Thursday, 5 January 2012

Another Green MoneyPit

In 2009, Canadian opposition politicians and various media pundits criticized Stephen Harper for not launching a massive green technology stimulus program, similar to Barack Obama’s.
Canada has government-funded green energy programs, of course. But none big enough to satisfy those naive enough to believe that squandering public money on impractical, uneconomical and unreliable “green” energy technologies somehow helps the environment. As it turns out, it’s a good thing Harper didn’t follow Obama’s lead, since the latter’s green energy fund is rapidly turning into an $80-billion boondoggle. Its most infamous scandal was the collapse of Solyndra, a California solar panel manufacturing company that was Obama’s poster child for green energy.The company filed for bankruptcy protection last year following a promotional visit by Obama, leaving U.S. taxpayers on the hook for $535 million in federal loan guarantees and throwing 1,100 people out of work. But Solyndra, which started the application process under the Bush administration and was the first company to receive funding from Obama’s green technology fund, is just the tip of the iceberg. As the Washington Post reported last month after a year-long examination of the fund, including an analysis of thousands of memos, records and e-mails, “Obama’s entire $80-billion clean-technology program has begun to look like a political liability for (his) administration.”
So, it's typical of all these Green technologies. The tech. usually can't make it on it's own and requires Gov't funding. Translation: Our tax dollars need to support it, or it's a no go. Or, if it can, for ex. Electric Cars, the vehicle isn't practical-to charge, low speed, batteries when disposed of are NOT enviro-friendly-as a matter of fact, it's hypocritical of Green's to SUPPORT Elec. Cars which are NOT, to a huge extent, enviro friendly! You'll never hear about the tremendous hypocrisy in the Green movement, they just tell you what they want to.

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