Sunday, 22 January 2012

Criminals favoured treatment

Over the years, there have been many horrific murders. So, what do we do with these killers? Currently, when convicted, these criminals will receive time in jail. Generally the sentence for taking a life is never enough. The victims of this terrible and very self-serving crime are left without their loved one for life. To add insult to injury, the victim's have to go to court and relive the murder. They do this in order to try and keep the murderer in jail as the Justice System is too eager to parole these guys and put them back on the streets. Or, if the criminal has some sort of mental disorder, he doesn't serve ANY time in jail but, gets treated for his respective illness and is put back on the street. As in the case of the Greyhound Bus murderer by Winnipeg. This guy was found not "Criminally Responsible" so therefore he spent NO time in jail and then was seen in Edmonton one year later after he received treatment for his disorder. What a slap in the face to the victim's of this horrible crime! We can thank (sic) Trudeau and his gov't for back in 1971 they told Canadians that the focus of the "justice" system would be on offender and not on the victim. Since then, the "justice" system has been set up to protect the offender. Time and time again, human life has been devalued so much so that a murderer might only receive a few years in jail as a sentence or, the Parole Board can't wait to parole him. A further insult is that the family of the victim serves a lifetime without the victim. This is NOT fair at all. Consequently, if by some miscarriage of justice (sic) the criminal is sent to jail for maybe 10, 15, 20 or God forbid (sic) 25 yrs. The taxpayer then needs to step in and PAY to keep this person in jail, and receiving ALL the perks associated with it. Believe me, there are MANY perks in our very liberal penal (really?) system.

Genesis ch.9 vs.6 clearly says " Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God, has God made man." - NIV
God has drawn a line, and if a person crosses it, he will suffer the consequence of that action. Capital Punishment is the solution of this consequence. The public needs to know what will happen when murder is involved. Stats Canada says, in their infinate wisdom, that crime is going down. Well, they don't record repeat acts of crime done by a criminal. He could commit several acts of crime but Stats Can. records these many crimes done to humanity as only one. JUST ONE! Capital Punishment nips this problem in the bud. Sure, mistakes can be made, DNA tracking does make the system more in line. But, this too isn't perfect. We will never be perfect using any method, but, we DO need to draw a line in the sand.

1 comment:

  1. John, it amazes me when I hear people who worship Jesus, an innocent victim of capital punishment and a corrupt legal system, calling for the death penalty. And then to hear those who talk of being saved by grace express indifference about inevitable execution of some innocent folks, just blows my mind. Everywhere capital punishment is practiced it is the poor and disadvantaged who die. No, John, I’m pro-life. Homicide is not the answer to anything.

    And as for all the “perks” you imagine are provided in prison, last I heard we were still locking people in. The truth is, prisons are not nice places and no one wants to be there. And one of the reasons they’re not is that people with mental illness are so often put there. I don’t claim to know what the answer is, but throwing people away as we do ain’t it.
