The Christian worldview of social justice doesn’t assume the wealthy are the beneficiaries of ill-gotten gain. Wealth is not evil in a Christian worldview, but there is a responsibility and an expectation to be a good steward of one’s wealth (because all wealth comes from God). Today’s social justice, as mentioned earlier, operates under the tacit assumption that the wealthy are exploiting the poor. A third difference is that, under the Christian concept of stewardship, the Christian can give to the charities he/she wants to support. For example, if a Christian has a heart for the unborn, he can support pro-life agencies with his time, talent and treasure. Under the contemporary form of social justice, it is those in power within the government who get to decide who receives the redistributed wealth. We have no control over what the government does with our tax money, and more often than not, that money goes to charities we might not deem worthy.Today’s notion of social justice employs a more “top down” approach. The government, through taxation and other means, redistributes wealth from those who have it to those who don’t. This doesn’t encourage giving from the heart out of love, but rather resentment toward the government from those who feel their hard-earned wealth is being taken.
Sounds like what the NDP spout off to Canadians about. Take from the wealthier and give to the poor. Hmmm - sounds awfully like this was done before by someone famous - I can't put my finger on him - Oh yeah, I know - Stalin! no, no, - Lenin! Mao! no - how 'bout Castro! Na, these guys FORCED their skewed ideologies on their respective countries. Well....The NDP, DO have the same ideology as these Dictators, and they (NDP) would enact the SAME THING if and when they were to get in power. Our "progressive" tax system, which really takes away an incentive to work harder (overtime, the more you earn the more in taxes you have to pay) and supports the Unions! This is done by forcing companies to hire. An argument could be made that this way encourages employment, this can happen, but why not allow business to hire on an as needed basis? I see Unions as being able to wield TOO MUCH power these days. Unions have gotten WAAAY past what they were initially created to do.
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