Monday, 2 January 2012

CTV's Question Period

On Sunday, a panel of "experts" was chosen to voice their opinions on various topics. Robert Fife said that Stephen Harper, wanted the Jewish vote so that is why he put his support behind Israel, and he says the Palestinians have rights too. Yeah,(sic) thanks for comin' out.
A typical short sighted view of what is REALLY behind this decision of Harper's. As told in Genesis, ch.12, vs.1-3-God says speaking to Abraham,"...I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse....".   Canada, Harper, is BLESSING Israel by supporting them. That doesn't mean that we agree with everything that Israel does,but, we are still behind them. Palestinians and the rest of the Middle East want to obliterate Israel off of the map. And, unfortunately, they'll use ANY means at their disposal. ANY means. Canada's economy is doing well due to fiscal restraint, our support of the Oil Sands, and staying away from money sucking schemes such as CAP and Trade and man made Global Warming. Craig Oliver thinks that the Budget shouldn't cut back on spending, that Canada should continue to spend or we'll lose jobs. What a schmuck. There's many, many benefits to being "lean and mean". Who would want to support a business that only exists by RECEIVING (money) instead of PRODUCING, and filling a DEMAND for their product. By continuing to have a healthy, vibrant economy, the spinoff benefit is: guess what, MORE demand for JOBS!
For some (many), that is a difficult concept to comprehend.

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