlowski, lead pastor of Calgary’s Street Church, had foolishly taken the mayor at his word when he described city hall as the city’s “living room,” open to all.
What Pawlowski didn’t understand is that Nenshi didn’t mean Christians. Nenshi meant his own co-religionists — no, not Muslims, but the leftist activists who had comprised the Occupy Calgary protests for two months with Nenshi’s blessing.
Nenshi permitted that two-month trespass in a public park, claiming the “Charter” prevented him from evicting the socialists, communists, anarchists and petty criminals who inhabited downtown Calgary’s Olympic Plaza
Unless they’re Christians having a peaceful, drug-free, sex-free celebration of Christmas in the people’s “living room.” Then Nenshi sends in boys with the billy clubs. For a pastor singing Christmas carols and reading Bible passages.
Nenshi thinks that religious tolerance is a one-way street — a point he made again brutally this Christmas.
I didn't mention that he thinks it's okay for him to participate in our own perverted gay pride parade.NO family should bring their kid's to this display of human debauchery either, and Nenshi does not need to promote this crap, AND he uses OUR tax dollars to do it! HE only got in 'cuz the two front runners in the last civic election got most of the votes. A perfect example of vote splitting.
Last week, Nenshi ordered city police, backed up with a ridiculously large contingent of private security, to arrest a Christian pastor and five of his congregants who had the temerity to lead a Christmas service in the public atrium of Calgary’s City Hall.
Artur Pawlowski, lead pastor of Calgary’s Street Church, had foolishly taken the mayor at his word when he described city hall as the city’s “living room,” open to all.
What Pawlowski didn’t understand is that Nenshi didn’t mean Christians. Nenshi meant his own co-religionists — no, not Muslims, but the leftist activists who had comprised the Occupy Calgary protests for two months with Nenshi’s blessing.
Nenshi permitted that two-month trespass in a public park, claiming the “Charter” prevented him from evicting the socialists, communists, anarchists and petty criminals who inhabited downtown Calgary’s Olympic Plaza
Unless they’re Christians having a peaceful, drug-free, sex-free celebration of Christmas in the people’s “living room.” Then Nenshi sends in boys with the billy clubs. For a pastor singing Christmas carols and reading Bible passages.
Nenshi thinks that religious tolerance is a one-way street — a point he made again brutally this Christmas.
I didn't mention that he thinks it's okay for him to participate in our own perverted gay pride parade.NO family should bring their kid's to this display of human debauchery either, and Nenshi does not need to promote this crap, AND he uses OUR tax dollars to do it! HE only got in 'cuz the two front runners in the last civic election got most of the votes. A perfect example of vote splitting.
Psalm 7,vs.14
Psalm 7,vs.14-He who is pregnant with evil and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment.
VERY interesting.I can think of a few Oil, Military or any other Dictatorships that there are. Still, a number of these despots throughout the world, particularly in the Far East, the Middle East, and Sub-Saharan Africa continue to rule with an iron fist.. East Asia for ex. in Iran, (well,it's actually run by theocratic mullahs), China, Syria, Lybia, Russia (oh right,Putin was "voted" in), Sudan, Zimbabwe, you name it, that rule their Fiefdoms (an organization that is controlled by a dominant person or group) by strictly adhereing to these very wise words of warning for ALL.
VERY interesting.I can think of a few Oil, Military or any other Dictatorships that there are. Still, a number of these despots throughout the world, particularly in the Far East, the Middle East, and Sub-Saharan Africa continue to rule with an iron fist.. East Asia for ex. in Iran, (well,it's actually run by theocratic mullahs), China, Syria, Lybia, Russia (oh right,Putin was "voted" in), Sudan, Zimbabwe, you name it, that rule their Fiefdoms (an organization that is controlled by a dominant person or group) by strictly adhereing to these very wise words of warning for ALL.
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